hope, purpose, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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hope, purpose,


the thin invisible ozone layer keeps us alive by absorbing nasty radiation from space ... protect us from nasty, earthbound comets and asteroids... 23. our sun ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: hope, purpose,

hope, purpose, destiny
  • presented by mark ritter
  • based on a true story by hugh ross

  • science in the hands of Men Without God can be
    wielded like a Hammer of Despair
  • science as a tool in the hands of godly men can
    build a House of Hope

a brief history
  • since time immemorial, western man has seen his
    world as the center of everything
  • no enviable position, though, being at the bottom
    of the universe
  • never the less, it did seem that we were there,
    unmoved, at the center

old geocentric pic
  • over 400 years ago Nicolaus Copernicus revived an
    ancient Greek idea that the sun - not Earth - was
    at the center of it all
  • led, illogically, to a worldview that maybe we
    werent so special after all

  • in the last century it was discovered that not
    even the sun was central we all were off in some
    corner of just one galaxy of billions
  • for some, this shoved us - philosophically-
    further from any special status at all

galaxy cluster
  • a Mediocrity Principle developed which asserted
    man is not special in any way and resides in no
    place unique
  • human-like origin and development has likely been
    duplicated billions of other places

  • meanwhile others elsewhere were painting quite a
    different picture

evidence for things unseen
  • in the past 40 years another view has emerged of
    the cosmos and our place in it
  • called the anthropic principle, it asserts that
    the universe appears designed for the sake of
    human life!

davinci man pic
  • taking the last hundred years of astro physics
    bio research, adherents to the AP say that for
    humans and our civilization to even exist
    requires the planet, the solar system, the galaxy
    - the universe! - to behave, perfectly, and in

  • i.e. a preponderance of physical evidence points
    to humanity as the central theme of the cosmos!
  • not in a pride-filled way, but a very humbling
  • any evidence? boy howdy!
  • the following are just a dozen of a hundred

  • the ultrathin outer layer of our planet - the
    crust - is just the perfect thickness

  • any thicker, it doesnt move, and we end up with
    no continents, just oceans
  • any thinner, we have continuous destructive
    earthquakes and volcanic activity

  • our mass is just enough to keep this thin layer
    of gases above us.
  • any more mass ( more gravity)means a heavier,
    more destructive atmosphere with more deadly
    gases staying here
  • less mass (less gravity)and we cant hold onto
    oxygen and other life-support gases

  • our atmosphere is 20 oxygen
  • any less?humans arent here
  • any more?everything burns alot faster, and
    ourbodies age quicker

  • the thin invisible ozone layer keeps us alive by
    absorbing nasty radiation from space
  • less ozoneand we roast in uv lightfrom the sun
  • any moreand we dont getenough of the
    sunslife-giving energythrough to thesurface

  • carbon dioxide in our atmosphere acts like a
    blanket and keeps us warm
  • any less,we freeze,plants choke
  • any more,we fry in arunawaygreenhouseeffect

  • lightning strikes once a second on this planet
  • more often?too many fires
  • less often?not enoughnitrogen wouldget
    fixedinto a formusefulfor life

  • the Moon has slowed us,kept us steady,given us
    tides,stabilized our orbit
  • without it, life couldnot exist
  • its whole creation storyis a thing of
    amazingwonder in itself

creation of moon
  • very early on a Mars-sized planet struck Earth1
    at exactly the right angle and velocity to shear
    off our crust, give us a thicker core and more
    radioactive material, and provide us with a
    life-sustaining Moon

  • Venus, closer to the sun, has...
  • an atmosphere so heavy with carbon dioxide its
    like being under a kilometer of water
  • a surface temp around 900F
  • a cloud cover of sulfuric acid
  • no water
  • not a shopping mall in sight

  • Mars, smaller farther out,
  • has almost no atmosphere or plate tectonics, and
    its water reservoirs are essentially frozen, so
    there is no life-giving water cycle

