Title: Symbolic Algorithms for Verification and Control
1Symbolic Algorithms forVerification and Control
- Rupak Majumdar (UC Berkeley)
- Joint work with
- Thomas A. Henzinger, Luca de Alfaro
2Symbolic Model Checking
- Model Checking problem Given system M, and
specification f, does M ² f ? - Symbolic Model Checking
- Represent sets of states as constraints
- Algorithm manipulates sets of states
- Pre, Post, boolean operations
- Efficient BDD based methods
3Symbolic Approach to Verification and Control
- Abstract symbolic algorithms
- No data structure considerations
- Termination of model checking algorithms
- Relationship between verification and control
algorithms - General class of structures
- Logics, equivalences, symbolic algorithms
- Classify symbolic transition systems
- Classify symbolic games
- Relate algorithms for verification and control
- Probabilistic games
5Symbolic Algorithms forTransition Systems
- Model reactive systems as Labeled transition
systems - S Set of states (possibly infinite)
- ? Set of actions
- d S X ? ? S Successor function
6Lifted Transition Systems
- Manipulate sets of states
- S Set of states, ? Set of actions
- Post 2S X ? ? 2S Successor function
- Post(S) s9 s2 S9 a 2S. d(s,a)s
- Pre 2S X ? ? 2S Predecessor function
- Pre(S) s9 a 2S. d(s,a)2 S
7Symbolic Transition Systems
- S, ?, Pre, Post, ?
- Set of regions RR1,R2,, Ri?S
- ? ?R
- Pre, Post R X ??R
- ?,?,\ RXR?R
- ? RXR ? T,F
Symbolic semi-algorithm Start with regions in ?
and compute new regions using the operations above
8Example Rectangular Hybrid Automata
- Polyhedral hybrid systems ACH
- Rectangular automata HKPV
- Timed automata AD94
- Symbolic representation
- Regions formulas in (R, )
- Pre and Post Quantifier elimination
9Verification Questions
- Q1 Reachability
- Is an unsafe state reachable? EF unsafe
- Q2 Linear Temporal Logic (regular properties)
- Is progress being made? E(GF fair ? F goal)
- Q3 ½ Branching temporal logic(ECTL,ACTL)
- Nested reachability EF (unsafe ? EF err1 ? EF
err2) - Q4 Branching temporal logic (CTL)
- Is progress possible? AG(tick - EXEF tick)
10Q1 Reachability EF
- Is there a trajectory to an unsafe state?
R final loop if R ? init?? then yes if
Pre(R) ? R then no R R ? Pre(R) end
. . .
final ?Pre(final)
Similar algorithm by iterating Posts
11Algorithms m Calculus
- We encode symbolic algorithms as m-calculus
formulas - f p p x f1 Ç f2 f1 Æ f2 Pre(f)
- m x. f n x. f
- Expressive logic
- Can be implemented directly
- For example,
- EF p m x. p Ç Pre(x)
12Q2 LTL Model Checking
- Example Repeated Reachability EGF
- Can a set of states be reached infinitely often?
- EGF final n y m x. (Pre(x) Ç (final Æ Pre(y)))
. . . .
Operations Pre,?, ? with observables
R1 EXEF final
13Q3 ECTL Model Checking
- ECTL nested reachability
- EF(goal1 /\ EF(goal2) /\ EF(goal3))
- Operations Pre, ?, ?
EF (goal1 /\ EF goal2 /\ EF goal3)
EF goal3
EF goal2
goal1 /\ EF goal2 /\ EF goal3
14Q4 CTL Model Checking
- CTL can all trajectories from init to goal1 be
extended to goal2? - AG(goal1 - EF goal2) EF (goal1 /\ EF goal2)
- Operations Pre, ?, ?, \
EF (goal1 /\ EF goal2)
EF goal2
15Three Specification Logics
- L1 CTL (or, m calculus)
- L3 LTL
16Three Symbolic Semi-Algorithms
- A1 Close ? under pre, ?, ?, \
- A2 Close ? under pre, ?, ?
- A3 Close ? under pre, ?, ?obs
- (intersection with observables)
P0 ? for i 1,2,3, Pi Pi-1 ? pre(R) R
? Pi-1 ? R1 ? R2
R1,R2 ? Pi-1 ? R1 ? R2 R1,R2
? Pi-1 ? R1 \ R2 R1,R2 ?
