Title: Get to know PlanIt Purple
1Get to know Plan-It Purple
- Northwestern Universitys online events calendar
2What is Plan-It Purple?
- Northwestern Universitys online events calendar
http//planitpurple.northwestern.edu - Managed by University Relations
3How do I find Plan-It Purple?
- Access it from the University home page
- Or from HereAndNow
- Help is available from Plan-It Purple editor by
phone and e-mail and ASG Technology Director by
4What is Plan-It Purple?
- Its comprehensive every event at Northwestern
is here, categorized by type
5What is Plan-It Purple?
- Its flexible Choose to view All events, just
New events, or just Featured events
6What is Plan-It Purple?
- Its current Events entered in the last 24 hours
are marked New! for easy identification
7What is Plan-It Purple?
- Its quick Want to see just whats interesting
this week? Featured Events are chosen by the
Plan-It Purple editor
8What is Plan-It Purple?
- Its searchable find events fast with keyword
9What is Plan-It Purple?
- Its customizable view only the types of events
you are interested in with My Plan-It
10What can you do with My Plan-It?
- View only the events you choose with My Plan-It
- Log in with your NetID
- Click Customize My Plan-It to make your choices
11What can you do with My Plan-It?
- View only the events you choose with My Plan-It
- Click Customize My Plan-It to select the types of
groups whose events you want to see every time
you log in Alumni, Non-Student, or Student. - Choose as many as you like from each category.
12What can you do with My Plan-It?
- View only the events you choose with My Plan-It
- Check the boxes next to the groups whose events
you want to see - Click Finished
13Posting events on Plan-It Purple
- Create your own group and use the Administer
group(s) link to - Post events for your group
- Modify events
- Edit your groups contact information
- Create a custom calendar for your group
- Create a new group
14Posting events on Plan-It Purple
- The first time you log-in, you must create a
group. - Then you can use the Administer group(s) link to
- Post events for your group
- Modify events
- Edit your groups contact information
- Create a custom calendar for your group
- Create a new group
15Posting events on Plan-It Purple
Post events from either the Submit an Event page
or the Administer Group(s) page by clicking the
Submit an Event link.
- Simply fill out the Submit an Event form and
submit it - Non-student group events will appear immediately
on the calendar - Student group events must be approved by the
Plan-It Purple editor
16Administering Groups on Plan-It Purple
Use the Edit Group button to change contact
information or add new administrators
- Scroll down to Event Information to duplicate,
modify, or delete an existing event.
- To create or modify a departmental calendar, use
Create a Calendar
17Plan-It Purple and My Plan-It
- Plan-It Purple and My Plan-It allow you to
- Find details on any event happening at the
university - Post events for other people to see
- Create a group calendar that shows your groups
events and any other groups events - Create a personal view with only the events you
want to see
For more information, contact the Plan-It Purple
editor at planit_at_northwestern.edu