Title: Directed evolution of a genetic circuit
1 Sexual asexual generation of
diversity Selection for evolution!
Directed evolution of a genetic circuit Yohei
Yokobayashi, Ron Weiss, and Frances H.
Arnold PNAS December 24, 2002 vol. 99 no. 26
Combinatorial Synthesis of Genetic Networks Caù
lin C. Guet,1,3 Michael B. Elowitz,3 Weihong
Hsing,1 Stanislas Leibler1,2,3 24 MAY 2002 VOL
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7PL1 and PL2 (repressed by LacI), PT(repressed by
TetR), and P?- and P ? (repressedand
activated, respectively, by ? cI)
Bgl I sites such that specific cohesive ends x
and y were associated with each regulatory gene
(for lacI, xlac 5 GCC, ylac 5 TTC for ? cI, xcI
5 AAG, ycI 5 GTG and for tetR, xtet 5 CAC, ytet
5 TCG). Note thatylac is compatible with xcI, ycI
is compatible with xtetR, and so on
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