Title: Higgs and Calotopoclusters
1Higgs and Calotopoclusters
- 10k events of H(130GeV)?4l
- In the event where 2 staco muons and 1 medium
electron are reconstructed (PTleptons gt 10 GeV)
and isolation (etcone20/et) lt 0.2 - The efficiency in finding the unfound electrons
is 1256/1218 96 . - Pt gt 5GeV for the topoclusters.
2Calotopoclusters matching a track in the Higgs
sample ( hlt 2.7).
- 10k events of H(130GeV)?4l
- In the event where 2 staco muons and 1 medium
electron are reconstructed (PTleptons gt 10 GeV)
and isolation (etcone20/et) lt 0.2 - Remove the calotopoclusters that matches the
reconstructed medium electron within DR lt0.2 - Create a topocluster candidate container
- Find a topocluster that matches the unfound truth
electron within DR lt0.2 - Clean the track container from the tracks that
matches the reconstructed medium electron and the
two reconstructed muons - Take the topocluster candidates that matches a
track candidate within DR lt 0.2 - Calotopoclusters and tracks should be gt 5 GeV
3Higgs mass with 1medium electron,2muons and a
track that matches a truth unfound electron
4Here is the Higgs mass with 1 medium electron and
2 muons calotopocluster that matches a track
With truth matching
If I require that topocluster matches a track e
811/1256 65
5The Z and Z (with the truth match)
The missing electron seems to be most of the time
from a Z
6The Higgs mass without Particle ID
No truth
If Mmm is within 10 GeV from the MZ_PDG Then
The Z is from the two muons Otherwise The Z if
from the electron and the calotopocluster As a
cut on the plot above The on shell Z should be in
between 80 GeV and 100 Gev
7Some ideas and .
- When requiring the track matching, the efficiency
drops but this may help with the background in
the central region where there is tracking. - Probably if I try to learn how to do isolation on
tracks it may help a little bit. - Do you think I should pursue this idea and add
the particle ID . - I send an e-mail to M. Aharouche to check on the
status of data with his frwd electrons as I will
need also his help to learn how to do it. There
is no documentation about it at all. Last time he
told me that he is working on twiki page for
that. - The Zjets background does not exist in release
13. (release 12 was the best in terms of data