Microsoft Business Intelligence - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Microsoft Business Intelligence


Robert Kaplan and David Norton. Authors of 'The Balanced Scorecard' Drive Corporate Performance ... Certified by Norton and Kaplan's Balanced Scorecard Collaborative. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Microsoft Business Intelligence

Microsoft Business Intelligence
Bruno AzizaProduct ManagerOffice Business
Joey FittsBDM SI Partners Office Business
What is Business Intelligence
  • A broad category of applications and
    technologies for gathering, storing, analyzing,
    sharing and providing access to data to help
    enterprise users make better business decisions
    - Gartner

No matter where you start, you should be able to
move up and down layers seamlessly without
awkward context shifts to gather insights, take
action and optimize performance - TDWI
Drive Corporate PerformanceGiving a purpose to
business intelligence
You cant manage what you cant measure. You
cant measure what you cant describe
Robert Kaplan and David Norton Authors of The
Balanced Scorecard
Customer options
Spreadmarts? Unmanaged multiple versions of the
IT-driven scorecards and dashboards? Technically
sane lack of business context.
Analysis paralysis? Time spent analyzing, little
acting on relevant information.
Misaligned business architecture Lacks alignment
of strategy to actions and results in poor
adoption, productivity and retention
Customer Solutions
IT-driven scorecards or
Spreadmarts or
Standardized Context-driven Predictive
Managed Few in number Easy to understand
Analysis paralysis or
Misaligned business architecture or
Relevant Owned Actionable
Aligned Balanced and linked Transformative
Microsoft Business Intelligence Vision
Microsoft Business Intelligence is a complete
offering that enables all decision makers to
drive increased business performance.
  • Comprehensive and integrated BI offering
  • Widespread delivery of intelligence through
    Microsoft Office
  • Enterprise-grade and affordable

What Customers Expect From CPM
  • Business Decision Makers (from C-Level on down)
  • Access to multiple data sources for exception
  • Deep analysis in context
  • Integrated collaboration environment
  • Alerting on changes in data
  • Business Analysts
  • A system of record for business definitions
  • Empowering KPI and scorecard designer
  • Auditing, versioning, and reversion capabilities
  • IT Administrators
  • Centrally managed, scalable BI platform
  • Better partnership with business users in
    scorecard and KPI authoring

Microsoft Business Intelligence
End user tools
Business Intelligence Platform
Microsoft Business Intelligence
Business Scorecard Manager
The Microsoft foundation for ubiquitous BI is
now in place. AMR research
  • Launched on 10/24/2005.
  • Certified by Norton and Kaplans Balanced
    Scorecard Collaborative.
  • BSM deployments cost between 20-50 the cost of
    the average BI competitor deployments.
  • Generally available today via your MSDN downloads.

Click here for AMR report
What is Business Scorecard Manager
(No Transcript)
Customer success
Microsoft IT
Customer Challenge
  • Provide alignment between corporate goals and
    employees actions through the enterprise.
  • Create an ownership culture by providing
    visibility at the right level and giving
    information workers with the tools to drive their
    business efficiently.
  • Drive productivity throughout the organization
    and measure corporate competitive advantage.
  • Enterprise BI vision
  • Enterprise Class software and hardware
  • Rapid Development of BI solutions
  • Ease of integration with 3rd party tools and
    workflow and portals
  • Enterprise Class Toolset
  • Business Scorecard Manager 2005
  • Microsoft Office 2003
  • SQL Server Analysis Services 2005
  • SQL Server Reporting Services 2005
  • Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server
  • Windows Server 2003
  • Empower metrics owners to know and act on their
  • Simplify collaborate, knowledge sharing and
    resolution of business issues within one
  • Protect business owners via enterprise-wide and
    flexible BI platform.

Scorecarding offers true visibility into
employee accountability and actions. Managers and
our CIO can see problems and successes in
real-time, just as our employees can.. - Daniel
Rubiolo Mendoza, Operations Manager, MSIT
Click here for case study
MSIT screenshot
Internal only
Premier Bankcard
Customer Challenge
  • Provide pro-active insights to business users so
    they can drive performance efficiently through
    the enterprise.
  • Integrate corporate performance in the daily life
    of business users so that, by embracing
    scorecarding they can drive the companys
  • Drive productivity throughout the organization
    and measure corporate competitive advantage.
  • Enterprise BI vision
  • Enterprise Class software and hardware
  • Rapid Development of BI solutions
  • Ease of integration with 3rd party tools and
    workflow and portals
  • Enterprise Class Toolset
  • Microsoft Office Business Scorecard Manager 2005
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and 2005
  • Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003
  • Microsoft Office Suite 2003
  • Microsoft SQL Server Analysis and Reporting
  • Align strategic goals with actions and empower
    metrics owners to pro-actively impact their
  • Build a performance framework which allows the
    employees to deliver on goals short and long
  • Empower business owners through and integrated
    and flexible BI solution.

