Title: Julie of the Wolves Vocabulary list 6
1Julie of the Wolves Vocabulary list 6
2Teacher page
- Content Reading
- Grade Level 6
- Creator Jean Akerly
- Curriculum Obj./MAP Standard increase student
3Constellation-group of stars usually having a
recognized pattern
- How did Julie use the constellations?
4Wilderness-a wild region with no people living in
- What did the author describe as being part of the
5Accuracy- being without errors or mistakes
- Who or what had to have accuracy in the novel?
- When is it important to have accuracy?
6Fascination-very strong attraction
- Give an example of something you might be
fascinated with.
7Concentrated-bring or come together in one place
- What kinds of things were concentrated in the
story and where were they concentrated?
8Sustain-to provide with enough nourishment to
keep going or hold on
- What did the animal need to sustain life?
- What do you think a house might need to sustain
being hit by a hurricane?
9Expert-a very skillful person that knows a great
deal about something, displaying special knowledge
- In what area do you hope to become an expert in
later in your life?
10Ration-a limited amount of food or materials
- What did Julie have to ration?
- Why did she have to ration?
11Annex-join or add (a smaller thing) to a larger
- Where might you see an annex?
- Why might an annex be built or used?
12Scarce-limited in the amount, quantity, or number
- What items have you heard of as being scarce and
do you know why? - What things have you personally experienced as
being scarce?
13Spirit-the immaterial part of human beings, soul,
life giving force
- Whose spirit did Julie try to obtain or get?
- How did she do this?
14(No Transcript)