Title: The Insurgent Perspective
1The Insurgent Perspective
- Will Reno
- Department of Political Science
- Northwestern University
- www.willreno.org
2Nice Insurgents
Hargeisa, Somalia (Somaliland)
3Nasty Insurgents (somewhere out there)
Monrovia, Liberia in the 1990s
4What do Nasty Insurgents look like?
- Sierra Leone Violation counts by type and sex
of the victim - Males Females
- Violation Type Count Percent Count
Percent Ratio M/F - Forced Displacement 5020 63.1 2941 36.9 1.71
- Abduction 3888 65.4 2058 34.6 1.89
- Arbitrary Detention 3235 67.2 1581 32.8
2.05 - Killing 3333 74.4 1149 25.6 2.90
- Destruction of Property 2406 70.9 988 29.1
2.44 - Assault / Beating 2330 72.0 905 28.0 2.57
- Looting of Goods 2126 70.0 911 30.0 2.33
- Physical Torture 1517 74.1 529 25.9 2.87
- Forced Labour 1347 73.5 485 26.5 2.78
- Extortion 931 73.3 339 26.7 2.75
- Rape 0 0.0 626 100.0 0.00
- Sexual Abuse 299 61.5 187 38.5 1.60
- Amputation 276 73.8 98 26.2 2.82
- Forced Recruitment 295 89.1 36 10.9 8.19
- Sexual Slavery 0 0.0 189 100.0 0.00
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7What Makes Some Insurgents Nasty and Why Does It
Matter to Us?
- The Main Point The way that insurgents fight
reflects the politics of the places in which they
fight - Why Does It Matter? Understanding local politics
is the entry point for understanding the logic of
how particular insurgents work.
8Regime Instability in Africa(African presidents
as poor actuarial risks)
- End of regime through military coups and other
violent removals from power 60.2 (1960-91) - Removal from power resulting in death of
president 18 (1960-91) - Removal from power resulting in exile of
president 23.3 (1960-91) - Post-1990 Armed challenges to regimes resulting
in civil war and / or state collapse Liberia,
Sierra Leone, Somalia, Congo, Guinea-Bissau - Violence associated with recent elections
Nigeria (2007), Kenya (2008)
9The Exit of Historical Leaders of Insurgencies
10Processes of Regime Fragmentation
- How many degrees of separation between rebels
and government? (Political Godfathers, criminal
gangs and rebels) -
- The problem of civic activism We are ruled by
criminals, and criminals do not allow these
problems to be solved. -
11The Bottom Line
- Many insurgencies in Africa reflect processes of
regime fragmentation and the survival strategies
of elite groups to retain power. - What would change that equation?
12Could New Global Narratives Fire Up New Kinds of
- Narratives and technology Broadband Youtube
revolution - Narratives and generational experiences of living
without a central government (Somalia, Congo) - What would it take to organize people around a
narrative of shared oppression?
13Broadband Africa
14Look for the Insurgent Break-away Why do some
insurgents in Africa use the web while most
others do not?
- Search Youtube for shabaab and nasheed and
you get 205 hits - MEND and Nigeria produces only 71 hits,
mostly news reports -
- Learning how insurgents work through their uses
of technology what is the significance of
variable uses of the internet?
15Applying Lessons from Africa to Counterinsurgency
in Afghanistan