Title: Forecasting with Intervention: Tourism in Croatia
1Forecasting with Intervention Tourism in Croatia
- Ante Rozga,
- Toni Marasovic, Josip Arneric
- University of Split,
- Croatia
21. Introduction
- Tourism is among the most vulnerable business
activities. It could be affected by political
crisis, outbreak of the desease, economic crisis
and war activities. - In Croatia, the war for independence in 1991
affected tourism seriously. The number of foreign
tourist has fallen more than 85 in 1992,
compared with 1989. - But, there were another interventions the
military action Storm in August 1995 for
deliberation of occupied Croatian teritories and
NATO strike in 1999 against Serbia, connected
with Kosovo crisis. Although NATO action was not
conducted on Croatian teritory, the action had
impact on Croatian tourism.
32. Methods
- We have used several satistical methods to
analyze seasonal and other variations in monthly
time series. Some of them are empirically based
while the others were models based methods. We
compared their performance to see the difference.
We concentrated mostly on three of them - 2.1. X-12-ARIMA, developed by the Census Bureau,
U.S.A. It is empirically based method (ad-hoc
method), still dominant method for seasonal
adjustment throughout the world. - 2.2. TRAMO/SEATS, developed in Banco de España,
Madrid, by Gomes, Maravall and Caporello. This
method is popular in EU. - 2.3. Structural Time Series Model developed by
Harvey and others, computer programe by
Timberlake Consultancy Inc.
43. Results
- We have analyzed nights spent by tourists from
July 1993 until April 2007. - Figure 1. Nights in 000
5Figure 2. Seasonal factors extracted by
6Figure 3. Final trend with X-12-ARIMA and
7Method Tramo/Seats X-12-Arima
Transformation Logarithm Logarithm
Mean Correction Yes Yes
Correction for Trading Day Effects 1 Regressor(s) 6 Regressor(s)
Correction for Easter Effect Yes (6 day(s)) Yes (6 day(s))
Correction for Outliers Autom.AO,LS,TC 6 Outlier(s) fixed Autom.AO,LS,TC 4 Outlier(s) fixed
Critical t-value 3,3 3,914
AO Ruj1995 t-value -6.84 -3.300, 3.300 crit.val. --
TC Kol1995 t-value -7.09 -3.300, 3.300 crit.val. --
TC Svi1995 t-value -5.28 -3.300, 3.300 crit.val. --
AO Svi2002 t-value 4.58 -3.300, 3.300 crit.val. 4.01 -3.914, 3.914 crit.val.
AO Svi2000 t-value -3.73 -3.300, 3.300 crit.val. --
AO Svi1997 t-value 3.77 -3.300, 3.300 crit.val. --
LS Svi1995 t-value -- -5.28 -3.914, 3.914 crit.val.
LS Kol1995 t-value -- -5.68 -3.914, 3.914 crit.val.
LS Lis1995 t-value -- 7.69 -3.914, 3.914 crit.val.
Corr. for Missing Obs. None None
Corr. for Other Regr. Effects None None
Specif. of the ARIMA model (1 0 0)(0 1 0) (fixed) (2 1 0)(0 1 1) (fixed)
ARIMA Decomposition Exact --
X-11 Decomposition -- With ARIMA forecasts
X-11 Seasonal Filter -- 3x3 MA
X-11 Trend Filter -- 13-term Henderson MA
Seasonality Seasonal model used Significant
8Information on Diagnostics Model 1 (Tramo-Seats) Model 2 (X-12-Arima)
SA quality index (stand. to 10) 3.554 0, 10 ad-hoc 5.632 0, 10 ad-hoc
Ljung-Box on residuals 32.17 0, 35.20 5 15.02 0, 51.20 0.1
Box-Pierce on residuals 1.95 0, 5.99 5 --
Ljung-Box on squared residuals 11.94 0, 35.20 5 -- 0, ? 0.1
Box-Pierce on squared residuals 0.02 0, 5.99 5 --
Normality 4.29 0, 5.99 5 --
Skewness 0.12 -0.40, 0.40 5 --
Kurtosis (significant) 3.80 2.21, 3.79 5 4.84 1.75, 4.25 0.1
Forecast error over last year -- 6.26 0, 15.0 ad-hoc
Percentage of outliers 3.59 0, 5.0 ad-hoc 2.40 0, 5.0 ad-hoc
Combined statistic Q (M1, M3-M11) -- 0.15 0, 1 ad-hoc
9Figure 4. Final seasonally adjusted seris
10Figure 5. Final trend
11Figure 6. Final irregular factors
12Figure 7. Forecasts by both methods
13- To take advantages both from X-12-ARIMA and
TRAMO/SEATS researchers from CENSUS Bureau are
developing hybrid X-13-ARIMA-SEATS, which would
integrate the best from empirically based method
and method based one.
14- We have used STAMP program which uses structural
time series modelling. - Series trend seasonal intervention
irregular - All these components could be handled in several
different ways. - The results were satisfactory.
- After trying several forecasting and
decomposition methods for tourism in Croatia we
conclude that method TRAMO/SEATS is sligtly
better when it comes to handling interventions in
time series.