Title: Help Piggy Get Home in Time for Dessert
1Help Piggy Get Homein Time for Dessert !
- An interactive game for reading sight words.
- Created for your education and entertainment
- by
- Jacki Christy
2Piggy needs to get home in time for dessert.
- It is your job to get Piggy home in time.
- Click on the correct spelling for the sight word
you hear! - After the game, copy and read each sight word
three times. - Good luck.
Click on number 1 to start.
4(No Transcript)
5(No Transcript)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 131. Click on the word ___
142. Click on the word _____.
153. Click on the word _____.
164. Click on the word _____.
175. Click on the word _____.
186. Click on the word ______.
197. Click on the word _____.
208. Click on the word ______.
219. Click on the word ______.
2210. Click on the word _____.
231. Way to go. Piggy moves forward.
Circle big on the worksheet!
242. Way to go! One more step toward home for
Circle said on the worksheet!
253. Good Job! Piggy gets closer to dessert!
Circle have on the worksheet!
264. Way to go! Piggy doesnt want to be late!
Circle they on the worksheet!
275. Great Job! Piggy is half-way home!
Circle out on the worksheet!
286. Way to go! Moving along!
Circle was on the worksheet!
297. Super! Piggy can smell dessert.
Circle by on the worksheet!
308. Way to go! Were almost there!
Circle all on the worksheet!
319. Woo Hoo! Wheres dessert?
Circle his on the worksheet!
3210. Congratulations!
You are a super reader!
Piggy is just in time for dessert!
Circle eat on the worksheet!
33Oh no! Piggy cant move! Try again!
34Oops! Piggy cant go! Try again!
35Oh no! Piggy cant move! Try again!
36Oops! Piggy cant go! Try again!
37Oh no! Piggy cant move! Try again!
38Oops! Piggy cant go! Try again!
39Oh no! Piggy cant move! Try again!
40Oops! Piggy cant go! Try again!
41Oh no! Piggy cant move! Try again!
42Oops! Piggy cant go! Try again!
43Oh no! Piggy cant move! Try again!
44Oops! Piggy cant go! Try again!
45Oh no! Piggy cant move! Try again!
46Oops! Piggy cant go! Try again!
47Oh no! Piggy cant move! Try again!
48Oops! Piggy cant go! Try again!
49Oh no! Piggy cant move! Try again!
50Oops! Piggy cant go! Try again!
51Oh no! Piggy cant move! Try again!
52Oops! Piggy cant go! Try again!
53- Now complete the worksheet.
- Copy each word neatly three times.
- Place just one word per line.
- Say the words as you write the words.