Title: Cyber Security Research under CFIT
1Cyber Security Research under CFIT
- S. Felix Wu
- Computer Science Department
- University of California, Davis
- wu_at_cs.ucdavis.edu
- http//seclab.cs.ucdavis.edu
2Security Research at UCD
- 20 Faculty members plus 40 PhD students
- Variety of cyber security research from
cryptography, system, architecture, hardware
software, society/community, to networking and
distributed systems - Only can highlight very few in this talk
3Prof. Hao Chen his PhD students
UDP Packets
Victim (410) 555-1980
4DETER/EMISTa national security test-bed
Internet BGP Playback
ipsec tunnels
5Todays Internet
FROMMR.CHEUNG PUI Hang Seng Bank Ltd Sai Wan Ho
Branch 171 Shaukiwan Road Hong Kong. Please
contact me on my personal box puicheungcheungpui_at_
yahoo.com Let me start by introducing myself. I
am Mr. Cheung Pui,director of operations of the
Hang Seng Bank Ltd,Sai Wan Ho Branch. I have a
obscured business suggestion for you. Before the
U.S and Iraqi war our client Major Fadi Basem who
was with the Iraqi forces and also business man
made a numbered fixed deposit for 18
calendar months, with a value of Twenty Four
millions Five Hundred Thousand United State
Dollars only in my branch. Upon maturity several
notice was sent to him,
6Future Internet
- M from Cheung Pui
- ? Probably a spam
- M from Cheung Pui via GGCS mailing list
- ? Probably not interesting
- M from Cheung Pui via Felix Wu
- ? Better be more serious (at least I hope)
7Intel/UCD GENI workshop
- Global Environment for Network Innovation
8How to catch worms
- Security-enhanced Virtual Machine
- Capturing Internet worms over public Internet for
two years without ANY signatures - Zero false positive and empirically zero false
negative - Control flow Hijack attacks
10Only one false positive
11Two DoD MURI awards
- Announced on March 7, 2007
- ARSENAL A Cross Layer Architecture for Secure
Resilient Tactical Mobile ad hoc Networks
(Mohapatra/Levitt/Wu) - Helix A Self-Regenerative Architecture for the
Incorruptible Enterprise (Chen/Rowe/Su/Wu)