Title: Status
1Status Accomplishments of the NPR Task Force
- Rosemary Nelson
- Chairperson, HIMSS NPR Task Force
- February 24, 2004
2 HIMSS National Preparedness Response
(NPR) Task Force
- Background
- Overview of National Landscape
- Meeting HIMSS Strategic Goals
- NPR Task Force Goals/Position Statement
- Objectives
- Update on Current Initiatives
- New NPR Initiatives
- Disaster Management Resources
- Opportunities to become Involved!!
National Preparedness Response (NPR) Task Force
- HIMSS requested to participate in National
- Member, Framework for the Information Technology
Infrastructure for Bioterrorism
- RAND, Science Technology Policy Institute
- Participant, Frontline of Medicine Delphi Survey
- Association of Emergency Room Physicians
- Contributor/Interviewee, Professional journals
- Define National Strategy, National Health
Information Infrastructure (NHII)
- Homeland Security Track
- HIMSS decided to take central role in supporting
members in this topic area-10/02
4National LandscapeWhy HIMSS is Involved
- Health care delivery is critical to rapid ID and
resolution of any crisis (National or Regional,
Man-made or a Natural Disaster)
- Lives and resources saved by forethought and
action on the part of the health care community.
- Critical Infrastructure Protection Directive, PDD
63 Health Care identified as 1 of 8 critical
infrastructure domains requiring industry-wide
leadership - The Bush Administration has made the healthcare
industrys preparedness part of its overall
national security agenda, working with Congress
to allocate over 7 billion for disaster
management and recovery.
5Meeting HIMSS Strategic Goals
- Supports the HIMSS Mission The NPR Task Force
to a committee directly supports the HIMSS
Strategic Plan for 2004-2007, which identifies
the HIMSS mission To be the trusted sources for
knowledge, advocacy, leadership, collaboration,
and community affiliation. - Membership Development The NPR Task Force meets
the needs of HIMSS corporate and individual
audiences working in the national preparedness
arena, and provides HIMSS the venue to establish
a thought leadership position in national
preparedness among its membership that is not
found elsewhere.
6NPR Task Force Position Statement
- The NPR Task Force takes a leadership position in
advocating the following
- Development deployment of enhanced surveillance
methods and technologies to detect, manage, and
prevent public health crises
- Enhanced members understanding of crises
coordination processes used by national, federal,
state, local, public entities
- Create, document, share recommended standards,
techniques, best practices, resources, and case
7NPR Task Force Position Statement (continued)
- Identify communicate pilot efforts and best
practices currently underway
- Coordinate creation of a blueprint to serve as
a checklist to monitor progress in critical
- (e.g., infrastructure deployment, standards,
- Track usage of public/private resources for
emergency preparedness, and encouragement of
health institutions to raise capital for
preparedness response efforts
8NPR Task Force Goals
- Enhance the preparedness of Americas communities
in advance of, and in response to, expected
unexpected public health crises
- Enhance our Nations level of preparedness and
response through a program of activities
- Participate and partner with other affiliates to
advance preparedness, as well as be a force of
pragmatism and action
- Educate HIMSS members
9Overview of NPR Task Force Inaugural Year
- Conducted a three-phased NPR Survey to assess the
current US healthcare preparedness
- Developed a BioTerrorism Preparedness Research
- formally submitted to the HHS CIO and the Program
Manager for the Federal Health Architecture
- Wrote an NPR white paper, entitled, Health
Providers Disaster Preparedness and Response A
Proposed Model for Information Technology
Solution - Created the HIMSS Emergency Preparedness and
Disaster Recovery CD-ROM
10 Update on NPR Initiatives
National Preparedness Response (NPR) Task Force
- Emergency Preparedness Response Survey
- Conducted survey to identify the needs of a
public consumer/HIMSS members with regard to
healthcare information management in disaster and
bio-defense events. - Response rates/Results
- 527 Surveys completed
- Standards (62), Infrastructure (80) and Vision
(70) are all areas in need of focus/improvement
- Dr. Helga Rippens presentation next on agenda
11 Update on NPR Initiatives
National Preparedness Response (NPR) Task Force
- Health Care Information Sharing and Analysis
Center (HCISAC)
- In partnership w/Department of Health and Human
Services, in establishing a HCISAC to improve the
confidentiality, integrity, state of liability,
availability of the national health information
infrastructure to better serve patients,
emergency services and national health
security. - Process evolving HIMSS Role being defined
12 Update on NPR Initiatives
- Creation of Resources
- Resource Grid
- Completion of a comprehensive, central repository
documenting existing preparedness initiatives
- Available for membership access on HIMSS website
- Grid updated monthly
- Next steps
- Web-enabling document
- Creating mechanism by which updates can be
submitted by membership
- CD of presentations, disaster management plans,
13 Update on NPR Initiatives
- White Paper Health Providers' Disaster
Preparedness and Response A Framework for an
Information Technology Solution
- Document provides a springboard for discussion
about the construction of a nationally deployed
health information infrastructure that can
aggregate and analyze critical health data, while
simultaneously providing bi-directional
communication between the key constituencies
involved during times of national disasters and
emergencies. - Next steps Industry and Government leaders to
meet for focus groups in Atlanta and at Annual
- Focus group discussions will lead to second
- http//www.himss.org/content/files/LeiferWhitePape
14 2004/05 HIMSS NPR Priorities
- Coordinating an effort with the HIMSS Knowledge
Management Special Interest Group
- Focused concentration on disaster management and
use of disaster informatics technologies
- New Initiatives and Subject Matter Experts are
15 Sources for More Information
National Preparedness Response (NPR) Task Force
- HIMSS website-Advocacy 2003-2004 Agenda NPR
Position paper/Goals Resource Grid (4/03) White
Paper (5/03)
- www.himss.org
- Legislation Inquiries/Updates
- http//thomas.loc.gov
- AHRQ-sponsored Web assisted audio conferences
(3/3 4/15/ 2)
- http//www.hsrnet.net/ahrq-ulp/bioterrorism
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- http//www.cdc.gov/cic/functions-specs
- National Academy of Sciences
- http//www.nationalacademies.org/topnews/tn1119
- Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense
- http//www.hopkins-biodefense.org/index.html
- AHRQ and University of Alabama-AHRQs
Bioterrorism Emerging Infection Site
- http//www.bioterrorism.uab.edu
- RAND Center for Domestic and International Health
- www.rand.org/health/healthsecurity
16 Sources for More Information
- Medical Group Management Association
- Department of Homeland Security
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- American Red Cross http//www.redcross.org
- Small Business Administration Disaster Assistance
- Institute for Business Home Safety
- National Committee for Employer Support of the
Guard and Reserve http//www.esgr.org
- Johns Hopkins University Center for Civilian
Biodefense Studies http//www.hopkins-biodefense.o
- Bioterrorism Practical Readiness Network
(Bio-PRN) http//www.mgma.com
17- As a healthcare industry leader, HIMSS NPR Task
Force serves a critical role in extending HIMSS
members expertise to disaster management.
- For more information, contact Rosemary Nelson,
HIMSS NPR Task Force Chairperson at