Pi-1 until Pi Pi-1
17Three State Equivalences
- E1 Bisimilarity
- E2 Similarity (mutual simulation)
- E3 Trace Equivalence
- Similarity moves can be matched
- Bisimilarity Symmetric similarity
- Trace equivalence same languages
19Three Categories
Symbolic algorithms
State equivalences
A1 PreBoolean A2 Pre Positive
Boolean A3 Pre Positive Boolean
with ? only with observables
E1 Bisimilarity E2 Similarity E3 Trace
20Ai Symbolic semi-algorithm
Li State Logic
i 1,2,3
Ei State Equivalence
All regions definable by Li are generated by Ai
If Ai terminates, then symbolic model checking of
Li terminates
21Ai Symbolic semi-algorithm
Li State Logic
i 1,2,3
Ei State Equivalence
States s and t are Ei equivalent iff for all
regions R generated by Ai, s?R iff t?R
Ai terminates iff Ei has finite index
22Ai Symbolic semi-algorithm
Li State Logic
i 1,2,3
Ei State Equivalence
States s and t are Ei equivalent iff for all
formulas ? of Li, s satisfies ? iff t satisfies ?
If Ei has finite index, then Li can be model
checked on a finite quotient
23Classification of systems STACS00
- STS1
- A1 terminates, finite bisimilarity, can model
check CTL - Ex Timed automata AD94,HNSY94
- STS2
- A2 terminates, finite similarity, can model check
ECTL - Ex 2D rectangular automata HHK95
- STS3
- A3 terminates, finite trace equivalence, can
model check LTL - Ex initialized rectangular automata HKPV98,
24Why is this good?
- Useful in proving termination on specific models
- Gives symbolic algorithms at the same time
- Clarifies proofs for other algorithms
- Counterexample driven refinement for m-calculus
CONCUR02 - Recipe for engineering model checkers at a high
level independent of data structures - BLAST model checker for C POPL02,CAV02
25Classification of Games
26Open SystemsGames on Components
- Transition systems are good models for closed
systems - Like to model interactions between components
- Games as models of interaction
- Example
- Plant Control
27Control and Verification
- Can some component ensure a behavior no matter
how the other components behave? - Verification 9 Y
- Does there exist a run satisfying Y?
- Control h 1 i Y
- Does player 1 have a strategy to enforce Y on all
28Concurrent Games
- Two players
- Set of states S
- Finite set of actions S
- Transition function dSX S XS?S
- Controllable predecessor operation Cpre
- Cpre(S) s 9 a8 b. d(s,a,b)2 S
29Example Rectangular Games
- Generalization of hybrid automata to games
MPS95,AMPS98,CONCUR99 - Components (players) are explicit in the model
- Suitable for modeling hybrid control problems
30Control Questions
- Q1 Controllability
- Can player 1 force the game to goal? F goal
- Q2 Linear Temporal Logic (regular properties)
- Omega regular games (GF fair ? F goal)
- Q3 ½ alternating temporal logic (1ATL,2ATL)
- Nested controllability
- F (unsafe ? F err1 ? F err2)
- Q4 Alternating temporal logic
- Nested boolean combinations of games
- G(tick - F tick)
31Three Specification Logics
- GL1 ATL (or, alternating m calculus)
- GL2 1-ATL or 2-ATL
32Three Symbolic Semi-Algorithms
- GA1 Close ? under Cpre, ?, ?, \
- GA2 Close ? under Cpre, ?, ?
- GA3 Close ? under Cpre, ?, ?obs
- (intersection with observables)
P0 ? for i 1,2,3, Pi Pi-1 ? Cpre(R)
R ? Pi-1 ? R1 ? R2
R1,R2 ? Pi-1 ? R1 ? R2 R1,R2
? Pi-1 ? R1 \ R2 R1,R2 ?
Pi-1 until Pi Pi-1
33Three State Equivalences
- GE1 Alternating Bisimilarity AHKV
- GE2 Alternating Similarity (mutual simulation)
- GE3 Alternating Trace Equivalence
34Alternating similarity
- Similarity moves can be matched
- Alternating (or game) similarity strategies can
be matched
35Alternating similarity
- Alternating (or game) similarity strategies can
be matched
For example, if player 1 can force the game to
purple on the left, she can also force it to
purple on the right
36Three Categories
Symbolic algorithms
Game equivalences
GA1 CpreBoolean GA2 Cpre Positive
Boolean GA3 Cpre Positive Boolean
with ? only with observables
GE1 Game bisimilarity GE2 Game
similarity GE3 Game trace
37GAi Symbolic semi-algorithm
GLi State Logic
i 1,2,3
GEi State Equivalence
All regions definable by GLi are generated by GAi
If GAi terminates, then symbolic model checking
of GLi terminates
38GAi Symbolic semi-algorithm
GLi State Logic
i 1,2,3
GEi State Equivalence
States s and t are GEi equivalent iff for all
regions R generated by GAi, s?R iff t?R
GAi terminates iff GEi has finite index
39GAi Symbolic semi-algorithm
GLi State Logic
i 1,2,3
GEi State Equivalence
States s and t are GEi equivalent iff for all
formulas ? of GLi, s satisfies ? iff t satisfies ?
