Title: Pastels in a Cosmic language
1Pastels in a Cosmic language
- Studio
- The Rose of Jericho
- Ines Ligthart Schenk
2Together in Oneness and Friendship
5Emissary Wheel
6- Pastels by
- Ines Ligthart Schenk
- Pictures and text are
- available on
- www.together21.org
7This pastel drawing is inspired by a geometric
symbol showing the Highest Self. The following
text is a summary of a course on the internet in
2003, by James Twyman, called The art of
Spiritual Peacemaking. The wheel symbol was
given in black and white. The energy of the
pastels comes in on another level than the text.
The symbol of the Highest Self, or the Soul, is
part of the Holy Geometry which has been known
for thousands of years and passed down from
generation to generation by certain ancient
communities and esoteric schools. In this symbol
of the soul, also called Emissary Wheel, there
are four equilateral triangles crossing each
other, forming the spokes of a wheel.
8The wheel of life
Courage (Pos.12) Patience (Pos.4) Wisdom (Pos.8)
Certainty (Pos.1) Compassion (Pos.5) Joy (Pos.9)
Clarity (Pos.2) Understanding (Pos.6) Depth
Generosity (Pos.3) Abundance (Pos.7)
Unconditional Love (Pos.11)
(Compare with the clock)
9- Courage
- Courage is dynamic and has confidence at its
side. It comes from the power of our inner
source. It is not to be found outside as it is
more a given attitude. We all need courage to
act authentically and to be true to ourselves and
others. - We all have basic courage as a birthright and we
are all able to act from it. - Through courage we find out who we really are.
10- Patience
- Patience is developed from courage and the
knowing who we are. Patience is soft, can wait,
sees from the heart with eyes filled with love.
Patience offers a creative flow for things to
happen at the right time and place. -
- The reward of patience? - It's more patience!
- It is - the way it is!
11- Wisdom
- Inner wisdom uncovers the unheard, the unseen,
the unexperienced. Inner wisdom is creative
power. - When courage and patience go hand in hand they
lead to wisdom. - Wisdom wants to be lived and shared. When inner
wisdom, love and truth walk together, they give
us the power to freely act in responsibility.
12- Certainty
- The intuitive heart reaches out to the doubtful
mind. Together they find the certainty to accept
the transforming power in our lives. - Certainty carries us through transformation
- Certainty tells us that we are loved and that
offering love and receiving love are the same.
13- Compassion
- The certainty we experience in being loved and
the joy we feel when offering love leads to
compassion with all there is. Compassion is the
expression of love for others as part of
ourselves. - Compassion unites us with all there is.
- Compassion transforms through our inner source.
Compassion serves without thinking of a reward.
14- Joy
- When inner certainty and compassion come together
they lead to pure joy. - The joy we mean does not depend on the movements
of every day life. - Pure joy simply is.
- Pure joy is a continuous bliss.
- Joy transforms and reconciles duality and
stimulates creativity.
15- Understanding
- We can't understand the experience of breaking a
leg in theory. The same is true for everything.
We learn through experience who we are. This
understanding has little to do with our mind as
the mind is too limited to grasp Life. -
- Go right to the essence of who you are.
- The mind will fail to follow, but you will feel
grace on the way which offers courage to go
further. Understanding who you are is a gift that
is given and received at the same moment.
16- Depth
- What we are looking for is depth beyond possible
imagination. Look at the world around us, look at
what is so called ugly and so called beautiful.
When looking at it, say with a whisper or aloud - I AM THAT! Become aware that you are that
feeling, that person, that condition. -
- Embrace it all
- You are the unique expression of a unique
essence. You are IT. Embrace all you are.
17- Generosity
- As we ask for something, we admit that it is not
already ours. What is needed is an expansion of
what it means to possess. There is nothing that
does not belong to You. The cup is full, it runs
over. -
- Offer IT all to everything!
- Stop trying to determine what is yours and what
belongs to others. There is no other ! As soon as
we accept this, our heart overflows and the "I"
and "me" awakes from the illusion of separation.
18- Abundance
- We begin to define abundance in new ways when we
dont expect the outside world to reflect our
inner reality. There are those among us, that
have next to nothing by the standards of the
world, and yet they dwell in abundance. There are
those who have everything and feel poor. -
- Offer everything to All, and accept everything
from All -
- We create our own individual abundance through
thoughts and actions.
19- Unconditional Love
- This is a call to live the highest version of the
highest vision we can imagine. This highest
vision calls for the unconditional love of our
essence. -
- Unconditional love embraces all and loves without
any reason. -
- Being in oneness with the all-embracing
unconditional love, we receive all we ever
20The 4 equilateral triangles are forming together
3 squares with in the center a triangle in which
a circle is found. Both the triangles and the
squares are just as important. Inside the 3
squares the energy of the 4 triangles can be
found. The points of the big triangles are
showing the various aspects of the mind. However,
to reach the heart, the mind should be first
clear, and completely illuminated by the squares.
Then only, the heart will be quiet and able to
The central triangle, symbol of heart energy,
with on the outer points the force fields of
Surrender, Trust and Gratitude, unites the energy
of the 4 triangles and the 3 squares with the
all-encompassing centre. This all-encompassing
centre is symbol for the Highest Self.
24Emissary Wheel
25- Holy family
- Holy marriage
- Holy Grail
26Mary Magdalene
28Anne (grandmother of Jesus)
29Mary (mother of Jesus)
30Holy Marriage
31Holy Grail
32Ascension DomeInspired by the Sanctuary in
Grand Forks, BC, Canada
33Ascension Dome
34The 13 GrandmothersInspired by the book The 13
Grandmothers by Judith Moore
35The 13 Grandmothers
36Sai Baba, a world teacher who lives in India,
gave humanity 5 values to live by Truth,
Righteousness, Love, Peace,
The values are meant as oneness in word, thought,
feeling and action.The values are also meant to
make people happy and let them live in peace
together.For that purpose mutual service and
love are necessary.
42Yagna August 2006Inspired by the Ati Maha
Rudra Yagna.This Yagna is a sacred ritual and
was held in the Ashram of Sai Baba in India.The
Yagna was conducted for peace and wellbeing of
the world.
43Yagna August 2006
44Meditation Tree Ashram Sai Baba, Puttaparthi
45Meditation Tree
47Peace on Earth
48Peace Flame
49Inner Powers
50Inner Wisdom
51Inner Freedom
52Inner Peace
53Inner Joy
54The End Thank you for your attention Email
roseofjericho_at_chello.nl Thanks to Susanne
Triner Website Marco van Zoest Photos Fred
van den Bos Presentation Ferdi van de Steeg
All round and urgency matters I want to honor
and express my gratitude to Marco, Fred and Ferdi
for their assistance, knowledge and patience.