Title: HPVCI Meteorology
1HPVCI - Meteorology
- Current Progress
- Continuing Activities
- (Current Quarterly Report)
by Paul J. Croft, R. S. Reddy, Loren
White (also Duanjun Lu and Rafael Mahecha) The
Jackson State University - Meteorology Program
2The Scheme of Work...
3What weve done this quarter...
- MM5/COAMPS/products re-established SGI 2100
- COAMPS open use
- Accounts for other JSU researchers and NWS on SGI
2100 - Tropical Simulations of Dennis Floyd, Demo?
- Allison Opportunity
- RAVE use/independence
- Abstracts submitted and accepted for NWA (Oct)
and AMS (Jan) - JSU MP Newsletter
- Workshop Proceedings (in publications/printing)
- Distance Learning Navy PDC and JCJC start-up
- AMS Wx-Online license
- MET200, MOU Fall 01
4Web Clearinghouse products...
5More from this quarter...
- Research Associate interviews, candidates, two of
7 excellent (other positions), revision to
educational visualization as related to DL
portion of project (interviewing a candidate next
week) to begin by start of year 3 - Addition of Dr. Loren White over summer/fall
- Un-used funds and re-direction request made given
lack of early ARL commitment and hiring - ARL interest, proposal
- Mass storage system still on order
- Linux Cluster awaiting internal action on order
- Staff evaluations, Graduate Student hires
JSU MP Capacity Delivery
Clearinghouse (Year 1-3) Grib, netCDF, other
formats, anonymous ftp
Tech Transfer (Year 1-3) Scripts, Algorithms,
April Seminar, Proceedings, Tech Memo,
Sensible Weather parameters, decision-aids
In-house operational (1)
Distance Learning Intro, intermediate, advanced
Model Suite
SGI Platform (Year 2, 3)
Model Products
VISUALIZE (Year 2-3)
Web Sites (Year 1-2)
Operational Visualizations (Year 1-3)
Standard static, animation, immersive, and
adaptable (QG, SG, and PBL)
Science (Year 1-3) Model Comparisons, snowfall,
convective initiation, Tech Report, preprints,
MSU ERC Tropical Simulation JSU RAVE
Wx Research Forecast Model (MMM-UCAR) WRF Model
SP2/Others RD (Year 2, 3)
7Professional Community...
- Mesoscale Model Users workshop
- AMS WAF/NWP Conference
- Scientific Visualization Course at JSU
- IEEE Visualization Conference (courtesy MSU,
Lead) - Mesoscale Processes Conference
- JSU Weekly Lunch-time seminar (all members of
Met-Team) - Joint sponsorship of Tropical Prediction Seminar
with JAN NWS - SHARP/STARGE students over summer
- Preprint preparations for AMS
- Travel preparations for staff to NWA and AMS
- Manuscripts to be developed (3 in progress,
others possible) - Internal/External documents and documentation
8Concerns and related updates...
- NOAA/NESDIS funded
- AHPCRC long term proposal submitted
- ARL interest and proposal submitted
- Howard University NOAA proposal
- COMET Partners Projects to submit
- Moving, Donations
- Security Issues - FIREWALL/JSU?
- Purchasing timeliness
- Research Staff1
- Hiring difficulties...
- JSU Met Faculty Search approval
9Current Activities Timelines
10Current Activities Timelines continued...
11 Future issues/concerns...
- NOAAPort/Other Resources
- Continuation beyond year 3 of current HPVCI
- Lab Support Resources for operational RAVE
- Coupled modeling for Year 3
- Incomplete tasks and/or delayed tasks
deliverables - AHPCRC interest ARL collaborative