Title: Building FASD State Systems
1Utilizing Mentoring Modeling to Improve
Services to Youth Through a Medicaid Waiver
- Building FASD State Systems
- May 13-14, 2009
- Presenters
- L. Diane Casto, MPA Barbara Knapp
- Alaska DHSS, Behavioral Health Alaska DHSS,
Behavioral Health - Dan Dubovsky, MSW Cheri Scott
- FASD Center for Excellence Stone Soup Group
2Alaskas FASD History
- Alaska Native Medical Center with IHS funding
began early alcohol-use screening for all
pregnant women using Alaska Native Health
Services in mid-1980s. - Established statewide advocacy and services for
Alaska Native women and children to reduce and
prevention FASDprogram eliminated in mid-1990s. - 1997 Alaska Department of Health Social
Services holds first Alaska FAS Summit. - 1998 Alaska Office of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
established with 300,000 seed-money from AK
Mental Health Trust.
3Alaskas FASD History
- Alaskas FASD Project4 primary outcomes
- Prevention of alcohol-exposed births
- Statewide system of community-based FASD
Diagnostic Teamsimproved diagnostic services - Quality system of services for individuals with a
fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and their
families - Statewide FASD Surveillance System.
- October 2000 -- 29 million federal earmark to
establish a statewide FASD system of services and
program 5.8 million per year for 5 years
4Laying Foundation for FASD Waiver Project
- FASD diagnostic data provided clear picture of
youth with co-occurring SED and FASD diagnoses. - Able to document need for Medicaid Waiver for
youth ages 14-21 at high risk for out-of-state
placement in RPTC with SED and FASD. - Applied for SED Medicaid Waiver Demonstration
Project in 2007 awarded 1 of 10 Waiver grants. - 5-year award to expend 10 million in existing
Medicaid funds on waivered services.
5An Alaskan Alternative to Residential Psychiatric
- Select the project
- Locate a federal grant Request For Proposal (RFP)
- Pick a project no one else has tried
- Call a meeting
- Policy makers
- Program designers
- Computer software designers
- Regulations writers
- National experts on the subject
- Stakeholders
6An Alaskan Alternative to Residential Psychiatric
- Pick a population to serve
- Youth age 14-20 years old
- Meet level of care for Residential Psychiatric
Treatment Center, and - With known prenatal exposure to alcohol or a
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis
7An Alaskan Alternative to Residential Psychiatric
- Make up new acronyms
- TIMS Treatment Intervention Mentors
- 3M Modeling, Mentoring, Monitoring
- RPTC Residential Psychiatric Treatment Center
- Define new services
- Mentor
- Training Consultative Services
- Community Transition
- Supported Employment
8An Alaskan Alternative to Residential Psychiatric
- Define Service Providers
- Collaborative ventures between two previously
- unrelated service providers
- Home and Community Based Agencies
- Community Mental Health Centers
9An Alaskan Alternative to Residential Psychiatric
- Home and Community Based Service (HCB) Agencies
- Traditional Medicaid Waiver Service Providers
- Habilitation
- group home
- foster home
- day habilitation
- Supported employment services
- Hourly daily respite
- Community Transition services
10An Alaskan Alternative to Residential Psychiatric
- Community Mental Health Centers (CMHC)
- All HCB Agency services CMHC services
- Individual Group Skill Development
- Case Management
- Training Consultative Services
11An Alaskan Alternative to Residential Psychiatric
- The ResultA Program Like No Other
- Alaskas 3M Project Modeling, Mentoring,
Monitoring - Unique person centered plan for each youth
- who still receives Mental Health services and
Medicaid health care services - - - - All this and Wraparound Services, too
12An Alaskan Alternative to Residential Psychiatric
- Pivotal role Mentor
- A person chosen by the family who works under the
direction of the Mental Health Agency providing
the regular mental health services. - The mentor models positive behaviors and spends
quality, one to one time with the youth. - Also, reviews the effectiveness of the services
and family supports, can connect family
providers to specialized trainers consultants
to assist family, school providers of other
13An Alaskan Alternative to Residential Psychiatric
- Stumbling blocks- Agencies
- Mental Health Agencies are often unfamiliar with
how Medicaid works fee for service vs. prior
authorization for services - HCB Agencies - not getting a large enough share
of the service to make it worth while - Youth in RPTCs often out of State have to be
released before they stop meeting Level Of Care
(LOC) for RPTC. - Easier to find clients close to age 18
- Harder to find younger 14-18 year olds, who could
stay with the program longer.
