Title: Detectors for VEPP2000
1Detectors for VEPP-2000
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
2 March 2006
- circumference 24.4 m
- revolution time 82 nsec
- beam current 0.2 A
- beam length 3.3 cm
- energy spread 0.7 MeV
- ?x ?z 6.3 cm
- L 1032 cm-2s-1 at 2E2.0 GeV
- L 1031 cm-2s-1 2E1.0 GeV
Total integrated luminosity with all detectors on
VEPP-2M 70 pb-1
3Detector requirements
- Full solid angle
- High energy and coordinate resolutions for
photons - Perfect reconstruction of events with many
charged - particles
- K/?/µ separation
- Antineutron (neutron) identification
4Spherical Neutral Detector
1 VEPP-2000 vacuum chamber, 2 tracking
system, 3 aerogel counters, 4
electromagnetic calorimeter NaI(Tl), 5 vacuum
phototriodes, 6 absorber, 7-9 muon system,
10 VEPP-2000 phocusing solenoid
5Cryogenic Magnetic Detector-3
1 vacuum chamber 2 drift chamber 3
electromagnetic calorimeter BGO 4 Z chamber
5 CMD SC solenoid
6 electromagnetic calorimeter LXe 7
electromagnetic calorimeter CsI 8 yoke 9
VEPP-2000 solenoid
6Tracking system
SND tracking system - 24 jet cells, 9 drift
layers with s 0.2 mm - cathode strips on inner
and outer shells with s 0.3 mm - along wires
charge division with s 2 mm - MWPC on the
outside of drift layers - 0.27 g/cm2, 0.01 X0
, 0.005 lN , DW 0.75-0.95 4p
7Tracking system
- 1218 hexagonal cells ( 9 mm side)
- Sense wires - W-Re with 15 mcm diameter
- Field wires - gold plated Ti with 100 mcm
diameter - Gas mixture - Ar/isobutan (80/20)
8Calorimeter NaI(Tl)
Energy resolution
Angular reolution
- NaI(Tl) crystals
- Vacuum phototriodes
1680 NaI(Tl) crystals in 3 spherical layers
with vacuum phototriodes as photosensitive
devices weight 3.5 tons, thickness 13.5 X0 ?
0.9 4?
9End cap calorimeter BGO
10Calorimeter CsI
1152 crystals 6060150 mm3 8.1 X0 8
octants by 9 rows of 16 crystals HAMAMATSU
S2744-08-5B3 12 cm2
Counter (1152)
Row (72)
Octant (8)
11Calorimeter LXe
5.7 X0 of LXe (400 liters, 1.2 tons) 14 gaps by
10.2 mm 2124 coordinate strips 264 towers
12Barrel system resolution
13Calorimeter LXe ? K separation
Energy depositions in successive gaps for
different momentum
100 MeV/c
200 MeV/c
300 MeV/c
400 MeV/c
600 MeV/c
500 MeV/c
700 MeV/c
800 MeV/c
900 MeV/c
14Particle ID Aerogel Counters
e/p, p/K separation
Counter efficiency
Aerogel shifter PMT Aerogel thickness 31
mm Shifter turned by 5 Teflon coverage
(R0.98) Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A315517-520,1992
15Particle ID Timing Counter (SCiG)
Antineutron identification in ee??n n bar
Average number of photoelectrons per PMT
10 Time resolution s(TOF) 1 ns
- New generation of detectors perfectly matches
- the reach physics potential of VEPP-2000
- Both detectors plan to the end of this year
- be ready to accept first luminosity