Title: Metallic Bonding
1Metallic Bonding
- Atoms have less than 4 valence electrons.
- Atoms have low electronegativity
- Atoms have low ionization energy
- Valence electrons are very loosely held
- Therefore, metal atoms give up electrons very
- Atoms have less than 4 valence electrons.
- Atoms have low electronegativity
- Atoms have low ionization energy
- Valence electrons are very loosely held
- Therefore, metal atoms give up electrons very
4Metal Metal Bonds
Two metal atoms with loosely held valence
5Metal Metal Bonds
Two metal atoms with loosely held valence
6Metal Metal Bonds
Two metal atoms with loosely held valence
7Metal Metal Bonds
Two metal atoms with loosely held valence
8Metal Metal Bonds
Two metal atoms with loosely held valence
9Metal Metal Bonds
Two metal atoms with loosely held valence
10Metal Metal Bonds
Two metal atoms with loosely held valence
11Metal Metal Bonds
Two metal atoms with loosely held valence
12Metal Metal Bonds
Two metal atoms with loosely held valence
13Metal Metal Bonds
Two metal atoms with loosely held valence
14Metal Metal Bonds
Two metal atoms with loosely held valence
15Metal Metal Bonds
Two metal atoms with loosely held valence
16Metal Metal Bonds
Two metal atoms with loosely held valence
17Metal Metal Bonds
Two metal atoms with loosely held valence
18Metal Metal Bonds
Two metal atoms with loosely held valence
19Metal Metal Bonds
Two metal atoms with loosely held valence
20Metal Metal Bonds
Two metal atoms with loosely held valence
21Metal Metal Bonds
Two metal atoms with loosely held valence
22Metal Metal Bonds
Two metal atoms with loosely held valence
23Metal Metal Bonds
Two metal atoms with loosely held valence
24Metal Metal Bonds
Two metal atoms with loosely held valence
25Metal Metal Bonds
Two metal atoms with loosely held valence
26Metal Metal Bonds
Two metal atoms with loosely held valence
27Metal Metal Bonds
As the two atoms get closer to one another those
loosely held valence electrons can become
delocalized and orbit the other nucleus.
28Metal Metal Bonds
As the two atoms get closer to one another those
loosely held valence electrons can become
delocalized and orbit the other nucleus.
29Metal Metal Bonds
As the two atoms get closer to one another those
loosely held valence electrons can become
delocalized and orbit the other nucleus.
30Metal Metal Bonds
As the two atoms get closer to one another those
loosely held valence electrons can become
delocalized and orbit the other nucleus.
31Metal Metal Bonds
As the two atoms get closer to one another those
loosely held valence electrons can become
delocalized and orbit the other nucleus.
32Metal Metal Bonds
As the two atoms get closer to one another those
loosely held valence electrons can become
delocalized and orbit the other nucleus.
33Metal Metal Bonds
As the two atoms get closer to one another those
loosely held valence electrons can become
delocalized and orbit the other nucleus.
34Metal Metal Bonds
As the two atoms get closer to one another those
loosely held valence electrons can become
delocalized and orbit the other nucleus.
35Metal Metal Bonds
As the two atoms get closer to one another those
loosely held valence electrons can become
delocalized and orbit the other nucleus.
36Metal Metal Bonds
As the two atoms get closer to one another those
loosely held valence electrons can become
delocalized and orbit the other nucleus.
37Metal Metal Bonds
As the two atoms get closer to one another those
loosely held valence electrons can become
delocalized and orbit the other nucleus.
38Metal Metal Bonds
As the two atoms get closer to one another those
loosely held valence electrons can become
delocalized and orbit the other nucleus.
39Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
40Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
41Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
42Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
43Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
44Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
45Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
46Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
47Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
48Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
49Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
50Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
51Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
52Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
53Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
54Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
55Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
56Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
57Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
58Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
59Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
60Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
61Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
62Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
63Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
64Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
65Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
66Metallic Bonds
- Described as metallic nuclei floating in a sea of
delocalized electrons.
67Metallic Bonds
- When two or more metals are bonded together an
alloy is formed. - An Alloy has properties that are a composite of
the constituent metals. - Metals are blended to produce specific properties.
68Common Alloys
- Brass 67 copper, 33 zinc
- Stainless Steel 81 iron, 18 chromium, 1
nickel - Sterling Silver 92.5 silver, 7.5 copper
- Gold, 18K 58 gold, 28 copper, 14 silver
- Pewter 91 tin, 3 copper, 3 antimony, 3 lead
69Uses of Alloys
- Could you use a baseball bat made of 100
aluminum? - NO!
- It would bend when it hit the ball.
70Uses of Alloys
- Baseball bats are made of an alloy containing
- Aluminum
- and
- Titanium
- or
- Scandium
71Uses of Alloys
- Could you eat off of a fork made of 100
aluminum? - NO!!
- The tines would bend.
72Uses of Alloys
- Could you wash a fork made of 100 steel?
- NO!!
- It would rust.
73Uses of Alloys
- Dinnerware is made of an alloy known as stainless
steel. It contains - iron
- chromium
- nickel