Title: Chpts. 31, 32: Electromagnetic Induction
1Chpts. 31, 32 Electromagnetic Induction
Faradays Law of Induction the emf induced in a
circuit equals the rate of change of the magnetic
flux through the circuit. Niagara Falls
Hydroelectric Generator
2Magnetic Flux
3Faradays Law of Electromagnetic Induction
SEE ACTIVE FIG. 31.1 and 31.2 at pse6.com
4Motional emf
5Lenzs Law
Lenzs law states that the direction of the
induced emf is such that it produces a current
that creates a magnetic flux that opposes the
original change in magnetic flux.
6Alternating Current (ac) Generator
SEE ACTIVE FIG. 31.21 and .23 at pse6.com
7Self Inductance
8Example 32.1 The self inductance of a solenoid
9Energy stored in an inductor
10Mutual Inductance
11Example 32.6 Wireless battery charger
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