Title: STV Circuits
1STVCircuits     Â
Julian West Wosk Centre 11 September 2004
2STVCircuits    Voter Choice  Â
Julian West Wosk Centre 11 September 2004
3STVCircuits    Voter Choice A Voice for
Communities  Â
Julian West Wosk Centre 11 September 2004
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8Ireland Northern Ireland Malta Australia New
Zealand Cambridge, Massachusetts Scotland
9Paudge Connolly TD Ireland Independent
Kerrie Tucker MLA Australia ACT Greens
Alice Wolf State Representative USA Democrat
10In the ACT, we have never had a majority
government. Independents and minor parties have
been elected and have always held the balance of
power. This situation has created a culture of
discussion in the Legislative Assembly which is
very democratic, and on the whole constructive.
Kerrie Tucker MLA Australia ACT Greens
11It is good for representing diversity and I
think that's one of the reasons it's a very good
system. I have found it on the whole to be
explainable, to be fair, and to work well in a
place that is diverse...
Alice Wolf State Representative USA Democrat
12It is a very good system and a very safe system
people have to look at the full field because as
each candidate is eliminated their vote becomes a
number one vote for their next choice.
Paudge Connolly TD Ireland Independent
13Paudge Connolly TD Ireland Independent
Kerrie Tucker MLA Australia Green Party
Alice Wolf State Representative USA Democrat
14Ireland Northern Ireland Malta Australia New
Zealand Cambridge, Massachusetts Scotland
15Ireland Northern Ireland Malta Australia New
Zealand Cambridge, Massachusetts Scotland Wales?
16- 48. On proportionality grounds alone, the choice
between MMP and STV is not clear-cut. In our
view, the most important advantages of STV over
MMP are three-fold - all Members would have equal status and share
the same relationship with constituents - the majority of votes would count and there
would be no such thing as a wholly safe seat --
giving all the parties an incentive to campaign
in every constituency - there are opportunities for greater
representation of minority interests.
Commission on the Powers and Electoral
Arrangements of the National Assembly for
Wales (Richards Commission), chapter 12,
paragraphs 39 48
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24Despite what are typically considered to be very
small constituency sizes for a PR voting system,
STV in Ireland has typically delivered very
proportional election results. Laver, page 7
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26... the STV system perhaps comes closest to an
ideal electoral system. It combines the virtues
of proportionality with those of preferential
voting. It is a system which politicians, given
a choice, would probably least like to see
introduced, but which voters, given a choice,
should choose.
Farrell, Comparing Electoral Systems, first
edition (1997), p. 168
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31- 39. The advantages of STV are as follows
- ... Members are on an equal footing ... and have
the same constituency responsibilities - it encourages a genuine contest in every
constituency - ... constituencies could be created relatively
easily ... using local authority boundaries - it is straightforward for voters to operate the
system works smoothly in ... Ireland - it maximizes voter choice and the incentive to
vote and campaign - constituents have a choice of elected
representatives to approach with problems - few votes are wasted voters know that their
second preference will help elect someone - it creates opportunities for independent
candidates - it creates opportunities for diversity
- more or less every vote counts equally and the
result is broadly proportional - because individual Members do not have 'safe'
seats, STV increases their accountability - 48. On proportionality grounds alone, the choice
between MMP and STV is not clear-cut. ... the
most important advantages of STV over AMS are
three-fold - all Members would have equal status and share
the same relationship with constituents - the majority of votes would count and there
would be no such thing as a wholly safe - seat -- giving all the parties
an incentive to campaign in every constituency - there are opportunities for greater
representation of minority interests
Commission on the Powers and Electoral
Arrangements of the National Assembly for
Wales (Richards Commission), chapter 12,
paragraphs 39 48
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36Circuit boundaries in urban centres
Prince George