Title: What Else is New in ELA
1What (Else) is New in ELA?
2(No Transcript)
3 Good Habits, Great Readers Adoption
Support Link to DRA2 Training Online http//www.
Link to Words Their Way Training
Online http//www.mypearsontraining.com/products/
wordstheirway/tutorials.asp Link to GHGR Reading
Writing Samplers Online http//www.pearsonschoo
561 Link to GHGR Online Database username CCSD,
password Cobb http//www.pearsonlearning.com/micro
sites/goodhabits/index.cfm Link to Training
Possibilities/Elementary LA BLOG http//cicobb.typ
Link to Elementary Administrators Training
Handouts http//picasso.cobbk12.org/CobbCurriculum
/Curriculum/ELA0506/ghgrtrainingpacket.pdf More
to come in Future Installments
4- Unit Outlines
- Combination of reading and writing on one map
- Unit Instructional Support after each nine weeks
5Table of Contents for the Unit Instructional
Support Page Each grade will have GHGR
Correlation Table
6GHGR Lessons Aligned with Standards/Elements/PICAS
SO Assessments that Guide Instruction in each
Correlation Chart
7Lesson Outlines Have a New Look
8- Topics/Nine Weeks
- Essential and Supplemental Lessons
This is a list of instructional resources.
9Sample Workshop Schedule
- Intermediate
- 805 830 Reading Minilesson (Strategy
lesson focusing on becoming an
Independent Reader/Writer) - 830 845 Independent Reading/Teacher
Conferencing - (This time will increase as the year
progresses.) - 845 905 Small Strategy Focus Group
(Guided Reading) - Students work on
- Reading Response Journals
- Reading
with a Partner - Literature
Circle Book/ Book Club/ Book of their
Choice/Conference Task - Words
Their Way Sorts - 910 915 Share (What did you do today
that helped you become a better reader?) - 915 940 Words Their Way Minilesson
- 945 955 Writing Minilesson
10Sample Workshop Schedule
- Primary
- 805-815- Shared Reading Mini Lesson
- 815-835- Words Their Way
- 835-850- Shared Reading Focus Lesson
- (Strategy lesson focusing on becoming an
Independent Reader/Writer) - 850-950- Independent reading
conferencing/guided reading/centers/share time - 850-905-Independent Reading Conferencing
- 905-925-Small Group (guided reading) Centers-
rotation 1 - 925-945-Small Group (Guided reading) Centers
rotation 2 - 945-950- Share Time
- 950-1035- Writing workshop (mini lesson/writing
time teacher conferencing/Share time) - 950-1000- Writing Mini Lesson
- 1000-1030- Writing Conferencing
- 1030-1035- Share Time
11 ABC Rap (Sound Spelling Cards)
- Power point to match your classroom sound
spelling cards - Meant for K-2 whole/small group instruction,
- and for any 3-5 student struggling with decoding
- Similar, but not exactly the same picture (an
artist, - but a different artist)
- A different lyric for each card, but with the
same - melody throughout
- Suggested kinesthetic action for each card
- (Uniformity for transition
sake) -
- Found on the right side of the
- K, 1 2 LA Course Guides on PICASSO
12 gi
What do you see? What do you see? I see a fast
jet soaring toward me. What do you hear? What do
you hear? Jet /j/ /j/ Jet /j/ /j/
Kinesthetic Action Move your hand quickly
through the air like jet that is soaring.
13Training/Implementation Timeline
GHGR Summer Overviews
Handwriting Training Online
GHGR Summer Institute
DRA Training
QT DRA/Word Analysis Assessment
Writing/W2 Commentary LA/SS
QT Words Their Way Assessment/ Commentary LA/SS
Schools May Set Up Ongoing Training
DRA/Word Analysis Training
Math/Science QT
Math/Science QT
14Whats New? Language Arts Implementation 2009-2010
Continue Writing Assessments/W2 25 Book
Standard 4/5
Implement New Course Guide, Units, Lessons
using GHGR
Z-B Handwriting Instruction K, 1, 2
Manuscript 3 Cursive ?In 1 2 especially this
year Dont force conformity - Instruct for
- Fall DRA Assessment
- New Students
- Students w/No level info
- Students that do not perform
- as spring level indicates
- ?GoalAt least 2 students per
- classroom by October 1
- ?Principals may require
- more at the local level
- Spring DRA
- Assessment
- All Students
Mid-Year Achievement Series 1st-5th
15Report Card Changes K-2
- In Addition to
- Teacher Rubric
- Indicator (Reads Orally . . .)
- Marked 3,3,2,1 . . . . .
- Fountas and
- Pinnell Level Reported
- Each Quarter Not Just
- at the End of the Year
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