Title: Practice Two Tutorial
1Practice Two Tutorial
- Step by step instructions for completing practice
two. Students have notes in their binder. They
are either white or light blue.
2- my sister jumped on her new bed
My sister is the complete subject of the sentence
because that is what the sentence is about.
Underline once.
3- my sister jumped on her new bed
Sister is the simple subject because that is the
main word in the complete subject.
4- my sister jumped on her new bed
Jumped on her new bed is the complete predicate
because it tells you what the subject did.
Underline twice.
5- my sister jumped on her new bed
Jumped is the verb and it is intransitive because
it does not have a direct object.
6- my sister jumped on her new bed
adv. prep. ph.
On her new bed is a prepositional phrase. It
begins with the preposition on and ends with what
the subject was on (bed). It tells where the
subject is so it is acting as an adverb.
7- my sister jumped (on her new bed)
adv. prep. ph.
To find the object of the preposition say the
preposition and then what? Ex. On what?
Answer bed