  • Jupiter and Saturn are at theperfect distance
  • leave our sensitive orbit alone, but
  • protect us from nasty, earthbound comets and

  • our sun is the perfectage,mass,brightness,
    generationfor life
  • anything else, were not here

  • the faint sun paradox says that through an
    amazingly complex list of coincidences, the sun
    increased in luminosity at the same rate the
    greenhouse gases were removed from our atmosphere
    so Earth could maintain a life-friendly constant
    temp for 4 billion years

  • our sun is a bachelor, a single star. most stars
    have at least one other companion.
  • of course, having no star means a bad day,
  • if the sun had a buddy,our orbit would
    destabilizeand we would not be here.

  • our sun wasnt born in a cluster, near other big
    and destructive stars like these four here in the
    Orion Nebula, the Trapezium Cluster

  • this bright star in the Trapezium is clearing
    away planet-making material from its siblings
  • no planet-making material,no planets.
  • no planets, no TV.
  • no TV, no life.

  • as to the stellar explosions called supernovae
  • closer to us?life is exterminated
  • farther?not enough local planet-building
  • more frequent?life goes away
  • more infrequent?no planets

  • we live on the only street in our galaxy which
    allows life, about 2/3 out...
  • closer to the nucleus,we get supernovaed,radiate
    d to death,and thrown out ofa stable orbitby
    other stars
  • farther,no planet-building material

  • we live in the perfect type of galaxy for life,
    too, - the spiral.

  • and on and on and on
  • the more astronomers learn about the universe and
    the requirements of our existence, the more
    severe the limitations they find governing the
    structure and development of the universe to
    accommodate those requirements

the obvious conclusion
  • as early as the 1980s, physicists like Paul
    Davies concluded evidence for design of the
    universe and of earth for human life could
    rightly be described as overwhelming

  • Copernicus was right - sorta
  • we are not at the center of anything but thats
    part of what makes us special
  • our unique position exactly right here right now
    is miraculous
  • we are special to Someone

the plot thickens
  • Brandon Carter, a British mathematician,
    presented a unique inequity - the anthropic
    principle inequality

the plot thickens
  • Brandon Carter, a British mathematician,
    presented a unique inequity - the anthropic
    principle inequality

  • the universe spends 14 billion years preparing
    itself for humans who can survive no more than a
    couple million years at best!
  • and not just humans here on Earth - any
    conceivable intelligent life anywhere in the

slow motion instant replay analysis
  • 10 Gy to form stable planetary system just to
    support primitive life
  • 4 Gy more just to fashion a planet in that
    system richly layered in biodeposits for
    civilized intelligent life
  • but! these perfect conditions that took so long
    to form and work together so unbelievably well
    will soon vanish!

  • doomsday events
  • the Sun brightening
  • days getting longer
  • tectonicsslowing
  • atmosphere changing,and!

  • probable supernova
  • climatic flip flops
  • socio/environmental upheaval
  • accumulating genetic mutations
  • bottom line were doomed

  • some thought we could escape these phenomena by
    escaping Earth altogether, taking a sample of
    human civilization with us
  • but now even their hopes have been dashed

e x p a n d i n g worries
  • one of the parameters of the AP says the universe
    is expanding at exactly (I mean exactly) the
    perfect rate
  • any faster - no lifeany slower - no life
  • but the universe appears to be expanding quicker
    and quicker -its accelerating!
  • so what? so this

  • astrophysicists Lawrence Krauss and Glenn
    Starkman analyzed consequences of an accelerating
    expanding universe
  • and saw what they think is bathwater with our

5 cosmic dooms!
  • with accelerating expansion they predict these
    fabulous prizes!
  • our cosmic window shrinks!
  • star formation ceases!
  • heat flow diminishes!
  • metabolism ceases!
  • physical consciousness ends!!!

the humanist manifesto
  • but their paper betrays their human-centric
    hopelessness by placing us in an existence 1)
    limited to this universe and 2) without God
  • seeing life as doomed, they write

  • ultimately we will need to abandon our bodies

  • We still have many billions of years to design
    new physical incarnations to which we will
    transfer our conscious selves.

