Title: Moses: Groomed for Greatness Bible Knowledge
1Moses Groomed for GreatnessBible Knowledge
2Sometimes God trains us by
3God spares Moses Over a period of about 430
years, God increased Jacobs descendants in
________ to two million. Abrahams family was a
great nation, as promised. Fearing the
Israelites great size ________ enslaved them and
later ordered them to throw their male babies
into the _______. But God led two Israelites to
hide their son for _______ months and then float
him in the Nile in a waterproof basket. Pharaohs
_________ found the child and felt sorry for
him.God had saved the deliverers life.
4God trains Moses Pharaohs daughter accepted
Miriams offer of a Hebrew ______ for the child.
This nurse was Moses own _______. During the
first years of Moses life, he learned that he
was one of the chosen people of the one true
_____, who had long ago promised a _______ from
sin. When Moses was old enough, he went to live
at Pharaohs _______. There he learned all the
wisdom of _______, the most advanced civilization
at that time.God was preparing the deliverer for
his important role.
5God calls Moses Moses impulsively killed an
___________. When the Hebrews did not accept him
as their deliverer, he fled to _______. Forty
years later, God spoke to Moses through a ______
that burned but did not burn up. He said, I am
the God of Abraham, Isaac, and _______. I am
sending you to bring my people out of Egypt. He
gave the reluctant Moses miraculous ______,
promised to teach him what to say, and gave him
help by enlisting his brother _______ as a
spokesperson. When the Israelite elders heard
that God had seen their misery and was about to
act, they bowed down and __________.
6How did Moses respond as God prepared him to
We read the highlights of Moses life in three
different places in the Biblein Moses own words
in Exodus in Stephens sermon in Acts and in
the Hall of Faith, Hebrews 11.
7How did Moses respond as God prepared him to
From these three readings, we see how God
directed Moses lifefrom a reed basket to
Pharaohs palace, from Egypt to Midian to Egypt
againtraining him to be the deliverer of his
people, the Israelites, from whom the Savior
would come. Lets see how Moses responded as God
prepared him to be the deliverer.
8What did Moses choose over earthly wealth and
Read Hebrews 1124-26.
By faith Moses identified with the Israelites,
his biological family, instead of with the
Egyptians, who had adopted him. What did this
decision cost him?
What did Moses value more than the treasures of
9How did Moses respond as God prepared him to
How would most people today regard Moses choice
to give up wealth and prestige to follow God?
What gives true happiness?
10What did Moses choose over earthly wealth and
Read Hebrews 1124-26.
Moses lived about 1,500 years before Christ. How
could the writer to the Hebrews say Moses valued
11How did Moses respond as God prepared him to
Evaluate the following statements
A Christian should not pursue a career only
because that career brings a hefty salary.
Those who choose careers in the helping
professionssocial work, medicine, teaching,
preachingglorify God more than those who choose
other careers.
12How did Moses sin in his attempt to serve God?
Read Exodus 211-15 Acts 723-25.
Why did Moses murder the Egyptian?
What did Moses hope the Israelites would
understand as a result of his killing the
13How did Moses respond as God prepared him to
Although God had not yet given Moses the Ten
Commandments, how would Moses have known that
killing an Egyptian was a sin?
14How did Moses sin in his attempt to serve God?
Read Exodus 211-15 Acts 723-25.
Why was Moses decision a bad one?
What resulted from his action?
15How did Moses respond as God prepared him to
Moses killed an Egyptian to help an Israelite.
Think of other Bible examples of people who, like
Moses, did the wrong thing for what they
perceived to be the right reason.
Tell of a time when you did something wrong
because you thought you had a good reason.
16After much reluctance, how did Moses finally
Read Exodus 311,13.
Forty years later, when God called Moses to be
the deliverer, what was Moses initial response?
17How did Moses respond as God prepared him to
What excuses have you given lately for not doing
what God, your parents, or your teachers asked
you to do?
Why did you make these excuses?
18After much reluctance, how did Moses finally
Read Exodus 41-17.
What other concerns did Moses have?
God reassured Moses after every concern he
voiced. But what did Moses finally say?
19After much reluctance, how did Moses finally
Read Exodus 41-17.
Why was the Lord angry?
In what ways did God reassure Moses?
