Title: Diablo Canyon NPP RiskInformed Inservice Inspection
1Diablo Canyon NPPRisk-Informed In-service
IAEA Training Course on Safety Assessment of NPPs
to Assist Decision Making
Lecturer Lesson IV 3_11.3
IAEA Workshop
City , CountryXX - XX Month, Year
2Purpose of In-service Inspection
- To identify conditions, such as flaw indications,
that are precursors to leaks and rupture, which
violate pressure boundary integrity principles.
3RI-ISI benefits
- Enhance or maintained plant safety (CDF/LERF)
- Enhanced component reliability for high safety
significance components (HSSCs) - Reduce nondestructive exams (NDE)
- Reduced man-rem exposure
- Other unquantifiable benefits
- Reduced costs of engineering analysis (flaw
evaluations, etc.) - Reduced outage time
- Reduced chance of complicating plant operations
(scaffolding, leakage, etc.)
4ASME Section XI Enhanced by Risk-Informed ISI
5Overall Risk-Informed ISI Process
6Segment Definition
- Full Scope Definition
- All Class 1, 2, and 3 piping systems in ASME
Section XI - Piping fluid systems modeled in PSA
- Various balance of plant (non-nuclear code class)
fluid systems of importance - Systems included under scope of Maintenance Rule
determined to be risk-significant - Systems included in program are reviewed by
expert panel for concurrence - Partial Scope Definition
- Subset of piping classes such as ASME Class 1
piping only (includes piping exempt from current
7Segment Definition
- Segment defined based on
- Piping which have same consequence (loss of train
A of RHR, loss of RWST, inside or outside
containment consequences) - Where flow splits or joins (traditional PSA
modeling points) - Includes piping to a point in which a pipe
failure could be isolated (e.g., check valve,
MOV, AOV, no credit for manual valves) - Pipe size changes
- Failure probability expected to be markedly
different due to material properties - Iterative process with Consequence Evaluation
8Segment Definition
- Subdivided system into piping segments
- Assigned numerical identifier
- Based upon similar consequence
- Marked PIds field isometrics
- Determined failure modes effects analysis (FMEA)
- Without operator action
- With operator action
9Consequence Evaluation
- Both direct and indirect (spatial) effects are
considered - PSA is used to quantify impact
- Consistent with EPRI PSA Applications Guide
- Calculations for CDF and LERF
- Conditional probability/frequency given piping
failure - Considers multiple impacts
- Initiating event impact
- Single/multiple component/train/system impacts
- Combinations of impacts
10Direct Effects Evaluation
- Failure effect based on disabling segment
function leak - PRA and system information used to determine if
piping failure causes - An initiating event (e.g. LOCA, Reactor Trip)
- Loss of train or system
- Loss of multiple trains or systems
- Combination of the above
11Overview Of Indirect Effects Evaluation
- Purpose of Evaluation
- To review any issues in identifying potential
indirect effects/consequences from piping
failures - Identify indirect effects that would
differentiate piping segments from each other
12Indirect Effects
- Considerations
- Flooding, spraying, dripping should be
primarily addressed by the PSA internal flooding
analyses for all plant areas - Pipe Whip, jet impingement concern is primarily
for high-energy fluid system piping
13Indirect Effects Process
- Prewalkdown
- Review existing documents which examine the local
effects of pipe breaks for the systems in the
risk-informed ISI program - Identify other systems/trains affected by a
failure in each area - Identify plant areas for plant walkdown
- Document evaluation
- Develop walkdown sheets for key areas
- Walkdown
- Perform walkdown and document results, actions,
issues - Post Walkdown
- Evaluate results
- Resolve actions
14Failure Probability Assessment Process
- Industry failure experience
- Identification of potential failure modes and
causes - Specific-plant information layout, materials,
operating conditions and experience - Use of tools or data to calculate failure
probability - Estimation of leak and break probabilities by
engineering team
15Failure Probability Assessment Process
Engineering Team
-ISI/NDE Engineering -Materials
Engineering -Design Stress Engineering
(Engineering Mechanics) -Plant System Engineer
16RI-ISI Expert Panel Process
17Mapping of Surry Segments on Structural Element
Selection Matrix
18Presentation Format
- Overview of RI-ISI approach
- Detailed comparison
- Scope and segment definition
- Consequence evaluation
- Failure probability assessment process
- Risk evaluation
- Selection of elements and NDE methods (expert
panel) - Change in Risk calculations
- RI-ISI implementation (not addressed here)
19EPRI-RI-ISI Process
20Segment Definition
- Segment definition guidelines (similar in both
methodologies) - Piping which have same consequences
- Where flow splits or joins
- Pipe size changes
- Change in piping material
- Isolation capability
- EPRI uses the above plus same failure mechanism
21Consequence Evaluation
- Deterministic evaluation of piping
failure-induced impact (both methodologies) - Direct impact (e.g. loss of a train)
- Indirect impact (e.g. damage caused by flooding,
jet impingement) - Multiple impacts (e.g. initiating events
Accident mitigation) - Probabilistic evaluation
- EPRI uses a bounding worst case evaluation (using
matrix or calculation) - WOG uses surrogate(s) to quantify condition CDF
(CDP) and LERF (LERP) for spectrum of failure
modes (leak, disabling leak, double ended break)
utilizing internal events PSA model
22Structural Reliability Assessment
- Both methodologies evaluate potential for pipe
failure - EPRI qualitatively classifies potential for pipe
rupture as High, Medium, or Low based on
degradation mechanisms, in-service data, expert
knowledge (no code). - WOG uses SRRA code (stays with the user) to
quantify leak/rupture frequency/probability based
on in-service data, potential failure mechanisms,
and plant specific information (e.g. layout,
materials, operating and conditions, etc.)
23Risk Evaluation
- EPRI uses risk matrix to separately categorize
piping segments in the high, medium, or low
classifications using prescriptive criteria for
the consequence and rupture potential elements
(risk is not calculated). It uses plant staff to
review the results and concur with the risk
ranking results - WOG methodology uses standard approaches for
CDF/LERF calculation (ie. Frequency CCDP) and
risk ranking process (RAW and RRW).
Additionally, expert panel discussions are held
to review PSA results and include other potential
risk contributors (e.g. shutdown risk, external
events, etc.) - WOG methodology allows credit for aumented
24Element Selection
- Both methodologies inspect for cause
- EPRI methodology uses prescriptive rules (fixed
percentages) to determine the population of
elements to be inspected - WOG methodology uses a combination of
prescriptive and statistical rules to determine
the population of elements to be inspected.
25WOG Matrix
26EPRI Risk Matrix
Consequence Assessment
Failure Potential Assessment
27Change in Risk Calculations
- EPRI methodology uses a progressively more
quantitative evaluation to assess the changes in
Risk - Qualitative
- Bounding
- Simplified
- Complex
- WOG methodology calculates the change in Risk
based on the change in pipe failure frequency
(probability) due to the proposed change in the
Inspection program. The calculations are
consistent with those performed to calculate the