Title: Experimental designs and Analysis of Variance Factorial ANOVA
1Experimental designsandAnalysis of
VarianceFactorial ANOVA
- Factorial ANOVA
- Random factors and generalization
- Nested designs
3Types of experimental designs
- Randomized-blocks design
- Second factor defines blocks error control
- Within-subject design
- Each case is measured once at each level
- Differences due to treatments are tested within
subjects - Individual differences between subjects are
removed, thereby reducing the error variance - ? Blocking on subjects
- Special case of blocking design only 1
observation in each cell
4Example Stevens
- The effect of four drugs on reaction time
- Written as a block-design block on subjects to
remove within-subjects variability from error
5Example Stevens
Treated as one-way randomized-group design
Blocking on subjects two-way randomized-group
Blocking variable random factor?
6Random factors
- Repeated measures
- Blocking on subjects
- Remove variance within subjects (blocks) from
error variance to increase precision
within-subjects design - Use subjects as a factor
- Subjects are random sample from a population of
subjects not a fixed level of some treatment - ? Random factor
- The treatment levels (subjects) are a random
sample from a larger population of treatment
levels (subjects) - Generalization
- Make statements that apply to a larger collection
of individuals and instances than it is possible
to explicitly study - Statistical generalization sampling form a
larger population to make inferences about the
population - E.g. F test in ANOVA
- Extrastatistical generalization generalization
to larger population than sample was drawn from - E.g. treat sample of students as representative
for all people
8Example Keppel Wickens
- Three-factor design
- How does the organization of a story affects how
people remember it? - Factor A organization (yes/no)
- Factor B version of story (three stories)
- Factor C lab sections of class (five sections)
- Generalization to
- population of subjects (students)
- population of stories, not just the three
picked - population of sections, not just the five
picked - irrelevant factor? (blocking)
9Example Keppel Wickens
- Study sample of subjects
- Generalize to larger population use F test
(statistical generalization) and extrastatistical
generalization - Extend these ideas to factors stories and
sections - Analysis (fixed factors)
- generalization only
- extrastatistical
- F test only statistical
- generalization to larger
- population of subjects
10Fixed and random factors
- Fixed factor
- factor whose levels have been chosen rationally
- The levels of are the only ones of possible
interest - Factor A (organization of story) is the point
of study - Random factor
- factor whose levels are chosen unsystematically
by random sampling from a larger population - Allows statistical generalization
- Subject factor individual levels (subjects) no
particular meaning, only representatives of
larger population
11Fixed factors
- Fixed effects The levels of all factors included
are the only ones of possible interest - Goal Estimate treatment (group) means and
differences between them - Data Analysis ANOVA
- Model (one-way) with
- Test
- H0 µ1 µ2 µa vs. Ha not all µs equal
- H0 a1 a2 0 vs. Ha not all as equal
to 0
12Experimental error
- Differences between means due to
- Treatment effect
- Chance (motivation, attention, measurement, etc)
- Estimate extent to which differences are due to
experimental error ? evaluate hypothesis of equal
group means - Variability within treatment groups of subjects
provides estimate - If null hypothesis is true and subjects are
randomly assigned to treatments, than variability
between treatment groups also provides estimate - If null hypothesis is false there is a treatment
effect (systematic differences), than variability
between treatment groups reflects treatment
effects and experimental error
13Logic of hypothesis testing
- Experimental error reflected in
- differences (variability) among subjects given
same treatment - differences (variability) among groups of
subjects given different treatment - Inspect the ratio of variabilities
- If H0 is true
- If H0 is false
14Fixed factors
- Assumptions
- ais are fixed and
- errors eij are normally and independently
distributed, with zero mean and SD s (also
denoted se) - Treatment effect
- F test
15Random factors
- Random effects The levels of the factors
included are a random sample from a population of
levels - Goal Estimate the variation among the treatment
(group) means - New source of random variability must be
accommodated - F test
Error term for treatment effect includes
variability of every random effect that
influences the treatment mean square
16Sources of variance
- Identifying sources of variability (Table 11.2)
- 1. List each factor as source
- 2. Examine each combination of factors
completely crossed ? include interaction as
source - 3. When effect is repeated, with different
instances, at every level of another factor ?
