Search for Q pentaquark at Belle - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Search for Q pentaquark at Belle


from ~20% of data. uniform over. running period. epKs/epK = 0.43 0.05 ... Q(1540) signal searched for using kaon. secondary interactions ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Search for Q pentaquark at Belle

Search for Q pentaquark at Belle
University of Ljubljana
hep-ex/0507014 submitted to PLB
B. Golob University of Ljubljana,
Slovenia Belle Collaboration
  • KEKB and Belle detector
  • Inclusive production of Q
  • Exclusive production of Q

KEKB asymmetric B factory
p(e-) 8.0 GeV/c
p(e) 3.5 GeV/c
?Ldt 480 fb-1
Lpeak 1.58x1034 s-1 cm-2
Presented analysis ?Ldt 357 fb-1
Belle detector
Central Drift Chamber
e 3.5 GeV
3(4) layer Si det.
s(pt)/pt 0.3 vpt21
e- 8 GeV
Aerogel Cherenkov (n1.015- 1.030)
m and KL Counter (14/15 layers RPCFe)
Particle ID e(K)85 e(p?K)lt10 _at_ plt3.5
1.5T SC solenoid
EM calorimeter CsI (16X0)
Measurement method
  • kaons produced in ee- annihilation
  • as projectiles

  • search for Q(1540) in
  • secondary interactions

N in material
  • Selection
  • identified p, K not from IP (drgt0.1 cm)
  • Ks -gt pp-
  • detached vtx, not from IP (drgt0.1 cm),
  • 3s within m(Ks)
  • pK detached vtx (1 cm lt r lt 11 cm)

Measurement method
(x,y) coord. of pKs secondary vertices gt
detector tomography
pK pairs arising from interactions with
nucleons in detector material
Inclusive production of Q
inclusive analysis of m(pK-) and m(pKs) no
suppression of inelastic reactions, no estimate
of charge exchange Kn ? pKs
fit to threshold func. D-wave BW ? resolution
(4.020.08)x104 L(1520) (2.5 G) G and m
consistent with PDG
pK ? L(1520) ? pK formation, p(L) 400 MeV/c
0.5 vtxs with add. K KN ?L(1520) X
Inclusive production of Q
fit m(pKs) to Gaussian 3rd order polinomyal
s2 MeV/c2 from MC small corr. from W- ? L K-
lt 2.5 _at_ 90 C.L.
assuming B(Q?pKs)25 using B(L?pK-) ½
B(L?NK) ½ (451) es from MC
Exclusive production of Q
  • exclusive search for Kn ? Q ? pKs
  • motivated by DIANA result
  • Phys.Atom.Nucl. 66, 1715 (2003)
  • main steps
  • suppression of inelastic reactions
  • (additional p0 or unrec. p
  • major bkg. also contributions from
  • Ks,Lp ? pKs)
  • normalize to charge exchange Kn ? pKs(Nch)
  • Nch indirectly from elastic Kp ? Kp (Nel)
  • interpretation NQ/Nch ? GQ
  • Cahn, Trilling, PRD69, 11501 (2004)

NQ/Nch 0.66 0.19
GQ 0.9 0.3 MeV
Exclusive production of Q
number of charge exchange events
MC may not reproduce M and e accurately enough P
and S model dependent
use data and estimate Nch relative to Nel
Kn ? pKs Kp ? Kp
Exclusive production of Q
process enabling a counting of Kp ? pK
D- ? D0p- ? (Kp-)D0 p-
ratio Nch/Nel
Material and nuclear effects mostly cancel out
Exclusive production of Q
D- ? D0p- ? (Kp-)D0 p-
  • EN mN - 2e - pF2/2mN

K projectile
e 7 MeV Sibirtsev et al., EPJ
A23, 491(2005)
Exclusive production of Q
pF for elastic events (D0), bkg. subtracted
interact- ions on hydrogen
NelD 47026
selected (enhanced elastic reactions)
DmD from secondary pK pairs combined with
additional pions
in bins of m(pK)
NelD 21 7 (Q mass)
Exclusive production of Q
from 20 of data uniform over running period
from fit to published data typical
single experiment uncertainty
from MC
epKs/epK 0.430.05
sch/sel 0.350.02
FK/FKD 85020
(Q mass)
Exclusive production of Q
Fit m(pKs) for possible Q signal
yield at various m(pKs) and UL
similar sensitivity as DIANA
  • no vtxs with additional tracks
  • 50 MeV/c lt pF lt 300 MeV/c
  • 3rd order polynom.signal (s2 MeV/c2)

DIANA GQ 0.90.3 MeV
GQ lt 0.64 MeV _at_ 90 C.L.
  • Q(1540) signal searched for using kaon
  • secondary interactions
  • similar CM energy as in some positive
  • result exps
  • inclusive search
  • s(KN ? Q(1540)X)/s(KN ? L(1520)X)lt2.5 _at_90
  • exclusive search
  • K n ? Q(1540) ? p Ks yield normalized to total
  • charge exchange K n ? p Ks
  • similar sensitivity to DIANA exp.
  • GQ lt 0.64 MeV _at_90 C.L. for m(Q)1540 MeV/c2
  • GQ lt 1 MeV _at_90 C.L. for m(Q)1570 MeV/c2

