Title: Southern Coast Addiction Technology Transfer Center,
1Finding the P in Leadership
- Pamela Waters, MEd, CAC, CAPP
- Southern Coast Addiction Technology Transfer
Center, - Florida Certification Board, Tallahassee, FL
- February 26, 2008
2Name Some P Words
- Prevention
- Power
- Persuasion
- People
- Perseverance
- Persistence
- Passion
- Potential
- Perspective
- Promote
- Process
- Pioneer
- Produce
- Prove
- Plan
- Prepare
3Todays Leadership Focus
- Passion
- Preparation
- People
- Persuasion
4 5The Role of Passion
- A foundation of leadership is when a person has
searched out and found a great match between.. - whats in his/her heart, and
- can apply this in the work situation.
6The Role of Passion
- Passion A personal intensity that fuels our
strongest emotions. - Passion is natural, dynamic and empowering.
- It puts the light in our eyes!
7People Who Demonstrate Passion
- Include invigorating and exciting activities in
their day - Perform with confidence and conviction
- Do not question their happiness
- Are engaged in building their lives by pursuing
their passion
Leaders are people who leave their footprints in
their areas of passion." J. Byrnes, HBS
8Benefits of Inspiring Passion at Work
- Provides focus and direction
- Creates energy
- Fosters creativity
- Heightens performance
- Provides inspiration
- Builds loyalty and unites the organization
- Attracts employees and customers
9 10Leadership Development
- Leadership competencies are not considered innate
talents, but ones that can be learned at any age.
- Learning these skills comes not from the
traditional training programs, but from extended
practice, feedback from colleagues, and the
leaders own enthusiasm for making such changes.
11Leadership Competencies
12Are Managers Leaders?
- Most of the literature use the terms
interchangeably ....there are profound
differences. - Leadership is a choice, management is a position.
- You lead people, you manage things/systems.
- Leadership is a relationshipmanagement is a
function. - Managers are people who do things rightleaders
are people who do the right things. - Leadership is about effectivenessmanagement is
about efficiency.
13- In a sense, great leaders
- have to be ambidextrous.
- Execute capably within the current business
paradigm (management skills). - Reflect on the current work situation, find ways
to fundamentally improve it, and manage changes
to successful conclusions (leadership skills).
14 15- What has emerged from the older authoritarian
systems of control isa less individualistic,
more relational concept of leadership that
focuses on dynamic, interactive processes of
influence. - Pearce Conger (2003). Shared leadership.
London Sage Publications.
16New Paradigm
17 18Leading Without Authority
- Some people have skills or characteristics that
allow them to be influential with others - Some people have organizational positions that
allow them more access to resources, information
or relationships and some have both. - However, knowledge, preparation and passion can
go a long way to influence positive actions!
19Level of Influence Scale Jim Clemmer
- my credibility with this person or group
- my passion and commitment (including persistence)
- our levels of mutual trust
- the strength of our relationship
- how well I've covered the bases with other key
influencers and built their support - my appointed role, position, and authority
20Level of Influence Scale Jim Clemmer
- my clarity around what a successful outcome would
look like - my understanding of their position and how they
will benefit - my persuasion and communication skills
- my timing and the fit of my proposed action with
the situation - my tone and approach
- my genuine desire for a win/win outcome
21Summary of Key Issues
- A Practice Makes Perfect - The development of a
leader is a journey and most people can develop
their leadership skills by working at it. - B. Self-Awareness Consciously attune to your
thoughts and feelings, behavior, and intuitions
in order to grow and improve you leadership
22Summary of Key Issues
- C Create a Harmonious Environment Attend to
the relational aspects of leadership, responding
appropriately to the social dynamics and others
emotions/needs. - D Influence Strengthen your ability to call
forth and direct individual and collective energy
in pursuit of desired actions.
23In Closing
E. Passion and Drive Align your heart, mind,
and actions. Seek out a work situation that
ignites your passion. Convert passion into action
to implement your great ideas.
- Leaders are people who leave their footprints in
their areas of passion."