Globalization and economy: a small country perspective - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Globalization and economy: a small country perspective


There have been periods of large scale economic integration and free trade in economic history ... Overinvestment: inefficient use of capital ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Globalization and economy: a small country perspective

Globalization and economy a small country
  • Jaakko Kiander
  • Government Institute for Economic Research

Globalization and economy a small country
  • Old and new globalization
  • What globalization means?
  • Drivers and new actors
  • How small open economies are affected
  • Conclusions

Old and new globalization
  • There have been periods of large scale economic
    integration and free trade in economic history
  • Ancient Rome and the Mediterranean economy
  • 19th century especially 1870-1913
  • Large movements of goods, capital and labour
    between continents

New globalization
  • Steps towards free trade since 1945
  • Financial market deregulation and free capital
    movements in the 1980s
  • Regional integrations processes
  • EU and NAFTA
  • Emerging economies
  • East-Asian tigers, China 1978, CEEC 1989, India

What globalization means?
  • Free movements of goods and capital (and people,
    to some extent)
  • The basic logic of economic globalization (and
  • Economic convergence as a result
  • Who is going to benefit from globalization?

The basic logic of economic globalization (and
  • Liberalization likely to increase factor
    movements and trade
  • More international trade (and benefits from
    division of labour)
  • Capital movements from rich to poor countries
  • Labour movements from poor to rich countries

Investment as a vehicle of development
  • Rapid productivity growth enabled through FDI
  • Greenfield investment more capacity
  • Transformation of old capital stock higher
  • New technology embodied in new equipment
  • Organizational and managerial skills imported
  • Rapid access to export markets

The process continuous adjustment to profit
  • Faster growth in emerging economies due to cost
  • New technologies adopted
  • Structural change industries in rich countries
    using unskilled labour shift their production to
    emerging markets
  • Increasing flow of cheap imports from emerging
    economies keep inflation under control

Convergence as a result (in long term)
  • Real wages and price levels in emerging economies
    grow faster than in rich countries
  • The larger are factor movements, the faster is
    the convergence process (but it still takes
    decades cf China)
  • Large effects in emerging economies, only minor
    effects in rich countries

Who is going to benefit from globalization?
  • Almost everybody benefits in emerging economies
    but structural change also likely, and can be
  • will there be any compensation?
  • Rising income differentials
  • Capital owners, consumers and skilled workers
    benefit in rich countries but some unskilled may
    be losers
  • Global income distribution becomes more equal

Economy tends to balance itself
  • Growing output and exports of emerging economies
    will be balanced by their growing imports jobs
    do not disappear
  • Adjustment process may require substantial
    changes in relative prices (exchange rates)
  • During the period of globalization employment has
    increased everywhere

Economic globalization changes the world
  • New economic super powers China and India
  • New middle-size powers Russia, Brazil, Mexico,
    South Africa, Iran, Pakistan, Korea, Indonesia
  • Old economic super powers will become smaller
    Germany, UK, Japan,

The Finnish growth record the last 100 years
  • Finland as an example of a small country
    benefiting from globalization
  • An impressive record catching up from poor to
  • Rapid productivity growth mostly due to
    international competition
  • Increased employment through population growth
    and higher labour force participation

Long-term economic growth in Finland
The old post-war model of economic growth
  • Export-oriented importance of export industries
    widely understood (cf. Japan and China)
  • Capital intensive emphasis on industrialization
    and heavy industries high savings and
    investment rates
  • Statist government and state as central decision
    makers in co-operation with banks and export

The old model
  • Government had a central role
  • state-owned companies
  • aggressive industrial regional policy
  • regulation of markets, ownership, capital flows,
    and investment decisions
  • systematic investment in education and training

The old model
  • Macroeconomic policy targeted to maintain
    improve competitiveness
  • Flexible exchange rates and incomes policy
  • and to support investment
  • Taxation and corporate governance supported
    growth targets, not profitability
  • Corporate finance based on debt
  • Investment ratio usually close to 30 of GDP
    (China 50 )