Selection details, backup
  • PID
  • p Lp/K gt 0.6, Lp/p gt 0.6
  • K LK/p gt 0.6, LK/p gt 0.6
  • not identified as e
  • L likelihood based on CDC, ACC, TOF
  • Ks
  • pp- 10 MeV (3s) from m(Ks)
  • zdist at vtx lt 1 cm
  • dr of daughters gt 0.1 cm
  • q(p(Ks), r(vtx,IP)) lt 90o
  • pK vtx
  • dr(p,K) gt 0.1 cm
  • zdist at vtx lt 1 cm
  • q(p(pK), r(vtx,IP)) lt 90o
  • other

typical resolution on sec. vtx 400 mm (r)
angular cuts (DIANA) do not improve S/N or
sensitivity after the pF selection applied
(suppression of 1.2, e93 ? significance
L projectiles, backup
Fitted parameters Of L(1520) m1518.50.1
MeV/c2 G13.50.4 MeV PDG m1519.51.0
MeV/c2 G15.61.0 MeV
  • possible projectiles to produce L(1520)
  • K-, Ks, KL, L (?)
  • p(L)1.8 GeV/c (z0.35) to produce L(1520)
  • _at_29 GeV fraction L(z0.35) 10
  • s(ee-?LX)80 pb
  • s(ee-?K0X)470 pb
  • N(L)/N(K0) 2
  • Tasso, PRD45, 3949 (1992)
  • s(K-p?L(1520))3 mb, s(Lp, total)30mb
  • assuming equal prod. rate of K0, K-
  • Lp?L(1520)X / Kp?L(1520)X 10
  • (if s(Lp, total) saturated by L(1520))

L projectiles contribute few to L(1520)
Spectral function, backup
Energy of nucleon within a nuclei Eq vq2mN2
U(q,r) U(q,r) nuclear potential Fermi momentum
300 MeV/c ? Eq mN q2/2mN - U(q,r) if U ?
1/r, virial theorem, U -2 q2/2mN Eq mN -
q2/2mN checks use of Eq mN 2e - q2/2mN,
with fixed e gives - correct mD0 - expected pF
distrib. use of Eq mN ER ER (removal
energy) tuned to reproduce mD0 ? ER26 MeV ER 2e
q2/2mN, nucleons with higher momenta are more
tightly bound
  • Sibirtsev et al.
  • EPJ A23, 491(2005)
  • Z.Phys. A358, 357(1997)

Q exclusive integrals, backup
all quantities depending only on m(pK) ? factorize
  • products Me approx. independent of q ? decoupled
    from F
  • fraction of recon. D in pF hydrogen peak w.r.t.
  • independent of p(pK) since fraction ? 1/P ? P
    ? F(p(pK))

cancels in the ratio
S(EN,pF) W(pF)d(EN-f(pF)) W(pF) Fermi mom.
distrib. (data) f(pF) defined so that EN
f(pF) ? max. of S(EN,pF)
remaining eff. dependence on p(pK) at given m(pK)
Q exclusive integrals, backup
ratio Nch/Nel
MC integration pF assumed isotropic w.r.t.
pK e(p(pK)) ? 3 corr. to the ratio uncertainty
dominated by assumed EN, pF relation
pF distribution, backup
Fit to
(oscillator model)
p01154 MeV/c comparable to other measurements
of pF, e.g. B.M. Abramov et al., JETP Lett. 71,
using ENmN ? hydrogen peak exactly at 0
additional plots , backup
sch/sel 0.350.02
FK/FKD 85020
from fit to published data typical
single experiment uncertainty
s16 MeV/c2
major uncertainty from EN, pF relation
Fit to m(pKs) sensitivity to GQ 0.42 MeV
epKs/epK 0.430.05
from Geant based MC uncertainties in tracking
and Ks eff., second. vtx eff., material desc.,
reaction kinem., MC stat.
GQ, backup
R.N. Cahn, G.H. Trilling, PRD69, 11501 (2004)
BW form s(m) BiBfs0G2/4 / (m-m0)2G2/4 s068
mb (J1/2) mass resolution broader than natural
width ? integral I? s(m) dm 107 mb BiBf G
estimate of 26 signal evts in two 5 MeV bins,
bkg. level 22 evts / bin assumed bkg. from
charge exchange, sch4.10.3 mb ? I (26/22) x 5
MeV x 4.1 mb 24 mb MeV BiBf1/2 G0.90.3
Ks,KL p ? Q ? p Ks, backup
A. Kaidalov, private comm.
apart from charge exchange reactions also Ks p ?
Ks p and KL p ? Ks p may contribute to signal KL
p ? Q ? p Ks interference between amplitudes for
same final state can lead to hole in s(KL p,
total) due to Q s(KL p, total) 2 mb ?
negative interference lt 1 mb (also depending on
decay angles) s(K n ? Q ? p Ks) 17 mb
(DIANA) hole negligible Ks p ? Q ? p Ks would
also compensate for that
Other S states, backup
total s(pK-) shows two prominent structures at
1520 MeV/c2 and at 1800 MeV/c2 latter due to
several overllaping L and S states clearly
seen, hard to interpret
Some additional statistics, backup
95 C.L. limits GQ lt 0.78 MeV (_at_ 1539 MeV/c2)
lt 1.11 MeV (wide range) probability of stat.
fluctuation for the signal of the DIANA size to
the level observed by BELLE 3
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