If GEi has finite index, then GLi can be model
checked on a finite quotient
40Classification of games CONCUR01
- GS1
- GA1 terminates, finite game bisimilarity, can
model check ATL - Ex Timed games MPS95
- GS2
- GA2 terminates, finite game similarity, can model
check ATL - Ex 2D rectangular games CONCUR99,CONCUR01
- GS3
- GA3 terminates, finite game trace equivalence,
can solve LTL control - Ex initialized rectangular games
Transition System
Property ? Is there a run satisfying ??
Property ? How can we ensure ??
Algorithm to verify ?
Algorithm to control for ?
What is the relationship between these algorithms?
42Algorithms for Verification and Control
- Consider only LTL verification and control
- Let f(Pre) be a m-calculus formula solving 9Y.
- When does f(Cpre/Pre) solve h1i Y?
- The actual algorithms for transition structures
and games may be different
43Co-Büchi PropertyEventually Always p
Verification EFG s1, s3
s1, s2, s3
Verification Algorithm m X. Pre(X) Ç (n Y. s1,
s3 Æ Pre(Y) )
So EFG p m X. Pre(X) Ç (n Y. p Æ Pre(Y))
44Co-Büchi Games
Verification EFG s1, s3
s1, s2, s3
So EFG p m X. Pre(X) Ç (n Y. p Æ Pre(Y))
Control h 1 iFG s1, s3
s1, s2, s3
Control Algorithm m X. Cpre(X) Ç (n Y. p Æ
Cpre(Y) ) ??
NO h1iFG p ? m X. Cpre(X) Ç (n Y. p Æ Cpre(Y))
45Dual Verification 9Y, 8Y
Verification problem 9Y
Is there a run satisfying Y?
Equivalent to h1i Y if player 2 has no choice
Solved using pre operator Pre (S) s 9
a2S.d(s,a) 2 S
Dual verification problem 8Y
Do all runs satisfy Y?
Equivalent to h2i Y if player 1 has no choice
Solved using 8 pre operator 8 Pre (S) s 8
a2S.d (s, a) 2 S
46Extremal Model Theorem LICS01
For an LTL formula Y, f(Cpre) solves h 1i Y
iff f(Pre) solves 9Y, and f(8 Pre) solves 8Y
- The verification questions are extreme cases
of a game where one of the players has no
choice of moves - An algorithm that solves the extreme games
correctly also solves all games in between
47Extremal Model Theorem
For an LTL formula Y, f(Cpre) solves h 1i Y
iff f(Pre) solves 9Y, and f(8 Pre) solves 8Y
- Sketch of Proof
- Towards a contradiction, suppose f() solves the
verification questions, but not the control
question. - Fix a winning strategy of player 1 or 2
depending on the direction of error. Show that
f() cannot be correct on the resulting
verification problem
48Co-Büchi Games
Verification AFG s1, s3
s1, s2, s3
Verification Algorithm m X. 8 Pre(X) Ç (n Y. p Æ
8 Pre(Y) ) ?
NO m X. (8 Pre(X) Ç (n Y. p Æ 8 Pre(Y) )) s2,
49Co-Büchi Games
h1iFG p m X. n Y. (Cpre(X) Ç (p Æ Cpre(Y))
s1,s2, s3
50LTL Verification
- Standard LTL - m-calculus compilations
EL86,Dam94 convertLTL - nondet w-automaton -
m calculus - In particular, resulting formula for co-Büchi
formulas does not work for games - Question How do we find formulas that solve
games (hence work in both cases)?
51Solving LTL Games
- Construction goes through deterministic
Rabin-chain (parity) automata - Given a game G and a formula Y
- Solve a related game on a product structure with
Rabin-chain winning condition using the EJ91
algorithm - From this, construct a m-calculus algorithm
solving the original game - 2EXPTIME algorithm
52Solving LTL Games
- This also gives a symbolic algorithm for LTL
control - Moreover, the winning strategy can be synthesized
symbolically CONCUR01
53Extending Symbolic Algorithms to Probabilistic
54Concurrent Randomized Games
01 10
01 10
Iterated matching pennies
00 11
00 11
Probability to win with deterministic strategies
is 0
Player 1 has a randomized strategy to win with
probability 1/2
Quantitative winning!