This solution presents all users with one
version of the truth. And what's even more
important is that, with a single version of the
truth, youve got everyone in the organization
working towards a common goal. - Ron Van Zanten,
Business Intelligence Officer, PREMIER Bankcard
Click here for case study
Customer Challenge
  • Measure and improve key strategic goals and drive
    cross-company initiatives based on one common
    version of the truth.
  • Improve corporate agility and competitive
    advantage by providing aligned and actionable
    insight to relevant decision makers.
  • Empower business owners to take action through
    integrated and powerful end-user applications.
  • Focus on the right metrics for customer
    satisfaction, acquisition and retention in order
    to drive corporate performance with the right
  • Empower line of business managers to make faster
    decisions by providing them with pro-active and
    aligned business insights.
  • Build a solution on a flexible and scalable BI
    platform and lower change management cost and
  • Enterprise BI vision
  • Enterprise Class software and hardware
  • Rapid Development of BI solutions
  • Ease of integration with 3rd party tools and
    workflow and portals
  • Enterprise Class Toolset
  • Microsoft Office Business Scorecard Manager 2005
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and 2005
  • Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003
  • Microsoft Office Suite 2003
  • Microsoft SQL Server Analysis and Reporting

We wanted the right people to see problems
immediately so they could rectify them before
they became a huge liability. Laura Gibbons,
Manager/Black Belt, Customer Satisfaction Six
Sigma , Expedia, Inc
Click here for case study
Skanska U.S.A.
Customer Challenge
  • Performance management became part of the company
    DNA by integrating scorecards in employees daily
  • Alignment between strategic goals and the
    companys distributed employees objectives.
  • Democratization of performance management making
    insight pervasively available through office
  • Need for an integrated scorecarding application
    that would address the needs of multiple user
    types throughout a very distributed environment.
  • Deployment required a sophisticated yet flexible
    BI solution that would adapt to corporate
    business practices.
  • Build a solution on a reliable and scalable BI
    platform while lowering change management cost
    and time.
  • Enterprise BI vision
  • Enterprise Class software and hardware
  • Rapid Development of BI solutions
  • Ease of integration with 3rd party tools and
    workflow and portals
  • Enterprise Class Toolset
  • Microsoft Office Business Scorecard Manager 2005
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and 2005
  • Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003
  • Microsoft Office Suite 2003
  • Microsoft SQL Server Analysis and Reporting

The challenge is that our organization is very
mobile, very virtual and you never know where
people are going to be online or offline - Allen
Emerick, Director of IT, Applications and
Integration, Skanska USA
Click here for case study
Development Bank of Southern Africa
Customer Challenge
  • Communicate corporate strategic goals using
    consistent and actionable metrics all employees
    could relate to.
  • Drive user adoption by turning metrics into
    actions and making performance management tasks
    part of their daily life.
  • Deploy a solution on a scalable and reliable
    platform which could support a wide array of
    information analysis requirements.
  • Enterprise BI vision
  • Enterprise Class software and hardware
  • Rapid Development of BI solutions
  • Ease of integration with 3rd party tools and
    workflow and portals
  • Enterprise Class Toolset
  • Microsoft Office Business Scorecard Manager 2005
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005
  • Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003
  • Microsoft Office Suite 2003
  • Microsoft SQL Server Analysis and Reporting
  • Performance management made easy by aligning
    multiple workflows and information sharing
    initiatives into a common set of scorecards.
  • Create a dynamic performance management culture
    whereby employees improve their business by
    pro-actively driving scorecards results.

