Title: https:ebudde'littlebrownie'com
1Service Unit Users
2Each user is given access based on their
needs.This is determined by council.When you
Log In you will be given access only to what
you need to. Service Unit users will have
access to their service unit information and all
of their troops information
3First time userChange password and enter
personal information
4Navigating the System
Entry Form Tabs
Navigation Tree
Navigation Tree Displays Service Unit name and
Troop Numbers. Entry Form Tabs Tabs are
selected for you to perform the actions needed.
The tabs display forms for troops are different
than for the service unit
5Service Unit Dashboard
6Service Unit Contact Information
8Service Unit Settings
Information keyed here is for the service unit
9Service Units will add Troops
Add a Troop allows you to enter troop data one
troop at a time. Add up to 11 Troops allows you
to enter 11 troops at a time. NOTE You may
hit either one of these buttons as many times as
10Troop Information is entered by the Service
UnitUpdating can be done by Service Unit
11Delivery Stations
12Service Unit Submit Order to Council
13Delivery Information
14Service Unit Submits Incentive Order for all
16Troop Recap
17Service Unit Recap Reports
All reports download to Microsoft Excel
18Initial Order Report
19Award Reporting
20Report Details
Initial Order Report This report list all troop
initial cookie orders by variety. The report can
be printed in either cases or packages. Booth
Sales Report This report lists all the troop
initial orders that have ordered cookies for
booth sales on the troop worksheet. The report
can be printed in either cases or packages. Troop
Pickup Sheets These sheets can be printed one
of two ways. If you check the pre-printed form,
it will print quantities of cookies for each
troop that will need to be printed on a form
supplied by your council. If you do not check
the box, the system will print the entire form in
color (must have a color printer) for you. Blank
Troop Pickup Sheet This will print a pickup
sheet with no information on it. You can use
this report as a fill-in pickup sheet. Troop
Awards Summary This report allows you to print
an award summary for either the initial award
order or the final award order. Deposits This
report will list all deposits for your service
unit. It will give you the option for filtering
what is on the report. All Transactions This
report will list all transactions that a service
unit created moving cookies from the service unit
to the troop or troop-to-troop transactions. Troop
Proceeds Summary - This report will detail by
troop, the cookie initial orders, transfers,
final orders, girls registered, girls selling,
per girl averages, total sales, troop proceeds,
deposits and balance dues. This report can be
viewed in packages or cases by clicking the
appropriate radial button. You can also filter
this report to show only troops who are due a
refund or owe money by check the appropriate box.
If no boxes are check, all troops will be
displayed. Troop Sales Summary This report is
very similar to the troop proceeds summary. It
includes all the items from the troop proceeds
summary but also breaks down the troop proceeds
into categories if applicable. This report can
be viewed in packages or cases by clicking the
appropriate radial button. You can also filter
this report to show only troops who are due a
refund or owe money by check the appropriate box.
If no boxes are check, all troops will be
21Demonstration Site
- Web address http//ebdemo.littlebrownie.com
- Login will be your email as setup by your council
- No email sent in the system.
- Can perform all functions in the system just like
the live site. - See your council for further information.