55Concurrent Games
- Two players
- Finite set of states S
- Finite set of actions S
- Probabilistic transition function
- d(s, a1, a2)(t) Pr t s, a1, a2
56Winning Conditions w-regular sets
Always in B
Reach B
Visit B infinitely often
Eventually forever B
Rabin chain
The highest index visited infinitely often is even
57Winning Conditions
- Value of a game is the maximal probability of
ensuring the outcome is in Y - h 1 iY(s) supx 1infx 2 Prsx 1x 2 Y
58Boolean vs Quantitative
59One-Step Game Ppre
- Regions are functions f S ! 0,1
- Maximal expectation of ensuring f(Q)
- Define the value
- Ppre (f) (s) supx 1infx 2ESf(Q)
- Equivalent to zero sum games
- Value and optimal strategies exist
60One-Step Game
- Monotone and continuous
- Equivalent to zero-sum matrix games
- Value and optimal randomized strategies exist for
both players vonNeumann - Can be computed by linear programming
- Maximal probability of reaching a set U of states
- Can be reduced to positive stochastic games
- Algorithm
- X0 0 Xn1 max(U, Ppre(Xn))
- X lim Xn
- Correctness is by induction on the n-step game
62Reachability Example
01 10
01 10
00 11
00 11
Computing the least fixed point solution m x.
max (s4, Ppre(x))
- For reachability, f Ppre / Cpre gave
corresponding algorithm for concurrent games - Conjecture that the same holds for all properties
of interest
64Quantitative m calculus
- f p x fÇf fÆf Pre(f) m x.f n x.f
Normal m calculus
Quantitative m calculus
65Proof Strategy
Strategy for Player 1 that ensures f - e
Proving h 1 iY ? f
Objective Y
Syntactically negate f
negate Y
Strategy for Player 2 that ensures f - e
Proving h 1 iY? f
Objective Y
66Winning Conditions w-regular sets
Always in B
Reach B
Visit B infinitely often
Eventually forever B
Rabin chain
The highest index visited infinitely often is even
self dual
- Maximal probability of staying forever in a set U
of states - m-calculus algorithm n x. UÆ Ppre(x)
- Complement of the reachability formula
- (m x. UÇ Ppre(x)) n x. U Æ Ppre(x)
- Iterative approximation
- X0 1 Xi1 U Æ Ppre(Xi)
- Let w U Æ Ppre (w)
- Strategy While in U, play to maximize the
probability of going to w in one step - Define a random process (submartingale)
- Show that the nth stage of the random process
bounds the max probability of staying in U for n
steps - Finally, show that the limit of the process as n!
1 converges to the value of the safety game
69Safety Proof
- Let w n x. U Æ Ppre(x)
- Consider the following strategy p1 of player 1
- s2 U play optimally in Ppre(w)(s)
- sÏ U play arbitrary
- Fix a state t and a strategy p2 of player 2
70Safety Proof
- Define the process Hn as Hn w(Qn)
- For s2 U, we have w(s) Ppre(w)(s)
- From definition of p1 get for n 0
- Et Hn1 H0 Hn Hn
- So Et Hn H0 w(t)
- But Et Hn is bounded above by the event of
staying in U for at least n steps - Now take the limit as n! 1
71Reachability and Safety
- For reachability optimal strategies may not
exist, memoryless e-optimal strategies exist - For safety memoryless optimal strategies exist
- Strategies may require randomization
72Büchi and co-Büchi Games
- Büchi Maximal probability of visiting a set U
infinitely often -
- coBüchi Maximal probability of eventually
always staying in a set U -
n y. m x. (( U Æ Ppre(x)) Ç (U Æ Ppre(y)))
m x. n y. (( U Æ Ppre(x)) Ç (U Æ Ppre(y)))
73Büchi Games
- Strategy construction uses arguments similar to
the safety case - Reach U, then reach the U again
- Optimal strategies may not exist
- e-optimal strategies for Büchi games may require
infinite memory
74Rabin-chain games
- Winning condition
- Let C S ! 0, , N-1 be a coloring of the
states - A trace satisfies the Rabin-chain condition if
the maximum color appearing infinitely often is
even. - All LTL games can be reduced to a Rabin-chain
game on a product structure
75Rabin-chain games
- m calculus algorithm
- lN-1 m x1 n x0. Çi0N-1 (Ci Æ Ppre (xi))
- The classical algorithm EJ91 for boolean
turn-based game has an identical syntactic form - But the proof is different
76Rabin-chain games
- Infinite memory e-optimal strategies exist
- Turn-based Rabin-chain games have deterministic
and optimal winning strategies
Reach u (t) (-32p 5)/5
78Open Problems
- Complexity for quantitative concurrent games?
- Games can have irrational values
- Or approximation schemes based on
value-iteration? - Future work Discounted games, discounted
79Open Problems
- Variants of Closure algorithms
- More general theorems on termination
- E.g., in software model checking
- Engineering Issues
- Ben Horowitz, Ranjit Jhala, Freddy Mang, George
Necula, Jean-Francois Raskin, Greg Sutre, Wes