Title: CAD Tool
1CAD Tool
Brians Automated Modular Biochemical
Instantiator (BAMBI)
- Names of types.
- Functional dependencies.
- Probability distribution on outcomes.
- Reactions implementing specification.
- Measures of accuracy and robustness.
2Natural Stochasticity
Lambda Bacteriophage (Adam Arkin, 1998)
Hijack (Lysis)
Stealth (Lysogeny)
3Natural Stochasticity
Portfolio of Responses
Prob. 0.2
Prob. 0.8
4Modeling Natural Systems
Lambda Bacteriophage (Adam Arkin, 1998)
- Real model 117 reactions in 61 types.
- Our synthetic model 19 reactions in 17 types.
Curve-fits for data from Monte Carlo simulations
for both the natural and synthetic models,
sweeping the quantity of the input type moi from
1 through 10.
5Synthesizing Stochasticity
Synthesizing Stochasticity in Biochemical Systems
- (potential) Applicationsbiochemical sensing,
drug production, disease treatment. - (immediate) Impetus framework for analyzing and
characterizing the stochastic behavior of natural
biological systems.
6Reduced-Order Modeling
Lambda Bacteriophage (Adam Arkin, 1998)
- Real model 117 reactions in 61 types.
- Our synthetic model 19 reactions in 17 types.
Curve-fits for data from Monte Carlo simulations
for both the natural and synthetic models,
sweeping the quantity of the input type moi from
1 through 10.
7Natural Stochasticity
Lambda Bacteriophage (Arkin et al., 1998)
Portfolio of Responses
Prob. 0.2
Prob. 0.8
8Natural Stochasticity
Lambda Bacteriophage (Arkin et al., 1998)
9Synthesizing Stochasticity
Lambda Bacteriophage (Arkin et al., 1998)
Synthesizing withBAMBI
- Real model 117 reactions in 61 types.
- Our synthetic model 19 reactions in 17 types.
10Synthesis Results
Curve-fits for data from Monte Carlo simulations
for both the natural and synthetic models,
sweeping the quantity of the input type moi from
1 through 10.