Title: Yanying and Qishaos caterpillar book
1Yanying and Qishaos caterpillar book
2A caterpillar is an insect.
3 External parts of a caterpillar1. Head 2.
Thorax 3. Abdomen 4. Spiracle 5. Anal clasper 6.
Prolegs 7. Segment 8. Thoracic legs 9. Antenna
4A caterpillar has three pairs of true legs.
5caterpillars true legs
1) located on the monarch's thorax 2)
segmented, with joints 3) present in adult
6These three pairs of legs will still exist after
they turn into adult butterfly or moth.
7A caterpillar has up to four pairs of prolegs
which are not real legs and will disappear after
they turn into adult.
8Caterpillars prolegs 1) located on the
abdomen 2) not segmented, no joints, fleshy
shaped like a cylinder 3) disappear in the adult
A proleg is an appendage that looks like a leg,
and acts like a leg, but is not a true leg
(embryologically speaking).
9A caterpillar is the young of a butterfly or a
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11A caterpillar cannot see very well.
12Caterpillars use their short antennae to look
for food.
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14Caterpillars eat a lot and most of them feed on
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