Title: Research conducted by:
1Cross Media Optimization Study Grilled Chicken
Flatbread Sandwich Case Study 2002
Research conducted by
Research made possible with the support of
2Grilled Chicken Flatbread Sandwich campaign
3Sample Creative
4Key branding metrics
- Campaign goals
- 1. Increase awareness of the Grilled Chicken
Flatbread Sandwich at McDonalds - Raise the consumers understanding of the
products attributes - Drive trial and purchase intent, as it pertains
to the Grilled Chicken Flatbread Sandwich
5Generating Results
- Measure impact of campaign
- Quantify impact of online advertising relative to
offline - Analyze cost efficiencies
- Determine not only if online advertising can
move the branding needle, but whether it can do
so in a cost efficient manner - Recommend a more efficient media mix
6Media and sample summaryUS adults 18 to 49
Reach/Frequency TRPTV 84/8.4
705.6 Radio / 421.8 Mag 11/1.1
12.5 Online 3/1.8 5.9
Continued sampling to track decay curves for
July 3
June 3
June 7
June 14
June 20
Radio is local and is estimated at 57 Weekly
Reach and 3.7 Weekly Frequency (TRP is calculated
as 57 3.7 2) for two weeks.
7Emotive Analysis
8SIDE BAR Image statements
- Product image statements for Grilled Chicken
Flatbread Sandwich - Question Based upon what you have seen or heard,
how much would you say each statement describes
McDonalds Grilled Chicken Flatbread Sandwich - New
- Exciting
- Different
- Combination of flavors
9Product image Describes completely/ Describes
Combination of great flavors
All results statistically significant at 90
10Image statement summary
- Meaningful shifts in product image association
- Online contributes to the perception that the
product is New, Different, Exciting, and a
Combination of great flavors - Product image perceptions is most greatly
impacted by online advertising among the key
youth segment (15-24). Combination of great
flavors is barely affected by TV and Radio
advertising. Combine online advertising with TV
and Radio advertising and the boost is an
impressive 9 points.
11McDonalds Media Mix
12Results by increasing Online's reach
- Increasing Onlines reach to 60 would boost
product awareness by 8.3 overall among the 18-49
media target - Thats nearly 6 million more people aware
13Product awareness
Aided Awareness Grilled Chicken Flatbread
18-49 population Online reach 60 Average
frequency 1.8
4 day moving average (for greater sample size
14Offline diminishing returnslast 20 of offline
spend only moved product awareness 2pts
Product Awareness
4 day moving averages
15Online is a more efficient solution13 of budget
to move product awareness 5pts
Thats a 3pt branding gain
Product Awareness
Online advertising 60 reach/2.0 frequency TV
TRPs trimmed by approximately 20
16Conclusion Online Advertising Improves the
Overall Media Mix
McDonalds Grilled Chicken Flatbread Sandwich
Television, Radio, Magazine, and Online campaign
232 branding lift
187branding lift
Branding metrics are an average of Aided
Awareness, brand image statements, and reported
product trial
17Why are the results better when online plays a
larger role in the mix?
- The answer is two-fold
- 1 Offline media hit diminishing returns, and
online can help boost the overall results by
touching the same consumers in another
complementary environment - 2 Offline media miss/under-delivers to a segment
of consumers which happen to be reachable through
online advertising
18Online delivers elusive consumers
- TV does not reach (or only lightly covers) 27 of
the 18-49 target market with online access - 76 (20 of total) of these consumers used the
internet one or more hours yesterday - The median usage of the Internet yesterday is 3.1
hours - Using online advertising to reach these otherwise
elusive consumers provides better coverage of the
overall target audience
19Online delivers elusive consumers that otherwise
are under-delivered with Television
Media usageAmong 18-49 target
20reachable by online, but not reached/lightly
reached by TV
Lighter TV but reachable with Online is
defined as those using online for one or more
hours yesterday. Median amount of time spent
with the Internet yesterday among this group is
3.1 hours.
20- Recommendation
- For new products from McDonalds, or products
targeted at the youth segment, increase Online's
share to achieve better overall results within
the same budget
Footnote The analysis we just reviewed is a
conservative analysis. It does not assume any
compounding synergistic effect between Online and
Offline advertising over time. In other words, if
TV increased product awareness from 8 to 11 in
the first day, and the combination of TV and
Online increased it from 8 to 13, than the next
days starting point for product awareness would
be 13 if one assumes a compounding effect. If
one does not assume a compounding effect, the
starting point level for the next day is the
lower 11. Since the reach of this campaign was
very small, we can not observe if there is a
compounding effect or not and therefore must make
an assumption. Throughout this report, we have
taken the conservative assumption. A legitimate
alternative analysis could assumes that there are
compounding effects. In which case, the benefit
of adding online could increase product awareness
by 38 (as opposed to 8).