Title: Beetle; a front-end chip for LHCb VELO
1Beetle a front-end chip for LHCb VELO
A collaboration between the ASIC-lab Heidelberg,
NIKHEF Amsterdam and the University of Oxford
- Vertex detector
- Silicon strip detectors
- Beetle architecture
- Radiation hardness
- Measured characteristics
- Conclusions
3The Vertex detector
- Provide production and decay
- vertex information
- Detector resolution 8 ?m
- 200000 strip lines
- Sampling frequency 40 MHz
- 1 MHz accepted triggers no dead
- time if readout lt 900 ns per event
- Required S/N gt 14 (10 pF load)
- Power consumption lt 6 mW/channel
- Peaking time ? 25 ns
- Pulse spill-over lt 30 after 25 ns
- Dynamic range 10 MIP
Decay distance resolution ? 120 ?m
4Silicon strip detector
- Detector capacitance 5-30 pF
- Yearly radiation dose at 8 mm
- 1?1014 1 MeV neutrons/cm2
- 300 (200) ?m thick
- 40-60 ?m inter strip distance
- 1 MIP creates 22000 electrons
- LHCb requirements depend on
- efficiency, technical limits, costs
- Energy loss distribution obeys
- a Landau function
- Non ionizing energy loss is expected to
- be the major source of radiation damage
- of the Silicon detector
- Fully depleted
5Beetle architecture
128 channels
test channel
dummy channel
pipeline readout
Pipeline 128?186
multiplexer 32?4
Readout via 2 m twisted-pair cable, repeater card
Multi event buffer
6Beetle layout
- Dimensions 6.1 mm ? 5.5 mm
- Pitch input pads 41.2 ?m
- Positive supply 2.5 V
- Analog output driver
- 50 mV/MIP
- No dead channels allowed
- lt 0.1 dead pipeline cells
4 outputs
front-end amplifiers
pipeline readout amplifiers
128 analogue inputs
pipeline readout control
7Radiation hard design
Tolerable irradiation dose gt 10 Mrad in 5 years
- Obtain radiation hardness with
- Tox lt 10 nm tunneling decreases the
- trapped ions in the gate-oxide
- Enclosed nMOS prevents large
- leakage currents
- Guardrings around nMOS
Single event upset (SEU) triggered by single
particles tests needed Control logic protected
by SEU use triple redundant flip-flops with
majority encoding
8Radiation tests (TID)
Test with X-ray facility at CERN
Total ionizing dose results in gate bias
voltage shifts
Beetle1.1 showed full functionality up to 30 Mrad
(15 LHCb years) full trigger / readout
functionality full slow control
functionality performance degradations are small
9ENC measurements
ENC behaviour of the new Beetle front end
(measured on a test chip) 449 e- 46.8
e-/pF The channel thermal noise dominates the
noise for an input transistor with a large
area 45.3 e-/pF (calculated) 1 MIP in the
detector generates 22000 electrons
10Pulse shape
- Measured
- 15 ns rise time
- 20 spillover
- HSPICE calculated
- pulse (solid line)
11The Beetle in a Testbeam
- Scintillator trigger
- Tracks used
- 40 MHz sampling rate
- Two Beetle chips bonded
- Aligned with 30 ?m
- precision
12Testbeam results
17.5 ns rise time 21.3 spill over
Sstrip/Nstrip 13.3 Scluster/Nstrip 15.3
13Conclusions and outlook
- The Beetle1.1 fulfills the LHCb requirements
- rise time
- spillover
- S/N
- sample frequency
- radiation hardness
- Additional data with 16 Beetle1.1 chips on a
- VELO Beetle hybrid bonded to a silicon detector
- Improved Beetle1.2 available since July (see LEB)
- Beetle also considered for the Inner tracker,
RICH - detector and the pile-up veto detector (LHCb)
16RF tests?
17Analogue readout?
left - signal pulse shape - comparator
output right - binary readout (4
consecutive BX)
track mode
Comparator output level shifter is too
slow ? causes spill-over to the second
BX ? Beetle 1.2 has now an output buffer
pulse mode