Title: Daily Proofreading Lesson 19 Day 1
1Daily Proofreading Lesson 19 Day 1
- Eduardo and me picked some apples?
- 2. We want to make a gallen of apple juce.
2Daily Proofreading Lesson 19 Day 2
3. This morning is gloomyer then yesterday
morning. 4. Can you borrow your Dads jacket.
3Daily Proofreading Lesson 19 Day 3
5. The most good bakerr works at this bakery. 6.
His punkin pie is a nationel treasure!
4Daily Proofreading Lesson 19 Day 4
7. The bestest folktales are about spidders. 8.
That childrens story is long weird, and scary.
5Daily Proofreading Lesson 19 Day 5
9. Last nights movie was the boringest
ever. 10. I couldnt tell wich of the three
actors was the worse one