We see our automated scorecarding solution as
being a critical communication tool for our
strategy. Everyone gets a consistent view of the
organization. And just as importantly, this
consistent view will tie scorecarding results to
relevant documents such as policy papers or
PowerPoint presentations. Dave Evans - DBSA
senior strategic planner.
Click here for case study Click here for the video
Israeli Police Force
Customer Challenge
  • Communicate corporate objectives and results
    broadly and consistently to employees, the
    public, the media and politicians.
  • Turn data into actionable insights that was
    aligned with the organizations goals and drive
    efficiencies through the police.
  • Build on top of a solution that officers would
    adopt quickly for its user-friendliness and
    strong end user applications integration.
  • Enterprise BI vision
  • Enterprise Class software and hardware
  • Rapid Development of BI solutions
  • Ease of integration with 3rd party tools and
    workflow and portals
  • Enterprise Class Toolset
  • Microsoft Office Business Scorecard Manager 2005
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and 2005
  • Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003
  • Microsoft Office Suite 2003
  • Microsoft SQL Server Analysis and Reporting
  • A performance management solution which enables
    employees to measure, monitor and drive key
    initiatives throughout the entire organization.
  • Pro-action, focus and ownership driven to police
    units so they know when to take action.
  • Efficiencies driven thru integration of multiple
    data sources into one common framework for

We sought a powerful, yet user-friendly tool
that wasnt intimidating for our officers to use.
A system that could automatically link
information from a wide range of data sources
across the state. A solution that offered us all
the flexibility we needed to adapt to any changes
we may need to consider in the future. Chief
Superintendent Gilboa, Israel Police.
Click here for case study
External Resources
  • Intro BSM demo
  • Customer Case Studies
  • Customer Video
  • Press Coverage
  • Analyst Research
  • Data Sheets
  • Technical Whitepapers
  • Business Whitepapers
  • Deployment considerations
  • Click-by-click installation guide
  • Business Scorecard Manager 2005 website _at_
  • Training Kit
  • Introduction
  • BSM Builder Fundamentals
  • BSM Builder Advanced
  • Report Views
  • Scorecard Views
  • Deploying Scorecards to SharePoint SQL Reporting
  • BSM Server Security
  • Extensibility

Additional slides
  • Why BSM instead of SQL 2005
  • Its not about instead its about together
  • Whats your profile, what are your needs?
  • BI concepts
  • KPIs vs scorecards

  • Scorecards are
  • Expression and visualization of a strategy
  • Entry point to analysis for most business users
  • Reduces the risk of providing raw data or data in
    large volumes
  • Microsoft Scorecards are
  • Portable
  • Re-usable
  • Flexible, Easy to use
  • Integrated

Scorecards vs. KPIsIndicators by themselves
dont tell you how to win the race
  • Can you tell me if you will win the race if
  • You can tell how much gas you have?
  • You can tell how fast you are going?
  • You tell how far you have to go?
  • Its the combination of the answers to these
    questions that will allow you to answer the
    original question.
  • The individual answers are kpis.
  • The combination of the answers is the scorecard.

KPIs are everywhereWin by balancing
perspectives and maximizing corporate impact.
  • Scorecards need to be
  • Easy to understand and relevant (contextual and
  • Easy to communicate (portable and re-usable)
  • Aligned and owned (managed and auditable)

We give customers choices
If you customer needs to do email today, they
could chose any of the following solutions
Hotmail Outlook Express Outlook Pro
Send and receive email Yes Yes Yes
Manage contacts Yes Yes Yes
Manage calendar activities Yes Yes Yes
  • Does it mean, they will use Hotmail for
    everything? No
  • Does it mean you should try and sell Hotmail
    for everything? Maybe the choice depends on two
  • what the customer needs
  • what are core product strengths can best address
    the customer needs.

Build, Consume, Manage
If you customer needs to do email today, they
could chose any of the following solutions
BSM SPS SQL Server Excel
Build Offline/Online building capability Reusable kpi definitions Scorecard built by business users Ability to write back kpi definitions to SQL 2005 High Low Low High
Consume Offline/Online end-user experience Aligned view of business thru strategy maps Every Kpis is owned by individual or group Context-driven kpis, scorecards and annotations High Medium Low High
Manage and Administrate Versioning of kpi, targets, scorecards, indicators Global audit reporting capabilities Allow business users to revert to previous versions Column, cell, row data and metadata value alerting High Low High Low
Microsoft Business Intelligence
Pricing Info
Production Licenses Prices Comments
Business Scorecard Manager 2005 CAL 175 per device or per user A CAL is required for every user or device that accesses the server.
Business Scorecard Manager 2005 Server License 4,999 US per server Each server on which Business Scorecard Manager 2005 is deployed requires a license
Business Scorecard Manager 2005 External Connector License 30,000 US per server The External Connector License enables an unlimited number of non-employees to access Business Scorecard Manager 2005 without any technical limitations or restrictions. This license may be obtained for every server that provides services to non-employees. A non-employee is a person who is not an employee, or similar personnel of the company or its affiliates, not any individual to whom you provide hosted services using the server software.
External links BSM pricing information Volume
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