Title: PowerPoint Presentation convergence community
1Convergence, a seemingly benign term, entails a
whole host of technological dependencies that
affect our daily lives.
2"Community" is most commonly defined as "an
aggregate of people who share a common interest
in a particular locality".
3convergence ? community
4my/our space
5With the integration of the telephone,
television, and computer, all forms of
information, images, and data can be easily
transferred between locations, opening up the
possibility for a diversity of communication
flows that reflect various ways of producing and
accessing information.
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7my space
your space
nobody's space
8By retreating from the complexity of the modern
world into electronic space, Internet users are
trying to control and refashion interactions,
negating the variety of interactions and
exchanges that are possible in the "real" world.
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10How does community influence convergence?
How does convergence influence community?