include factor as source after slash (/) - 1. Factor A, factor B, and subjects S
- 2. A and B completely crossed A, B, A?B, and S
- 3. S is repeated in every level of A and B A, B,
A?B, and S/AB
17Assigning error terms
- Assigning error terms (Table 24.3)
- 1. List sources of variability
- 2. List influences affecting each source source
itself, crossing with random factors, any source
in which random effects are nested within
original source - 3. Denominator F source that includes all
influences except effect that is to be tested - (two factors B random)
- 0. Factors A fixed
- B and S/AB random
- 1. Sources of variability A, B, A?B, and S/AB
18Assigning error terms
- Assigning error terms (Table 24.3)
- 1. List sources of variability
- 2. List influences affecting each source source
itself, crossing with random factors, any source
in which random effects are nested within
original source - 3. Denominator F source that includes all
influences except effect that is to be tested - (two factors B random)
- 2. Influence on A A, A?B, and S/AB
- Influence on B B and S/AB
- Influence on A?B A?B and S/AB
- Influence on S/AB S/AB
19Assigning error terms
- Assigning error terms (Table 24.3)
- 1. List sources of variance
- 2. List influences affecting source (source
itself, crossing with random factors, any source
in which random effects are nested within
original source - 3. Denominator F source that includes all
influences except effect to be tested itself - (two factors B random)
- Influence on A A (effect) and A?B, S/AB
(error) - 3. Thus error for A includes A?B and S/AB
- MS of A?B is influenced by A?B and S/AB
- Error MSA?B
20Random factors
- Random effects the levels of the factors
included are a random sample from a population of
levels - Goal estimate the variation among the treatment
(group) means - Example dose of drugs, subjects, etc
- Model
21Random effects models
- Assumptions
- ais are normally and independently distributed
with zero mean and SD sa - errors eij are normally and independently
distributed, with zero mean and SD se - ai and eij are independent
- Two sources of variation
- 1. sa variation due to treatment effects
(explained) - 2. se variation due to error/noise/etc.
22Random effects models
- Calculations for the ANOVA are the same under
both models, however inferences differ - Fixed effects model tests
- H0 µ1 µ2 µa vs. Ha not all µs
equal - Random effects model tests
- H0 sa2 0 vs. Ha sa2 gt 0
- i.e., the hypothesis that there is no variation
among the treatment (group) means against the
alternative that the means vary
23ANOVA models
24Example Keppel Wickens
25Example Keppel Wickens
Influence on A A, A?B, A?C, A?B?C, and S/ABC
Error for A includes A?B, A?C, A?B?C, and S/ABC
26Random effects
- Random factors change the error term in the F
test - Results in larger error terms than without the
random factor - Results in fewer dfs for error term
- Pay a price for statistical generalization
- reduced power
- Powerful tests need random factors with as many
levels as possible - Powerful tests require adequate samples of both
subjects and levels of the random factor
27Nested designs
- How are the levels of multiple factors combined?
- Crossing all levels of one variable completely
cross (occur in combination with) all levels of
another variable - ? Factorial designs
- Nesting different levels of a factor occur at
each combination of other factors - Example of an nested design A is nested within
levels of B
28Nested designs
- These designs are also called hierarchical
designs - Factor A is nested with levels of factor B
- This means that
- For each level of B there are several
(different) levels of A (outer or nesting factor) - For each level of A there is only one level of B
(inner or nested factor)
29Nested designs
- Notation use slash /
- Crossed design subjects nested in cells S/AB
- Nested design inner factor nested in outer
factor B/A - Nested design subjects nested in cells S/B/A
- Nested factor is typically a random factor
- Used to increase generality
- Not chosen systematically, and not of primary
interest - Analysis of design (ANOVA)
- Determine sources of variability
- Find the Sums of Squares, dfs, and Mean Squares
- Determine proper error term for the F test
30Nested designs
- Not all effects can be tested
- Not every Interaction can be determined
- Main effect of nested factor cannot be assessed
- Simple main analysis
- Test main effects B within A
- Main effect of non-nested factor can be tested
specification of right error variance - Nested designs are designs with missing cells