Title: Sustainable Energy Initiatives in Connecticut
1Sustainable Energy Initiatives in Connecticut
Donald W. Downes, Chairman
Connecticut Department of Public Utility
Control Pursuing Sustainable Energy in New
England Raab Associates Rountable - Boston
April 3, 2009
2Connecticuts SustainableEnergy Initiatives
- CT Energy Efficiency Fund
- Renewable Portfolio Standards Class I, II and
III (EE, CHP) - Demand/Load Response Program EDC enrollment
support - CT Clean Energy Options
- CT Clean Energy Fund
- Project 150
- CT Clean Communities
- CT Energy Efficiency Partners
- Energy Improvement Districts
- Integrated Resource Plan
- CEAB Reactive RFP
- Customer-side DG Grants CHP
- CT Climate Change Action Plan RGGI
- Rates Initiatives
- Seasonal
- Time-Of-Use
3Docket Process for Program Approval
CT Legislation Passed
Responsible Organization(s) (consultant) Develops
Plan Submitted for Approval
DPUC Docket Proceeding
Draft Decision
Final Docket Decision
4The RecessionImpact on CT Initiatives
- Receipts for CT Energy Efficiency CT Clean
Energy funds, collected via the Systems Benefits
Charge on electric bills , are decreasing due to
decline in demand and increase in customer
arrearages - State Government, in order to balance its budget,
is looking at seizing assets of various funds
5Impact of the Stimulus CT Initiatives
- The Stimulus still remains largely undefined
appears to be directing little for use by CTs
dedicated funds instead its is directing to
other areas, such as Department of Social
Services Community Action programs for
distribution - Effectively, the Stimulus will not replace CT
funds, but will provide additional for energy
efficiency, renewable and new technology efforts - CT legislature is looking at undertaking new or
complementary initiatives related to the
Stimulus, thus preserving our dedicated funds
6Possibility of New CT Initiatives?
- Were currently not developing new initiatives,
but preserving and forwarding existing projects
programs - If all approved renewable other projects come
on line well have met well over our needs - For now we have to wait see what actually
comes to fruition