Title: Benefits of Cover Crops
1Benefits of Cover Crops Reduce the need for of
f-field OM additions food for micro-organisms
improve soil structure tilth
replenish active OM lost during cultivation
Grow your fertilizer in the field!
Legumes supply much of the need N
in symbiosis with Rhyzobia
2- Rhizobia soil bacteria responsible for
symbiotic nitrogen fixation on legume roots.
- Rhizobia fixes atmospheric nitrogen for use by
legume plants in exchange for food (sugars) from
the plant that keep the bacteria living!
- Rhizobia are species specific and seed must be
inoculated the first time it is planted.
3Adapted from P. Sullivan (attra)
Adapted from MCCP
4Cover Crops Crop Rotations Field Timeline Exam
South 40
Back 40
cash crop
cover crop
Adapted from Building soils for better crops.
5Contributions of Cover Crops to soil organic
Adapted from MCCP
6GM crops improve yields by enhancing soil health
Feed the soil that feeds the crops Soil MO nu
mber and diversity increase rapidly after crop
incorporation During microbial breakdown nutrien
ts are released
7Cumulative benefits of cover cropping
You can increase the range of benefits by 1.
Increasing the diversity of cover crops grown
2. Increasing the frequency of cover cropping
3. Increase the length of time in cover crops
8More Benefits
- Cover crops increase soil active organic matter
supply and add a quick nutrient boost
- Deep rooted rotation crops mine nutrients from
deeper in the soil profile (P, K, Mg)
- Plan ahead nutrient benefits are not
- SOIL TEST!!!!!!!
Practice diversity and balance!!!
9Compost additions Up to 5 tons per acre annually
without adverse effects Can use 10 tons per acr
e every 2 3 years without adverse effects
SOIL TEST to check for salinity (EC) levels
10Raise maintain soil organic matter
- Requires a sustained effort
- Difficult in sandy soils, easier in clayey soils
- Raise the rate of OM addition above
- Reduce the loss through mulching reduced
- How much OM is enough?
- Sandy soil 2 is very good
- Clayey soil 3 4 is good
- 1 OM 20 tons OM!!!
11Keeping your organic matter with mulches
Objective to cover your soil with mulch to redu
ce moisture loss However, it also reduces temper
ature gains in spring Straw mulch can cause N
availability problems when incorporated
Compost Green manure Crop residues
12- Benefits of Mulching
- - Reduce organic matter breakdown
- - Enhance water availability to crops
- Less extreme changes in temperature
- Can reduce pest infestations
- Reduces soil erosion
Alfalfa Mulch
15(No Transcript)
17Useful Links www.sare.org/publications - Managin
g Cover Crops Profitably - Building Soils for Bet
ter Crops www.attra.ncat.org many organic publ
ications Sustainable Soils the place of organi
c matter in sustaining soils and their
productivity. B. Wolf G. Snyder
18Thank you!