  • A point would come when organisms would be
    forced to reduce complexity - to dumb down.
    Before long, they could no longer be regarded as

  • Is there any hope for eternal life?

  • Eternity would become a prison, rather than an
    endlessly receding horizon of creativity and

  • is this what itscome to? despiteall the
    APevidence fordesign, is lifejust doomed?
  • is the end of the universe the end of us?

  • their despair betrays two fatal flaws their
    presumption that our hope and destiny lie in this
    universe without God
  • but is there something beyond our cosmos?

end of part 1
part 2
  • the anthropic principle asserts that humans are
    the reason for this universe
  • but some, limited to the realm of nature and
    ignoring the AP implications, look to the future
    and see Nothing
  • are they right? is this all there is?

the God connection
  • the Bible is our key to seeing the Big Picture
  • it establishes that God created the universe,
    fixed its laws, stretched the heavens, and will
    do away with it all(!),
  • but that He has also established dimensions beyond

the God connection
  • where does it say all that and to what
  • first well look here, then well look beyond

cosmic singularity beginning
  • In the beginning, God created the heavens and the

Genesis 11 Genesis 23 Genesis 24 Psalm 1485
Isaiah 4026 Isaiah 425 Isaiah 4518 John 1
Col. 115-17 Hebrews 113
cosmic singularity beginning
  • Lift up your eyes to the heavens Who created all

Genesis 11 Genesis 23 Genesis 24 Psalm 1485
Isaiah 4026 Isaiah 425 Isaiah 4518 John 1
Col. 115-17 Hebrews 113
cosmic singularity beginning
  • By faith we understand that the universe was
    formed at Gods command, so that what is seen is
    not made out of that what was visible

Genesis 11 Genesis 23 Genesis 24 Psalm 1485
Isaiah 4026 Isaiah 425 Isaiah 4518 John 1
Col. 115-17 Hebrews 113
cosmic singularity beginning
  • Let them praise the name of the Lord for he
    commanded and they were created.

Genesis 11 Genesis 23 Genesis 24 Psalm 1485
Isaiah 4026 Isaiah 425 Isaiah 4518 John 1
Col. 115-17 Hebrews 113
stretching the heavens
  • He alone stretches out the heavens

Job 98 Psalm 1042 Zech. 121
Isaiah 4022 Isaiah 425 Jer. 5115
Isaiah 4424 Isaiah 4512 Jer. 1012
Isaiah 4813 Isaiah 5113
stretching the heavens
  • My own hand stretched out the heavens I
    marshalled their starry hosts.

Job 98 Psalm 1042 Zech. 121
Isaiah 4022 Isaiah 425 Jer. 5115
Isaiah 4424 Isaiah 4512 Jer. 1012
Isaiah 4813 Isaiah 5113
fixed physical laws
  • I have established my covenant with day and
    night and the fixed laws of heaven and earth

Jeremiah 3325 Genesis 25-6 Romans 818-23 Eccle
siastes 13-15 Genesis 1 3 Revelation 211-22
fixed physical laws
  • For the creation was subjected to frustration by
    the will of the one who subjected it will be
    liberated from its bondage of decay

Jeremiah 3325 Genesis 25-6 Romans 818-23 Eccle
siastes 13-15 Genesis 1 3 Revelation 211-22
scripture summary
  • all these verses imply
  • God started it all from nothing
  • God stretches out the heavens
  • God established its laws
  • God is in control of our physical realm
  • but is there a spiritual connection to these
    physical phenomena?

spiritual purpose to physical laws
  • help turn us from evil! like a sin repellant
  • more sin ? more pain
  • more sin ? more work

  • examples
  • abusing tools ? less productivity longevity
  • abusing family ? less productivity longevity
  • abusing body ? less productivity longevity

why limits on our time?
  • uni-dimensional! irreversible!unstoppable!
  • bad people can only exist at one time
  • none can go back and make things worse, etc.
  • none can prolong evil deeds, etc.

our playpen of space time
  • limits how many we can harmtime limits our
    human contactsspace separates us from others
  • these are the best physics to limit evil in this
    life - its almost almost Godlike!