Assessing the old model
  • Not compatible with free markets and free factor
  • Overinvestment inefficient use of capital
  • Forced savings consumption constrained but rapid
    improvement in living standards
  • BUT Good results in terms of growth and

Transition to new regime
  • Liberalisation of product and capital markets in
    the 1980s
  • Liberalisation of foreign ownership in 1993
  • End of bilateral trade with Soviet Union
  • Financial crisis and restructuring in 1991-94
  • rise in unemployment
  • a wave of bankruptcies
  • banking crisis
  • increase in foreign ownership

The new regime
  • EU and EMU memberships as corner stones
  • Macroeconomic policy cannot be used anymore to
    improve competitiveness
  • All sectors opened to competition and foreign
  • Shareholder value as driving force in corporate
    governance (instead of growth and investment)
  • Corporate taxation reformed no special
    incentives to investment

The new regime
  • Government not any more active in industrial
  • Large chunks of state-owned companies privatised
    less government control
  • Even more emphasis on innovation system, RD
    policy, and education

RD spending
Experiences and lessons from the new regime
  • GDP growth record has been good since 1994
    (almost as good as in the old system)
  • Rapid labour productivity growth has continued
    (but is has been a bit slower)
  • Investment ratio has fallen from 25 of GDP to
    17 although profitability has improved

Export-led growth
  • Policy priority growth of exports

Declining unemployment rates
Productivity growth better than elsewhere
Experiences and lessons
  • Finland has been succesful thanks to
  • High technological level and specialization
  • Good competitiveness (partly due to big
    devaluations in the 1990s)
  • Rapid structural change to more high tech
  • The Nokia phenomenon extra bonus to Finnish
  • Lots of innovative activity education, skills,
    RD, policy
  • In spite of declining income share, real earnings
    have developed well

Finland adjusting to globalization
  • So far, Finland has been succesful
  • Rapid rise of exports
  • Huge surplus in trade balance
  • Continuous flow of plant closures simple
    manufacturing jobs move to low-wage countries
    but total manufacturing is doing well
  • Specialization to high value added
  • More competitive pressure
  • workers bargaining power eroded
  • Tax competition

What explains the rapid growth of exports,
productivity and industrial production?
  • Creative destruction the recession wiped out
    25 percent of jobs in 1991-94 the least
    productive firms and plants were eliminated
  • Competitiveness hugely improved competitiveness
    as a result of exchange rate movements, rising
    productivity and wage moderation (achieved
    through unemployment centralized wage setting)
  • Structural change shift from resource-based to
    knowledge-intensive production (IT sector)
  • New technology Finnish firms in the frontier of
    new technology in the 1990s (Nokia)
  • Luck smallness if there is a successful large
    firm in a small country it has a decisive impact
    on everything

Role of policy 1/3
  • National innovation system
  • There has been a long term commitment to build up
    innovation system
  • IT sector development started in the 1970s
  • Based on broad political consensus
  • Network of universities and government
    laboratories in co-operation with private sector
  • New technologies traditionally adopted in early
    phase (banking, telecommunications)
  • Strong industrial base

Role of policy 2/3
  • Technology policy
  • Government spending on RD 1 of GDP
  • Consists of own research subsidies
  • Co-operation and competition
  • Intermediate bodies which link research units and
  • Government subsidies help to form joint projects
    with small firms
  • Business sector RD more than 2 of GDP
  • Problem most of that concentrated in IT sector
  • Education
  • Skill formation, with emphasis on engineering and
  • Increasing supply of skilled labour
  • Abundant resource pool
  • Moderate wage level

Role of policy 3/3
  • Maintaining advantage in competition
  • Price stability since 1993 inflation less than
    EU15 average
  • Wage moderation through long term commitment
    falling unit labour cost
  • Tax policy crafted to face international tax
  • Corporate and capital income taxation flat tax
    since 1993 current rate 26
  • Labour taxation gradual cuts since 1996,
    financed by increased corporate tax revenues and
    higher environmental taxes
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