Title: The District Health Barometer
1The District Health Barometer
Fiorenza Monticelli, Gauteng Health Summit,
Turfontein conference centre, 17/9/ 2007
2- The data contained in the DHB comes directly from
the DHIS, StatsSA, Treasury (BAS) data and the
national TB register or directly from the
district / province . - None of the data values received have been
changed and have merely been illustrated in
graphs, maps and tables to make it easier to read
for comparative purposes. Averages have been
calculated, ie for the metro and ISRDP districts
and PCE values calculated from the data received
from Treasury. - The DHIS data is extracted at the end of June
each year, once the official data set has been
signed off by the provinces and sent to Treasury
and the National Department of Health. - The data does not belong to HST, but to the DOH,
StatsSA and Treasury, as applicable. Where the
data is not publicly available, such as with the
DHIS and Treasury data, HST have asked for and
received written permission to use the data for
each DHB published. - The purpose of the DHB is to portray the data as
is, in order to highlight performance and / or
data quality issues. Thus, if the data looks
implausible - it merely highlights data quality
issues at source. - North West (Walker System)
- Increased awareness of
- data quality importance and issues
- indicator use and interpretation of data
- district performance
- inadequate human resources in HIS
- lack of capacity in HIS and the skillful use of
information - Areas that need urgent attention
4Deprivation index 2001 and Socio-economic
Per Capita Expenditure 2005/06
6- Metsweding pop207 774 is the most
socio-economically deprived in Gauteng, 6 of
households without access to piped water. - The only district without a district hospital in
SA, 6 clinics and 2 mobile services (2005/6). - The primary health care expenditure decreased
from R169 per capita in 2001/02 to R119 in 2005/6
and is the second lowest in SA. Inequitable when
compared to Ekurhuleni at R270. - West Rand, pop792 123, PCE dropped from R163 in
2001/02 to R154 per person. - 38 Clinics, 10 Mobile clinics, 2 district
hospitals, hospital on R35 more per person than
7Per Capita Expenditure 2006/07
(Sneak preview)
8City of Johannesburg
9Spider Graphs a different way to view district
The closer to the centre the better
10The further from the centre, the worse
11Ekhuruleni (GP)
12Metsweding (GP)
14City of Johannesburg(GP)
15Tshwane (GP)
16SA ave 90
Immunisation Coverage 2005/06
WR 69.5 Mtsw 65.5
17Immunisation drop-out rate (DTP1-3) 2005/06
18Demonstration on raw data table
19What to expect in the DHB 2006/07
- Socioeconomic data
- Population, Access to water, updated Deprivation
Index using GHS 2005, poverty rate and
socio-economic quintiles - Financial data
- Health indicators - 3 financial years
- New indicator Supervision rate
- District hospital data (by nr of beds 0-49,
50-99, 100-149, 150-200, 200) - Average length of stay
- Bed utilisation rate
- Caesarean section rate
- Cost per patient day equivalent
- District profiles
- Web-GIS interface
20DHB 2006/07
- Release the final draft October/November 2007,
- Raw data table will be made available to NDHSC
members on CD to scrutinize and work with - Launch of hard copy publication and CD with data
early February 2008