Title: Cut following the dotted lines
1Brotherhood is in our DNA
Love is the most important rule for everything we
do. It makes us act in justice and brings peace
around us. Nations do need laws that respond
better to the needs of their citizens, and this
is true also on an international level, but what
is most needed is that all men and women learn
how to live mutual love as the most important
thing in their lives.
Is it possible to live in justice with one
another? Yes, if we recognize that all people
are our brothers and sisters, that all humanity
is one family. We can live a spirit of universal
brotherhood. How
can this be unless there is one Father of all of
us? God already gave us the spirit of
universal brotherhood in the DNA of every human
being. DNA is the essential element that makes
us human. And every father wants his children to
love one another, to treat each other as true
brothers and sisters. Thats why Jesus, the Son
of the heavenly Father and the Brother to every
human being, came on earth and gave us the law
for society Love one another!
Thats what happened to Ilenia from Hungary
Cut following the dotted lines
With greater commitment
How can we live this Word of Life during the
month? By being more committed to carrying out
our duties as children, as students, or even as
team members in sports. We have to recognize that
the others are part of our own family and they
need our attention, our respect, our support. If
we put mutual love at the basis of our
relationships with others, which is also the best
way to express our love for God, then we will be
living in justice and be pleasing to God.
I had done an assignment in English
and I got a very good grade on it. However, when
I looked over my work, I realized that the
teacher had not noticed a very serious mistake I
made. So the grade she gave me was incorrect!
What should I do? Should I tell the whole class,
or go to the teacher and tell her, knowing that
she would give me a much lower grade?
After thinking it over, I decided to
get in line with other students who wanted to ask
the teacher something about the assignment. When
my turn came, I showed my teacher the mistake I
had found, but she decided to leave my grade as
it was, because she wanted to reward me for my
WoL 4
Fold vertically in 4 parts
From the commentary of Chiara Lubich
Integrity will bring peace, justice give
lasting security. (Is. 32,17)
To act in justice
One way to love others is to respect the rules of
our life in society and to do our duty.
These words are our Word of Life for this
month. The prophet Isaiah is announcing a future
of hope for humanity, almost like a new creation,
or a new earth where justice will be lived,
giving peace and security to all people. This new
period of peace (in Hebrew, peace is shalom) will
be the work of the Holy Spirit, the divine Spirit
who will have the power to renew all of creation.
This will come about because the pact between God
and his people, and people with one another, will
be respected, and union with God brings about
communion among his people.
Fold horizontally in 2