  • but wait! theres more! theyre not just a
    prevention, theyre also a blessing

best time and place
  • right here right now in the whole history of the
    universe we have these fabulous prizes
  • maximum cosmic window
  • best possible observatory
  • best possible home
  • best possible physics
  • most to be conscious of!

no surprise mini-summary
  • its as if the entire physical universe and its
    laws were made so we could have maximum enjoyment
    of this planet and escape maximum consequences of
    the Fall at this very time and place

above and beyond
  • but what about our destiny?
  • are Krauss and Starkman right? is this all there
  • is the universe just Gods playground?
  • is He about finished playing with His toys?

another dimension, to go
  • if heaven is our destiny and heaven is in this
    universe, things look grim
  • heaven must be beyond!

intro to extra-D
  • through the work of many smart cookies it has
    been established that there are 10 dimensions of
    space and time!

the flat family
  • subtracting just one D from our universe, we can
    get a glimpse into the extra D and its effects
  • intro to Flatman and his universe

the extradimension connection
  • how do extra dimensions help us in our faith in
    God and the Bible?and
  • how does it help us understand our destiny?

examples of extraD
  • the first creation
  • burning bush
  • inscription of 10 Comm
  • NT examples (appearing and eating, Philips free
    ride, transfiguration)
  • since the beginning of time
  • the Prophets prophesying
  • etc., etc., etc.

lo, I am with you always
  • His proximity while here and away
  • how can He go away, yet remain?

pray w/o ceasing
  • which prayer is God listening to here?
  • all, via simultaneous,multi-time-dimension

before the foundations
  • how can He know us from before time?
  • intro the Sphere of Influence
  • He has the complete view of everything - now!
  • thus, He has knowledge and perspective to time
    everything perfectly ( no coincidences)

3 in 1
  • how can God be three persons in one?
  • dunno! but the extra dimensions available make it
    possible if not fully comprehensible

fully man, fully God
  • Incarnation demands accepting the limitations of
    this creation extraD provide insight

His sacrifice
  • 6 hrs suffering no big deal? beg to differ!
  • eternal suffering the Biggest Deal - ever
  • in extraD He can suffer eternal punishment for
    every single human

  • extra dimensions explain our past and present
  • and they are the foundation of our future and

two creation model
  • creation 1
  • cosmos Earth prepared
  • Adam Eve placed in Eden
  • humans tested by evil
  • evil conquered by Christ
  • all lead, finally, to

  • creation 2
  • a new creation prepared for redeemed humans
  • God permanently removes evil
  • God places redeemed humans in new creation
  • whats it like???

second creation
  • its a deliverance from paradise!
  • first creation annihilated
  • no thermodynamics, gravity, or electromagnetism
    like here
  • no darkness

second creation
  • enormous habitat
  • different dimensionality
  • unimaginable splendor, joy, beauty, and peace
  • relational space-time limits lifted
  • pleasure limits lifted, and best of all
  • no lima beans!!!
  • more days? more weeks of creation???

the new body
  • not subject to our laws
  • will give us ultimate nuclear family
  • what we can accomplish is beyond comprehension

  • science has given us tools of insight into the
    workings of God - here and beyond
  • the worldview of Men Without God predictably
    leads to despair despite the overwhelming
    evidence to support the existence of the God of
    the Bible

  • despite the despair of those men, there is hope
    for our future
  • but its not here

  • Krauss and StarkmanEternity would become a
    prison, rather than an endlessly receding horizon
    of creativity and exploration.

  • Christ and GodlymenEternity will be freedom
    from a prison an endlessly receding horizon of
    creativity and exploration.

No eye has seen,no ear has heard,no man has
conceivedwhat God has prepared for those who
love him.
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