20How did Moses respond as God prepared him to
Your friend, who has always been good at math,
says, Im not going to take the hard math
courses. Im just not good at math. Is this
humilityor something else?
21The 10 PlaguesBible Knowledge
22In the 430 years since Jacobs family had moved
to Egypt, the Israelites had grown to a hearty
two _________________but also a bitter and
oppressed two million, enslaved by
_________________ to build his great cities.
Moses and his brother _________________ came to
Pharaoh with Gods command Let my people
_________________. But Pharaoh refused and then
punished the Israelites by making them gather
their own _________________ for bricks.
23Even after Aarons staff turned into a snake and
swallowed the Egyptian magicians
_________________, Pharaoh refused. Then God sent
mighty, destructive plagues so that the
Egyptians will know that I am the
_________________ (75). The first nine plagues
were the following
24Nile turning to blood
animal disease
25After the third plague, only the Egyptians were
affecteda sure sign that the God of the
_________________ was the one true God! Yet
Pharaoh continued to harden his heart. After the
sixth plague, God _________________ Pharaohs
heart so that it was impossible for him to repent.
26And so the stage was set for the greatest plague
of allGod would pass through all Egypt, killing
every _________________ male but passing over
those households that obeyed his Passover
instructions. Immediately after the Passover, God
would deliver his people out of _________________
and take them to the Promised _________________,
the land where he would fulfill his promise to
send the _________________.
27Pharaoh was warned and allowed to watch
Yes, replicated by the Egyptian magicians
Egypt worked around it
Pharaohs heart was hardened
Promised but then Pharaoh hardened his heart
Pharaoh warned but not with Moses
Yes, replicated by the Egyptian magicians
Pharaoh named the time the frogs would go
28No warning
No. The magicians saw the lice as an act of God
Were not told probably
Pharaohs heart was hardened doesnt speak to
Pharoah hardened his heart
Flies were removed when Pharaoh promised
Pharaoh warned but not with Moses
No. They didnt even try.
29Pharaoh warned and told when it would happen
Again they didnt try.
It was one of actioncattle stayed dead
The heart of Pharaoh was hardened.
The Lord hardened Pharaohs heart
Were not told scarring would have resulted
Pharaoh not warned but was with Moses
Magicians could not even heal themselves
30Pharaoh and servants warned some escaped.
Didnt try.
Crops destroyed some left
Pharaoh admits sin, but hardens his heart
Pharaoh warned servants almost get him to give in
Pharaoh promises. The Lord hardens Pharaohs
Complete devast-ation Harvest is gone
Didnt try.
31No warning
Didnt try.
Yes, only 3 days
Pharaohs heart is hardened by God.
Israelites were let go
No. Firstborn dead.
32The Passover A Symbol of Gods GraceBible
33As God sent plague after plague upon Egypt,
wicked Pharaoh remained stubborn. He would not
let the Israelites go. But God used Pharaohs
hard-heartedness to further his gracious plan
The LORD had said to Moses, Pharaoh will refuse
to listen to youso that my wonders may be
multiplied in Egypt (Exodus 119). Against this
backdrop of a beaten-down Egypt and a
hard-hearted Pharaoh, we find the Savior-God
graciously rescuing his people and proclaiming
the wonderful truth that he redeems his people
with blood.
34What did God promise regarding the blood of the
Passover lamb?
Read Exodus 121-13.
What instructions about the Passover lamb did God
give to the Israelites through Moses and Aaron?
What was the significance of the blood on the
Who, therefore, died in the place of the
believers in Egypt?
35Why did God command the Jews to celebrate the
Passover every year?
Read Exodus 1224-28.
Why did God want his people to obey these same
instructions every year as a lasting ordinance?
How did the people respond to Gods instructions?
36Why did God command the Jews to celebrate the
Passover every year?
Read Exodus 1311-16.
What command for the future did the Lord give the
How were the Israelites to respond when asked by
future generations?
What figure of speech showed that God wanted his
people to remember his grace in their thoughts
and in their deeds?
37The Exodus An Exercise in TrustBible Knowledge
38As the Egyptians awoke that first Passover night
to find their firstborn _________________ dead,
they begged the Israelites to leave Egyptand
gave them silver, gold, and _________________ to
take along. And so two million Israelites walked
out of Egypt. God had freed them from
39God guided them to the _________________ Sea with
his glory-clouda visible pledge of his presence.
