Title: 2005 Hog Market Situation and Outlook
12005 Hog MarketSituation and Outlook
Presented by
John D. Lawrence Iowa State University
2Hog Outlook Overview
- Amazing demand
- Record large supplies
- Breeding herd stable???
- Duties on Canadian hogs and pigs
- Profits through Labor Day or more
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4Overview Dec 31, 2004
- Total meat supply -3.0
- Pork supply 2.6
- Slaughter 2.0
- Sow slaughter
- 3.7 1st half, -.4 2nd half
- Pork in Cold Storage -0.4
- Exports 26 through November
- Mexico 64, Japan 11
5Amazing Demand
- Pork production is up 2.6
- Prices are UP approximately 30
- Does it hold at 2004 levels or fall back to 2003
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13Pork Trade Jan-Nov
- Imports Share v. 2003
- Total -7.4
- Canada 80.6 -8.7
- Exports
- Total 26.6
- Japan 43.2 11.2
- Mexico 24.7 64.3
- Canada 10.6 24.0
- China (PRCTAI) 8.9 66.0
- Russia 3.1 298.3
- Other 21.6 24.7
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15Dec. 04 Hogs and Pigs Inventory
Mil Hd Chg All Hogs 60.50 0.09 Breeding
Herd 5.97 -0.7 Market Hogs 54.53 0.2 Under
60 19.64 -0.7 60-119 13.44 1.5 120-179 11.29
1.6 180 10.17 -1.4
16Dec. 04 Hogs and Pigs Inventory
Mil Hd Chg Pig Crop Jun-Aug 26.01 0.1 S
ept-Nov 25.56 0.3 Farrowing Intentions Dec-Feb
2.855 0.7 Mar-May 2.868 -0.07
17Production and Price Forecast
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23Canadian Duties
- Approximately 14 of value on live animals
exported to US - Slaughter hogs 18-19
- Feeder pigs 7-8
- Weaned pig 4-5
- Seller will pay most in end
- Results
- More Canadian slaughter long term
- More Canadian pigs short term
24Implications Greater Risk than Reward on Demand
- At or near record prices in 2004
- Demand
- Higher we are the harder we fall?
- Reached a new plateau?
- Wont continue to bail out supply
- Beef trade negative for pork
- Cattle from Canada
- Beef to Japan
25Implications Record Production and Expansion
- New packer capacity by fall 05
- North American expansion moderate
26Risk Management
- Futures and options
- Basis estimates
- Livestock Gross Margin
- Available end of each month
- Livestock Revenue Protection
- Available from close until 900am
28LRP Coverage Prices and Rates Jan 25
29Hog Outlook Overview
- How long will demand carry the day
- Large supplies
- Breeding herd ???
- Lower feed cost
- Canadian duties