Title: SFIS Configuration Recommendations for SAP Implementations
1SFIS Configuration Recommendations for SAP
2Executive Summary
- SFIS Governance Council Action
- SAP configuration requires that the SFIS
governance council either hold several elements
in abeyance, or provide the final values and
business use of these elements so that
configuration or customization may proceed.
These elements are - B-8 Contingency Code
- B-10 Line of Business
- B-11 Program
- T-16 DUID
- Other Issues
- O-1 OUID is configurable, but the use of it
within a financial transaction requires
clarification - T-20 BETC Code requires further definition for
program action. The code is defined on the SFIS
spreadsheet, but for which transactions and which
general ledger account postings it is required is
not fully defined. - Business Rules might require adjustment for some
elements to become derived at time of reporting,
since the elements are not truly transactional
3SFIS Compliance Recommendation for SAP
Note 1 Can use Characteristics to correct the
incorrect field length Note 2 This is a
delivered field and is directly entered upon
initial budget entry but derivation may be
required for follow-on entries Note 3
Configuring Functional Area and Funded Program as
Objects and assigning characteristics is
configuration however a single customization
would be required to have the Characteristic
selection appear on the Master Data Records for
these elements Note 4 Creation of an
Organizational Identifier for any Funds Center is
simple configuration however SFIS Governance
must identify whether they want the OUID of the
executor, the budget holder or the reporting
entity Note 5 Programs cannot implement these
elements without further guidance from SFIS
Governance Team
To Be Eliminated
Derived at Time of Report
SFIS Governance Action Reqd
Delivered User Def FP Char
Delivered User Def GL Char
Delivered Field
Delivered FACTS Target Field
Not Applicable to SAP Implementations
Requires Customization
Delivered User Def Fund Char
Delivered User Def CI Char
Delivered User Def FC Char
Delivered User Def FA Char
4SAP FACTS Target Fields