Title: Magazine Accountability
1Managing Mix In A Soft Economy
2If You Build It They Will Come
3Except when.
- Disposable Income
- Stock Market
- Employment Levels
- Consumer Confidence
- Google Click-Thrus
4Consumers Forced to Make Choices
What I need
What I want
5The Struggle Within
- Soft Economy
- Ill drive my old car
- Ill buy Dunkin
- Ill buy store brands
- Ill shop Wal-Mart
- Im staying put
- Strong Economy
- I want a new car
- I want Starbucks
- I want the best brands
- I want Target
- I want to move
6With The Economy in Retreat Whats Important
Becomes Even More So
7Welcome to the Persuasion Red-Zone
Purchase Funnel
Brand Awareness
Ad Recall
Brand Imagery
Brand Familiarity
Purchase Intent
Drive to Web
8- Are You Maximizing Impact in the Persuasion
9The Basis For An Answer
- Third Party Data Sources
- 52 Advertiser Funded Cross-Media Accountability
Studies - Multiple Industry Funded Digital Studies
- Media Neutral Formatting
- Let The Data Speak For Itself
10Patterns of Persuasion In The Red Zone
11Media Impact Throughout the Purchase Funnel
Average Percentage Point Increases versus Control
Aided Brand Awareness
Brand Favorability
Purchase Consideration
Source Dynamic Logic. 32 Cross-Media
Accountability Studies, 2004-2007
12Media Impact on Overall Purchase Intent
Average Percentage Point Increases versus Control
Dynamic Logic
Marketing Evolution
Base 32 Studies Source Dynamic Logic/Millward
Brown, 20042007
20 Studies Source Marketing Evolution, 2006
13Auto and CPG
14Media Impact on Automotive Purchase Intent
Average Percentage Point Increases versus Control
Automotive Purchase Intent/ Consideration
Source Marketing Evolution. 4 Automotive
Cross-Media Accountability Studies, including
Asian, U.S. and European nameplates, 2004-2006
15Media Impact on CPG Purchase Intent
Average Percentage Point Increases versus Control
CPG Purchase Intent/ Consideration
Source Dynamic Logic. 14 CPG Cross-Media
Accountability Studies, 2004-2007
16The Relationship Between Purchase Intent and
Drive to Web
Harvesting the Crop
17On-Line Search
18Best Medium In DrivingOnline Searches
What medium influences you to start a search For
merchandise online?
Source BIGresearch In-Market Media Usage Survey
among 15,000 adults, ages 18 to 65, 2007
19By Gender and Age
20Initiating Searches by Gender and Age
What medium influences you to start a search
for merchandise online? ( By Medium)
Source BIGresearch In-Market Media Usage Survey
among 15,000 adults, ages 18 to 65, 2007
21Qualified Searches
22Best Medium at Initiating Qualified Online
Percent Who Made Purchase After Seeing an Ad and
Conducting A Search
Source JupiterResearch In-Market Media Usage
Survey, 2007
23Digital Platforms
24Websites That Are Effective Platforms for Video
Source Eyes On The Internet, Online Publishers
Association, June 2007
26That Answer Starts With The Consumer
- Engages on Your Time
- Ads Part of the Experience
- Readers Opt In
- Time Compressed
- Push Back on Ads
- Catch me if you can
- Marketplace Momentum is no longer a given
- More than ever, marketers will have to create
momentum for their brands - The Persuasion Red Zone will be key
- Advertisers who manage mix to this new reality
will be at an advantage - Magazines can help create that advantage
28Thank You!