Title: Test Your Best Team
1Test Your Best Team
Scene 5 Capitalization, punctuation,
- This is a special DVD for the second grade
students in Room 404. It is set up for the
students to use at home as a special practice for
the California Standards Test.
2Short /u/ commercial
Gus the Duck
A video of the short /u/ part of starfall.com
will be inserted into the video production at
this point.
3Script Child 1 Always capitalize the first
word in the sentence.
4Child 2 Which one is capitalized correctly.
A talk to the boys about recess. B Talk to the
boys about Recess. C Talk to the boys about
recess. D talk to the Boys about recess.
5Child 3 Look carefully at the sentences. Remember
that the only word in this sentence to be
capitalized is the first word in the
sentence. Look carefully to see if there is a
trick in a sentence.
6Script Child 4 Always capitalize the first
letter of names of people, and places.
7Child 5 Which one is capitalized correctly.
A I read a book about pete Burk and his store.
B I read a book about Pete Burk and his store.
C I read a book about Pete burk and his store.
D I read a book about pete burk and his store.
8Child 6 Look at the first name. Is it
capitalized? Look for a last name. Is it
capitalized? Always remember to check both
names. This is the way they try to trick you.
9Script Child 7 Always capitalize the first
letter of the names of months and the days of the
week. Read the sentence and mark the correct
10Child 8 Which one is written correctly.
A On November 22, they will have thanksgiving
dinner. B On november 22, they will have
thanksgiving dinner. C On November 22, they
will have Thanksgiving dinner. D On november
22, they will have Thanksgiving Dinner.
11Child 9 Look carefully at the name of the month
and the name of the holiday. Both are special
titles. They both have to be capitalized. Which
sentence has the month capitalized and the
holiday capitalized?
12Script Child 1
Quotation marks go around the words spoken in a
sentence that shows a conversation. Read the
sentences and see which one uses the quotation
marks correctly.
13A long /u/ commercial
Dune Buggy
A video of the long /u/ part of starfall.com
will be inserted into the video production at
this point.
14Child 1 A period belongs at the end of each
telling sentence.
Go to the board and write an period at the end of
the sentence. The group then reads the sentence
out loud.
15Child 1 A question mark belongs at the end of
each asking sentence.
Go to the board and write an question mark after
the sentence. The group then reads the sentence
out loud.
16Child 3 An exclamation point goes at the end of a
sentence to indicate excitement.
Go to the board and write an explanation point
after the sentence. The group then reads the
sentence out loud. Show excitement.
17Child 3 Quotation marks go around the words that
people say.
Go to the board and write quotation marks around
the words that people say. The group then reads
the sentence out loud.
18Child 4 Commas belong between a list of items in
a sentence. Child 5 They go in a date line
between the day and the year. Child 6 They
belong in a friendly letter after the Salutation
and the Closing. Child 7 They separate a city
and state in an address
Go to the board and write an comma where it
belongs in each sentence. The group then reads
the sentence out loud.
19Sight Words
- Students will hold the card and step out and say
the word. They will say it two times. Then the
other students will say the word. They will do
this with each word.