Title: The damage of Dlouhe Strane dam lining
1The damage of Dlouhe Strane dam lining
- Jaromír Ríha, Jana Buchtová
- Water Structures Institute Brno University of
Dams at the Beginning of the 21st
CenturyInstitute for Hydraulic Engineering and
Applied Hydromechanics TU Dresden
2The Dlouhe Strane scheme
- Introduction
- Jeseniky region
- In operation from 1993
- Lower and upper reservoir
- Asphalt facing (upstream sealing)
- 10 years without any problem
- 2002 - upper reservoir - problems with sealing
Dams at the Beginning of the 21st
CenturyInstitute for Hydraulic Engineering and
Applied Hydromechanics TU Dresden
3The Dlouhe Strane upper reservoir
- 2002the damage and propagation of blisters
Dams at the Beginning of the 21st
CenturyInstitute for Hydraulic Engineering and
Applied Hydromechanics TU Dresden
4The Dlouhe Strane upper reservoir
- 2002 2003
- Partial repairs
Dams at the Beginning of the 21st
CenturyInstitute for Hydraulic Engineering and
Applied Hydromechanics TU Dresden
5Degradation, research
- 2004
- Thousands of blisters
- Partial repairs weren't effective
- Research
- Improper aggregate in AC - basalt
- Severe climate conditions
- Water level fluctuations
- Decision complete reconstruction
Dams at the Beginning of the 21st
CenturyInstitute for Hydraulic Engineering and
Applied Hydromechanics TU Dresden
6Reconstruction of upper reservoir
- Steps of decision procedure
- Database of reconstructed dams
- Extensive investigation
- chemical structure of grains
- properties of AC
- Two possible technologies
- Asphaltic concrete
- Geomembrane
- Decision process
- FMEA (Failure mode and effect analysis)
Dams at the Beginning of the 21st
CenturyInstitute for Hydraulic Engineering and
Applied Hydromechanics TU Dresden
7Failure mode and effect analysis
- Checklist of failures
- AC
- GM
- Evaluation
Dams at the Beginning of the 21st
CenturyInstitute for Hydraulic Engineering and
Applied Hydromechanics TU Dresden
8Failure mode and effect analysis
- Variants
- 0 - current state
- 1.2 AC whole slope
- 1.4 AC slope above 1339 m
- 2.1 GM whole slope
- 2.3 GM slope above 1339 m
Dams at the Beginning of the 21st
CenturyInstitute for Hydraulic Engineering and
Applied Hydromechanics TU Dresden
9Failure mode and effect analysis
- Results
- Current state
- Reconstruction with AC
- Reconstruction with GM
Dams at the Beginning of the 21st
CenturyInstitute for Hydraulic Engineering and
Applied Hydromechanics TU Dresden
10Thank you for your attention
Dams at the Beginning of the 21st
CenturyInstitute for Hydraulic Engineering and
Applied Hydromechanics TU Dresden