Title: Introduction to the Chain Rule
1Introduction to the Chain Rule
- The chain rule is used to differentiate composite
functions such as
2Introduction to the Chain Rule
- Think of the composite function as the turning of
a larger gear on a smaller one, and in turn that
smaller gear has an effect on another, larger
gear. - When gear A makes x turns, gear B makes u turns,
and gear C makes y turns. By counting the teeth
on the gears, we might see, for example, that
y2u and ux/3 so y2x/3. Thus dy/du2 and
du/dx1/3 and dy/dx2/3(dy/du)(du/dx)
A x turns
C y turns
B u turns
3Introduction to the Chain Rule
- To rephrase this a small change in x generates
a small change in u which generates a small
change in y, thus
Since dy/duf(u)_ and du/dx g(x), we can also
And substituting ug(x) we get
4Course of Action on Using the Chain rule
- Identify which is the outer function and which is
the inner function. - The inner function, g(x) we now think of as u
- The outer function we call f(u)
- We can multiply the derivative of f(u) by u to
find the derivative of f(g(x))
5The Chain Rule
- To use the chain rule work from the outside to
the inside. The formula says that we
differentiate the outer function f at the inner
function g(x) and then we multiply by the
derivative of the inner function.
6Practicing the Chain Rule
- Find the derivative of the following function
Try this using the chain rule, then check your
answer by expanding the polynomial and finding
the individual derivatives.
The outer function is The inner function is
7Practicing the Chain Rule
8Practicing the Chain Rule
9Introduction to the Chain Rule
So if we apply this to our original problem, we
take the derivative of the outer function (dy/du)
and multiply this by the derivative of the inner
function (du/dx)