Title: Land Cover Mapping
1- Land Cover Mapping
- And Modeling
- April 11, 2006
- David Baldwin
- Frank Schnekenburger
2Requested Products
- Evaluate and select relevant landscape simulation
models - Model proposed landscape scenarios
- Translate scenario goals, parameters, data
- Complete landscape scenarios and package results
- Develop methods and spatial layer for current
land cover - Forested, wetland, agricultural, and developed
land - Develop methods / results for a suite of
landscape analyses - Characterize the current and projected landscapes
3Evaluate Landscape Simulation Models
- Earlier report lead to preliminary selection of
VDDT / TELSA framework - Subsequent evaluation confirmed selection
- Overall flexibility for defining custom
successional pathways, natural and anthropogenic
disturbance parameters - Ability to model deterministic and stochastic
processes - Ability to maintain polygon-based variable sized
modeling units to capture linear features - User support including formal training.
4Model Landscape Scenarios
- VDDT / TELSA framework in place
- Documented practical use guide
- Tested with sample current land cover data
- Landscape scenarios will be completed as goals,
parameters defined - Explicit definition of scenarios (spatial
implications) - Successional and disturbance pathway parameters
- Effort redirected
- Current land cover development
- Landscape analysis
5Current Land Cover Study Area
6Current Land Cover
- Critical starting point for several scenarios
- Complete landscape depiction
- Forest
- Wetland
- Agricultural
- Developed
- Classification developed to meet wide range of
modeling requirements - Wildlife habitat
- Landuse patterns, development rates
- Maximize spatial and thematic detail to aggregate
as required
7Current Land Cover Forest Classes
- OMNR Ecological Land Classification
- Ecosite level
- Link to other reporting and wildlife matrices
- Based on
- Forest Resources Inventory (FRI)
- Soils (County soils mapping - moisture, texture)
- Terrain (10m DEM - terrain indices)
- FRI polygons as mapping units
- Avoids averaging of species composition
8Forest Classes FRI Data Preparation
- FRI Modifications
- Species composition to allow addition
- Dissolve OBM boundaries
9Forest Classes Soils Data Preparation
10Forest Classes Soils Data Preparation
11Forest Classes Terrain Analysis
- Used to refine Ecosite assignment
- Standard terrain measures
- Slope, aspect
- Terrain and wetness indices
- Curvature, slope position, flow accumulation
- 3D Visualization used to assess usefulness
- Four selected
- Relative Slope Position
- Terrain Complexity Index
- Topographic Convergence Index
- Topographic Relative Moisture Index
12Terrain Analysis Relative Slope Position
13Terrain Analysis Terrain Complexity
14Terrain Analysis Topographic Convergence
15Terrain Analysis Relative Moisture
16Forest Classes Assigning Ecosites
- Dominant soil and terrain characteristics
assigned to each FRI polygon - Composite scores for terrain / soil attributes
- Logical statements built to define Ecosites
- Broad forest type and site groupings assigned
- Final Ecosite assignment based on species
17Wetland Classes Data Preparation
- OMNR Evaluated wetlands (fens, bogs, marsh)
- Swamps classified to Ecosite level
18Agricultural Classes Data Preparation
- Generalized agricultural classes to suit modeling
requirements - Row crops
- Cereals
- Pasture
- Other intensive (e.g. orchard, horticulture)
- Based on 2001-2003 data from Agriculture Agri-
Food Canada - Polygon-based field boundaries
- Landsat-based land cover and crop classification
19Agricultural Classes Data Preparation
- Combined field boundaries and crop data
20Cover Types Input Layers
FRI and Agriculture Alignment
Roads not always removed
21Cover Types Overlay
Spatial gaps not separated from rural developed
22Cover Types Identifying Rural Developed
Buildings added
23Cover Types Filtering
Lakes, roads, not filtered or spread
24Cover Types Roads Removed
25Status and Next Steps
- Land cover currently being reviewed by team
- Simple rules to grow forest to 2006
- Develop landscape scenarios as definitions and
parameters are available - Complete landscape analyses for current land
cover, PNV, scenarios as available
26Contact Information
David Baldwin Phone (705)-253-4487 Fax
(705)-253-1493 Email baldwin_at_spatialworks.com W
eb www.spatialworks.com