Mars: The Middle Years - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mars: The Middle Years


Mars: The Middle Years – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mars: The Middle Years

Mars The Middle Years
Summary of the Noachian
  • Mars forms
  • Accretion and core formation in about 13 Ma
  • Crust forms from magma ocean
  • ALH84001 crystallizes at 4.5 Ga
  • Crust develops asymmetry
  • Perhaps due to degree-1 mantle convection
  • Or very large impact(s)
  • Core-Dynamo switches off
  • Magnetic remnants frozen in to crustal rocks
  • Major impact basins form
  • Both hemispheres are heavily cratered
  • Remnant magnetism erased over large basins

  • Tharsis rise is constructed
  • Vigorous volcanism outgasses significant
  • Polar wander
  • Valley networks form
  • Orientation controlled by pole-to-pole slope and
    Tharsis bulge
  • Erosion rates orders of magnitude higher than
    Hesperian or Amazonian epochs
  • Strong greenhouse needed to offset faint young
  • Lack of carbonates from greenhouse atmosphere
    still unsolved

In this lecture
  • Hesperian epoch
  • What?
  • When?
  • Hesperian volcanism
  • Plains and Paterae
  • Hesperian tectonics
  • Wrinkle ridges
  • Tharsis extension
  • Changing planet
  • Heat flow
  • Atmospheric removal
  • Evidence for environmental change
  • Fluvial deposits at the Noachian/Hesperian
  • Evaporites
  • Fans/Deltas
  • Global water behavior
  • Oceans
  • Cryosphere
  • Outflow channels

  • When is the Hesperian?
  • Starts 3.5-3.7Ga
  • Ends 2.0-3.1 Ga

Hartmann, 2005
  • Whats important in the Late Noachian/Hesperian/Ea
    rly Amazonian?
  • Volcanic resurfacing at a maximum
  • Hesperian volcanic plains
  • Fluvial resurfacing at a maximum
  • Outflow channels
  • Impacts much lower than Noachian
  • Eolian activity low

Tanaka et al., 1992
Hesperian Volcanism
  • Extensive plains volcanism
  • with subsequent wrinkle ridges
  • Northern plains resurfaced
  • 1km of fresh basalt
  • Noachian impact crater population covered up
  • Large amount of SO2 released
  • Combines with water to form acid rain
  • Shift from phyllosilicate to sulfate deposits

Head et al., 2002
Montési and Zuber, 2003
  • Paterae Volcanism
  • Low relief
  • Very low slopes lt1 degree
  • Highland paterae - late Noachian
  • Extensively dissected
  • Easily erodible material consolidated ash

Tyrrhena Patera
Hesperian Tectonics
  • Growth of Tharsis causes circumferential
  • Annulus of extensional features
  • 1000s km in extent
  • Opening of Valles Marineris
  • Radial to Tharsis
  • Extension stresses begin rift
  • Unclear why most extension is in one place
  • Another mantle plume under Valles Marineris?
  • Canyon subsequently widened by landslides
  • Later filled with layered deposits
  • Probably from paleo-lakes

A Changing Planet
  • Early greenhouse atmosphere quickly removed
  • Warm-wet transition to cold-dry
  • Planetary heat flow declines
  • Lithospheric thickening

Haberle, 1998
Montési and Zuber, 2003
A Changing Planet
  • Early greenhouse atmosphere quickly removed
  • Warm-wet transition to cold-dry

Haberle, 1998
Lots of fluvial erosion
Not much fluvial erosion
Evidence for change
  • Hesperian lava plains are undissected
  • Noachian terrains are highly dissected by valley
  • Gusev crater basalts are not weathered at all
    (spirit rover)
  • But the Columbia Hills rocks (older) are e.g.
    hematite, goethite, nanophase oxyhydroxides

Bibring et al., 2006
  • OMEGA mineralogical results
  • Clay formation ceases
  • Transition to acidic environment to from sulfates
  • Also requires evaporation
  • Young terrains show no aqueous alteration
  • Presence of olivine on the surface
  • Erosion rates are drastically reduced

Christensen et al., 2003
Golombek and Bridges, 2000
  • Original shorelines mapped by Tim Parker from
    Viking data in late 1980s
  • One of the contacts he identified is close to an
    equipotental surface
  • Makes sense since all surface water will drain
    into the low-lying northern hemisphere
  • Still a lot of disagreement on whether to believe
  • No obvious shoreline features in high resolution
  • but
  • Ocean may have been ice-covered
  • Subsequent volcanic constructs have altered the
    shoreline elevation

Head et al., 1999
  • Polar wander can warp the shape of the planet
  • Redistribute centrifugal forces
  • Explains much of the long-wavelength shoreline

Perron et al., 2007
  • Shoreline erosional features are subtle
  • Recent search for depositional features turned up
    nothing (Ghatan and Zimbelman, 2006)
  • Effects of ice cover?

