Title: Stratus Ocean Reference Station
1Stratus Ocean Reference Station
- Established Oct 2000, 20S, 85W
- Annual recover/redeploy
- Surface met/fluxes
- at 1 minute, 2 systems
- Withheld, hourly shared via ftp
- Ocean velocity, temp, salinity to 300 m
- 6 to 10 days on site at mooring
- Additional station time at 20S, 75W at SHOA
2Stratus surface mooring Cruises have originated
from Arica, Galapagos, Costa Rica, Ecuador Cruise
have returned to Arica, Valaparaiso
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8Diurnal variability at stratus mooring Red -
incoming lw Blue - incoming sw Black -
sst Magenta - air temp Cyan - wind speed
9Summary of 3 years (overplot) of monthly heat
flux terms and of air temperature and sea surface
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17Three years of temperature data
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21The interannual anomalies are associated with
depth of permanent thermocline and of new annual
thermocline. The base of the thermoclines stands
out as having the largest departures from the
3-year mean.
221-D PWP ocean model run Heat does not penetrate
as deeply as observed
23Progressive vector diagrams of ocean
currents Evidence for surface wind-driven flow
and for eddy variability
24Ekman heat flux (numbers and color contours) is a
small contribution to local heat balance.
Climatological SST isolines are close to parallel
to wind stress in offshore region.
25Mesoscale variability associated with Rossby waves
26Vega, Du Penhoat, Dewitte, Pizarro, Abarca
AVION Newsletter Low Frequency Variability in
Southeastern Pacific Rossby waves
27Eddy transport of heat Correlation of eddy u and
T and of eddy v and T at 10 m (blue), 20 m (red),
and 128 m (black)
28Best estimates of heat balance at stratus
mooring. Major terms surface heating, Ekman
pumping, geostrophic advection, eddy divergence.
29SHOA DART Surface Mooring at 75W, 20S
30INOCAR surface moorings Calicuchima