14An Alaskan Alternative to Residential Psychiatric
- Trouble points - Agencies
- Finding mentors starting out with activity
therapists with Mental Health Agency - Finding out-of-home placements FASD group homes
- Community placements may never have been in
RPTC - Getting psychological evaluations done and
reports back in a timely manner - Using psychiatric hospital staff
- Pioneering telemedicine for Mental Health
clinical services
15An Alaskan Alternative to Residential Psychiatric
- More stumbling blocks
- Unable to identify mentor
- Family wants youth in out-of-home placement but
agency has no empty beds - Workforce development issues
16An Alaskan Alternative to Residential Psychiatric
- 3M Training
- Original training in 3M Model
- Started with 2x year large, week long training
- Agencies cant release staff that long
- New training model
- Moved to on-line training for FASD 101 and Core
training - Webinar follow up training (4 times/year)
- Bring training to the community providers train
staff, - do Level of Care sign off on plans on same day
17Why the 3-M Model?
- Individuals with an FASD often learn most by
modeling the behavior of those around them - Individuals with an FASD do better having a
one-to-one person with them - A mentoring type approach has been shown to be
very effective in the prevention of FASD - Mentoring for persons with an FASD is beginning
to be tested - Relationships are key to positive outcomes
- Monitoring and evaluation are an essential
component to ensure continuation
18What is Mentoring?
- A form of teaching that includes walking
alongside the person and inviting him or her to
learn from your example - Participating in activities with the person
rather than connecting the person with activities
and then giving the person the responsibility to
follow through (as is typical with case
management) - Pointing out misinterpretations of words,
actions, and body movements when they occur
19What is Mentoring?
- Providing advice, counsel, guidance, and
one-to-one encouragement - Helping the person become aware of, and engage
in, opportunities - Identifying strengths in the individual and
family and building on those strengths
20What is Mentoring?
- Helping improve a persons feeling about him or
herself (self-esteem) - Increasing a persons competence in various areas
- Forming a positive relationship with the person
- Respect
- Caring
- No eject
- A therapeutic approach but not a clinical service
21Mentoring Is Not
- Typical case management
- Therapy
- Respite
- Guardianship
- Guarding
- A mentor is not a warden
22What is Modeling?
- The activity of recreating the steps of an
activity so the person can mimic them - Shaping or molding by demonstrating the best way
to do something in a variety of situations - An activity
- An emotion
- A method of expressing an emotion
23Modeling Is Not
- Telling someone what to do
- Once and done
- Do as I say
- Just do it
24What is Monitoring?
- Review and evaluation of specific aspects of an
activity or program to include - Measuring performance
- Assessing adherence to regulations, structure,
and terms of the program - Assessing progress
- Of the individual and family
- Of the program
- Of the approach
- Providing technical assistance as needed
25What is Monitoring?
- A key to the ability to examine whether a program
or approach produces positive outcomes - An ongoing process
- Begins with gathering baseline data
- Continues with gathering data on an ongoing basis
- Data gathered is analyzed for change and trends
26Monitoring Is Not
- Checking in with a person once in awhile
- Vague reports of work being accomplished
- A generalized overview of what has occurred
- Documenting events long after their occurrence
27Treatment and Intervention Mentor (TIM) Role
- Is
- Mentor
- Role model
- Coach
- Cheerleader
- For youth and family
- Is not
- Sitter
- Disciplinarian
- Spy for the family
- Reward for good behavior
28Caregiver Perspective Past experiences with
behavioral health system
- Few or no support services available until youth
in full blown crisis - Services not available in home community
- Caregivers had limited understanding of
screening, placement decision making process - Limited effective treatment options for youth
with FASD once placed in treatment setting - Difficulty getting proper diagnosis
29Caregiver Perspective Past experiences with
behavioral health system
- Few treatment staff understood FASD
- Limited contact with youth after placement
- Limited training of caregivers to provide needed
structure after discharge home - No contact with treatment staff after discharge
- Few services available in home community after
discharge - Damaged trust
30Caregiver Perspective Present Hopes
- Triage team works with family, educating about
options, process - Increased awareness of impact of FASD on all
facets of treatment - Continually expanding interest in staff training
and consultation across state - Caregivers at table in BTKH and Waiver planning
31Caregiver Perspective Present Hopes
- Agencies exploring innovative, alternative
approaches to meet needs of youth with FASD - Caregivers and youth able to access training and
peer support more easily - Wrap-Around Model
32Caregiver Perspective Dreams for the future
- Early and accurate diagnosis available statewide
- Supports available at first signs of difficulty
- Supports always address strengths of the youth
and family family-centered care - Services provided in home community or at least
in region no leaving the state - Services continue into adulthood seamlessly
33And the Demonstration Continues
- Project has 3 more years of demonstration
project status - Data collection and evaluation of effectiveness
will determine permanent status of the Medicaid
Waiver - Alaska only state focusing on youth with
co-occurring SED-FASDproject has the potential
to establish an evidence-based model of
intervention for this high-risk population this
project is a great opportunity to establish a new
way of serving this population.
34For More Information
- Barbara Knapp, Project Director
- Alaska DHSS, Division of Behavioral Health
- 3601 C St, Ste 878Anchorage, AK 99503-5935
- barbara.knapp_at_alaska.gov
- 907-269-3609