Title: Winter Outlook 20062007
1Winter Outlook 2006-2007
- David Manning
- National Weather Service
- Baltimore-Washington
2To See the Future, You must Learn from the Past
- Review Last Year
- What is Normal?
- Official Forecast
- Climate Signals
- NWS Services
Record Storm 28 in DC
3Last Years CPC Temperature Outlook
4Last Years CPC Precipitation Outlook
5What Happened Last Year? (DCA)
- Snowfall
- 13.6 Inches for season
- Below average of 15.2
- Precipitation (liquid equiv.)
- 2005 7.99 below normal
- 2006 9.05 near normal
- Normal is 8.89
- Temperatures
- 2005 38.6 above normal
- 2006 39.4 above normal
- Normal is 37.2
Go to http//weather.gov/washington for more on
Past Weather and Historic Events
6What is a Normal Winter?
- Frequency of snow in the Metropolitan Area
- 1 or more 6 times per year
- 4 or more 3 times per year
- 8 or more 1 time per year
Go to http//weather.gov/washington
7Average Snowfall
Go to http//weather.gov/washington
8What About This Winter?
- NOAAs Climate Prediction Center (CPC)
- 3-10 Hazards Assessment
- 8-14 Temperature and Precip. Outlook
- 30 day Temp. and Precip. Outlook
- Multi-seasonal Temperature and Precipitation
Outlook - Official CPC Forecast
Go to http//www.cpc.noaa.gov
9Dec. Feb. Temp. Outlook
For more information and updates go to
10Dec. Feb. Precipitation Outlook
For more information and updates go to
11Climate Factors for 2007
- El Nino /Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
- Strengthening El Nino
- North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)
- Negative colder and more snow
- Positive warmer and less snow
- Can forecast 1 to 2 weeks out
For more information and updates go to
12North Atlantic Oscillation
For more information and updates go to
13North Atlantic Oscillation
For more information and updates go to
14NAO Daily Index
Go to http//www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/precip
15NAO Index Forecast
Watch for the transition from the cold negative
168-14 Day Outlook (Temp. Pcpn.)
For more information and updates go to
173 - 10 Day Hazard Assessment
For more information and updates go to
18Hazardous Weather Outlook
- Issued Daily (by 6 am and 11 am)
- Plain language
- Designed for decision-makers and planners
- Day 1 - hazardous weather in the next 24 hrs
- Day 2 - 7 outlook
Go to the upper left corner of the web page at
19Washington DC Area Notification Procedures
- E-mail message and Map generated
- E-mail is generated
- Winter Storm Watch
- Winter Storm Warning
- Winter Weather Advisory
- A significant update to the forecast occurs
20Example Map
21Commonly Asked Questions
- Start Time
- End Time
- Duration
- Changes in Precipitation Type
- Temperature and Wind after the snow ends
- Snowfall Rate
- Confidence in the Forecast
22Check out our website daily!
- All sorts of Graphical Forecasts
- 6 hour snowfall
- Winds
- Hourly temperatures
- Probabilities
Also, check out our Emergency Management Web site
Hourly Temperature and Wind Forecast
Go to http//weather.gov/washington
23Other topics
- Coastal Flood benchmarks
- SKYWARN Training
- StormReady
- DC NWR Transmitter
- Spring EM Workshop
- David Manning
- Warning Coordination Meteorologist
- - David.Manning_at_noaa.gov
- 703-260-0107 ext. 223
Go to http//weather.gov/washington