- Vladimir Korchagin
- (Yale University, Department of Astronomy)
A. Jalali, A. Just, A. Khoperskov, N. Kikuchi,
D. Maitra, S.M. Miyama, N.V. Orlova, Ch.
2Problem is solved!
I have long suspected on dynamical grounds
that the magnificent spiral structures which have
brought these two galaxies (M51 and M81) into
nearly every introductory textbook (and the
latter also onto the cover of the Hubble Atlas)
are largely transient wavelike relics of those
tidal interactions --- meaning that we would
probably have favored some quite different
examples had mankind come along just 200 million
years earlier or later. (A. Toomre , BAAS 26,
858, 1994)
3Problem is solved!
The success of the present modeling process (M81)
also supports the view that, to a first
approximation, the spiral structure in many
galaxies, essentially isolated at the present
time, is a long-lasting, but in general slowly
evolving, largely intrinsic characteristic of a
galaxy. (Lowe S.A., Roberts W.W., Yang J.,
Bertin G., Lin C.C. ApJ, 427, 184, 1994)
4Practice is criterion of the truth (V. Lenin,
Materialism and Empirio-Criticism)
- Approach
- Hydrodynamcal approximation
- Polytropic equation of state P K.s(r)2
- Galaxies with measured rotation and velocity
dispersions - Galactic disks are self-gravitating in vertical
direction. - Surface density is related to vertical
velocity dispersion - s(r) cz2 /
pGhz - Vary unknown disk parameters within observational
limits - cz/ cr 0.5 0.8, hz 0.3 0.8 kpc
- Solve linear problem
- Run nonilnear hydrodynamic code and compare
results with observations
5NGC 1566 rotation and velocity dispersion profile
6NGC 1566
7Velocity dispersion Gerssen et. al. (1997).
Rotation gaseous (Peterson 1980) Stellar
(Gerssen et al.1997)
NGC 488
Rotation curve of NGC 488 based on measurements
8NGC 488
9Time evolution in the model of NGC 488 with
stellar rotation curve
10NGC 628 Velocity dispersion , photometric scale
length of old stellar disk - Van der Kruit and
Freeman (1984)
11NGC 628
12- Velocity dispersion ellipsoid, rotation
- Gerssen et al. (2000)
NGC 2985
13NGC 2985
14Rotation curve Jimenez-Vincente et al.,
1999 Velocity dispersion Bottema (1988)
Vertical scale height 0.125 0.25 kpc
15NGC 3938
16NGC 3938
17NGC 3938 Time evolution of perturbations
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22- A non-conservation of mass and energy
23- Collisionless disk
- Khoperskov, Just, Korchagin, Jalali, AA, 2007
Equilibrium distributions
24 25Fourier decomposition of perturbations
- Equilibrium properties of the galactic disks
- determine a set of the unstable global modes
- that qualitatively agree with the observed
- spiral patterns
- Artificially imposed absorption of perturbations
- close to a disk center does not prevent spiral
pattern - from growing.
- Switch-off disk self-gravity in a vicinity of
corotation changes the morphology of growing
spirals - illustrating that corotation plays a key role in
spiral generation