At the edge of the sea, the Israelites looked up
and saw the rapidly approaching
_________________, who had changed their minds
about letting their slave force go so easily. The
Israelites were trapped by the sea, the
mountains, and the army of Egyptian chariots. But
_________________ opened a way for them, sweeping
the seawater up into two huge _________________
and putting his glory-cloud between them and the
40That night two million former slaves crossed the
Red Sea on dry _________________. When morning
came and the Egyptians began to cross, God
brought the walls of _________________ down,
completely destroying them.
41The Israelites cried, I will sing to the
_________________, for he is highly exalted. The
horse and its _________________ he has hurled
into the sea.
42God had shown his power in the ten plagues, saved
his people with the blood of the Passover
_________________, miraculously divided a sea for
them, and completely destroyed _________________.
They would surely trust him for everything
elsewouldnt they?
the Egyptians
43Unfortunately, we read that they did not. Time
and again they criticized _________________ and
complained against God. Yet God continued to be
good to his people. He made the _________________
sweet at Marah. He sent _________________ and
manna to eat. He gave them water from a rock at
_________________. He cared for his people,
ungrateful as they were, until they reached the
land where he would one day send the most
wonderful blessing of allthe promised
_________________, who would quench their
spiritual hunger and thirst forever.
44After the Passover the hard-hearted Pharaoh
admitted defeat. Imagine the grief and sorrow of
the Egyptians as they lost their firstborn sons.
Imagine the joy and thankfulness of the
Israelites as they marched to freedom. But when
Pharaoh changed his mind and decided to pursue
the Israelites with his best soldiers and
swiftest chariots, the Israelites cowered in
45In this setting we see the Israelites lack of
trust and, even more profound, Gods grace in
spite of his peoples doubts. This
patternIsraels fearful whining, Gods gracious
providencecontinued as the Israelites journeyed
away from Egypt toward the Promised Land.
46Why did God command the Jews to celebrate the
Passover every year?
Read Exodus 1410-14.
Whom did the Israelites blame for their
predicament at the Red Sea?
How did Moses respond?
47Why did God command the Jews to celebrate the
Passover every year?
Read Exodus 1522-27.
God completely destroyed the Egyptians at the Red
Sea. The Israelites had just finished praising
him In your unfailing love you will lead the
people you have redeemed (Exodus 1513).
However, when they came to Marah, what did they
again do?
What did God do in spite of their complaints?
48What does our complaining say about our faith?
Evaluate God continually provided for the
Israelites because he got sick of their grumbling
and complaining.
49Why did God command the Jews to celebrate the
Passover every year?
Read Exodus 161-3,9,13-15.
What was the Israelites attitude after several
weeks in the desert?
What did God do for them?
50What does our complaining say about our faith?
Compare the Israelites relationship with God to
a babys relationship with a loving parent.
51Why did God command the Jews to celebrate the
Passover every year?
Read Exodus 1616-20.
Although God had fed them, how did some people
rebel again?
52What does our complaining say about our faith?
When someone is content with what God has given
him, how does it show in his life?
53Why did God command the Jews to celebrate the
Passover every year?
Read Exodus 171-7.
What did the Israelites do again at Rephidim?
What did God graciously do for his complaining
54Why did God command the Jews to celebrate the
Passover every year?
Read Exodus 1431.
If we look again at these sections of Scripture,
we will see the underlying cause of all the
Israelites complaints. When God delivered the
Israelites at the Red Sea, how did they respond?
Compare their faith before Gods Red Sea miracle
to their faith afterwards.
55Why did God command the Jews to celebrate the
Passover every year?
Read Exodus 1611,12.
When God provided the Israelites with quail and
manna, he wanted them to know that he was the
Lord their God. Why did they need this reminder?
56What does our complaining say about our faith?
What happens when you focus your thoughts on
yourself and your needs, as the Israelites did?
What happens when you focus on God and his grace?
What happens when you focus on others and their
57Why did God command the Jews to celebrate the
Passover every year?
Read Exodus 172,7.
What did the Israelites quarreling with Moses at
Rephidim show about their faith?
58What does our complaining say about our faith?
Evaluate Complaining always shows a lack of
trust in God.