Title: Chapter 05 Part III
1Chapter 05 (Part III)
- Control Statements Part II
- In this part you will learn
- To understand multiple selection using the switch
selection statement. - To use the break and continue program control
statements to alter the flow of control.
35.6 switch Multiple-Selection Statement
- switch statement
- Used for multiple selections
- Tests a variable or expression
45.6 switch Multiple-Selection Statement
- switch statement
- Controlling expression
- Expression in parentheses after keyword switch
- case labels
- Compared with the controlling expression
- Statements following the matching case label are
executed - Braces are not necessary around multiple
statements in a case label
5The Use of switch Statement
- int option
- cin gtgt option
- switch (option)
- case 0
- break
- case 1
- break
- default
- break
65.6 switch Multiple-Selection Statement
- default case
- Executes if no matching case label is found
- This case is optional
- If no match and no default case
- Control simply continues after the switch
- A break statements causes execution to proceed
with the first statement after the switch - Without a break statement, execution will fall
through to the next case label
Note Forgetting a break statement when one is
needed in a switch statement is a logic error.
75.6 switch Multiple-Selection Statement
- The default clause does not require a break
statement. Some programmers include break for
clarity and for symmetry with other cases. - Specifying an expression in the case label is a
syntax error. - Incorrect example
- switch (option)
- case ab
- break
8Fig. 5.12 switch multiple-selection statement
with break statements.
int option cin gtgt option if (option 1)
result a b else if (option 2)
result a b else cout ltlt Incorrect
option! ltlt endl
int option cin gtgt option switch (option)
case 1 result a b break case
2 result a b break default
cout ltlt Incorrect option! ltlt endl break
10Calculating number of letters
Examples of character constant A, b, C,
Note Do not confuse string constant with
character constant. A string is a sequence of
characters. String A Character A
11Reading character input
- Function cin.get()
- Reads one character from the keyboard
- End-of-file.
- Defined in ltiostreamgt
- ltctrlgt d in UNIX/Linux
- ltctrlgt z in Windows and then press Enter.
- while ((letter cin.get()) ! EOF)
- Read one character from keyboard and assign it to
letter. - Compare letter with EOF
- If letter ! EOF (End-of-file), enter the loop.
- Otherwise (letter EOF), leave the loop.
12switch Multiple-Selection Statement
13Output Results
Character constant
String constant
- Note
- A character constant is enclosed using single
quotation marks. - We can also represent a character constant using
integer type. - A string constant is enclosed using double
quotation marks.
14Integer Data Types
- Integer data types
- short
- Abbreviation of short int
- Minimum range is -32,768 to 32,767
- long
- Abbreviation of long int
- Minimum range is -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
- int
- Equivalent to either short or long on most
computers - char
- Can be used to represent small integers
Note Integer data types can vary in size between
155.7 break and continue Statements
- break/continue statements
- Alter flow of control
- break statement
- Causes immediate exit from control structure
- Used in while, for, dowhile or switch statements
- Example
- int option 0
- while (option ! -1)
- cin gtgt option
- if (option -1)
- break //force immediate exit
165.7 break and continue Statements
- continue statement
- Skips remaining statements in loop body
- Proceeds to increment and condition test in for
loops - Proceeds to condition test in while/dowhile
loops - Then performs next iteration (if not terminating)
- Used in while, for or dowhile statements
17Loop 10 times
Exit for statement (with a break) when count
equals 5
18Loop 10 times
Skip line 14 and proceed to line 9 when count
equals 5
19Performance Tip 5.5
- The break and continue statements, when used
properly, perform faster than do the
corresponding structured techniques.