Clifford and Parker, 2001
  • Mega-regolith ensures crust is porous to great

Clifford and Parker, 2001
  • Mars starts freezing water in pore space
  • Declining heat flux
  • Environmental change
  • Early ocean freezes over

  • What happens next?
  • No ice covered ocean in the northern lowlands

Clifford and Parker, 2001
Outflow Channels
  • Huge flood carved channels
  • Contains streamlined Islands
  • Similar to channeled scablands in Washington
  • Likely that a large underground reservoir emptied
  • Source region collapses to chaos terrain
  • Flood empties into northern lowlands

  • Terrestrial analogue
  • End of the last ice-age
  • Glacial lake Missoula- Ice-dam breaks

Channeled scablands, Washington
Outflow channel, Mars
  • Subterranean water table is higher than ocean
  • Outflow occurs if cryosphere fails
  • Cryosphere continues to thicken over time
  • Failure become less and less likely
  • Possibly no liquid water left beneath the
    cryosphere today
  • Deep aquifer model for gully formation relies on
    expanding cryosphere pressurizing groundwater
  • Important shift for Mars

Clifford and Parker, 2001
Pervasive fluvial activity transitions to
isolated outburst events
Polar activity
  • Evidence of first icy polar deposits
  • Dorsa Argenta formation
  • Deflated ice-sheet
  • Eskers too big?
  • Crater overflow channels
  • Sub-glacial volcanoes
  • Flat-topped morphology
  • Initiates basal melting

Head and Pratt, 2001
Ghatan and Head, 2002
  • Features look like eskers a little large though
  • Drainage toward Argyre basin and from there
    through Holden crater to the northern plains

Head and Pratt, 2001
  • Interconnected drainage basins point to water
    transport from lake to lake

Parker et al., 2000
Irwin et al., 2004
Water at the Noachian-Hesperian Boundary
  • Valley networks indicate surface water in the
  • Inevitable to have this water pool into craters
    and low areas
  • Ancient sedimentary rock layers found in craters
  • Indicate active past
  • Possible paleo-lake environments
  • OMEGA indicates light toned layered deposits are
    sulfate rich in composition
  • Implies evaporites

Bibring et al., 2006
  • E.g. Gale crater mound
  • Clay minerals in Noachian
  • Wet alkaline conditions
  • Sulfates in Hesperian
  • Drier acid conditions

Bibring et al., 2006
Milliken et al., 2010
Evidence of sustained flow
  • Distributary fans
  • Indicate lengthy fluvial processes
  • May have discharged into a lake (delta) or dry
    crater (alluvial fan)

Jerolmack et al., 2004
Lewis and Aharonson, 2006
Moore et al., 2003
  • Flow rates
  • Moore et al. 700 m3s-1
  • Delta forms slow (103-106 years)
  • empirical meander wavelength/flow-rate
  • Jerolmack et al. 410 m3s-1
  • Fan forms fast (10-102 years)
  • numerical model of alluvial fan construction
  • Lewis and Aharonson measured layer dips and
    argued against a progradational delta
  • i.e. water level was not static

  • A time of transition away from pervasive fluvial
    activity to cold/dry conditions
  • Change in alteration chemistry
  • Phyllosilicates?Sulfates?Anhydrous ferrous
  • Erosion rates drastically reduced
  • Reduction in atmospheric greenhouse ? less
    available water
  • Liquid water turning solid
  • First evidence of polar ice caps
  • Thickening cryosphere
  • Water appears in flood outbursts rather than
    being pervasively present

Massive volcanic resurfacing and tectonic activity
  • Plains volcanism resurfaces large areas
  • Atmospheric infusion of SO2 may change chemical
    alteration of the surface
  • Paterae volcanoes
  • Pervasive wrinkle ridge formation
  • Circum-Tharsis extension
  • Opening of Valles Marineris
  • Late Hesperian/Early Amazonian building of the
    big Tharsis shield volcanoes
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